The DOJ indicted Sen. Menendez “to create the appearance of impartiality so that they can continue their jihad against Donald Trump”

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This is Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA. Bob Menendez is apparently a patsy so the DOJ can regain some semblance of fairness and honesty and people will stop questioning their "persecution" of Donald Trump. This is what these crackpots believe.

Nooooo....They'd NEVER do something like that!

This is Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA. Bob Menendez is apparently a patsy so the DOJ can regain some semblance of fairness and honesty and people will stop questioning their "persecution" of Donald Trump. This is what these crackpots believe.

It seems reasonable that there could be some truth in that. Some people in the DOJ might push to charge Menendez now, to give that impression. At the same time there could have been some guys who have had a hard on for him ever since he lucked out in court last time who are also pushing to charge him. Both things can be true at the same time.
Nooooo....They'd NEVER do something like that!


Especially with a failed Supreme Court nominee who somehow ended up as Attorney General. The same Attorney General who was just given the third degree from Congress.

This just has to be one of them 'spiracy theory thingies, I just know it.
This is Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA. Bob Menendez is apparently a patsy so the DOJ can regain some semblance of fairness and honesty and people will stop questioning their "persecution" of Donald Trump. This is what these crackpots believe.

Kirk is stupid. The jihad against Trump goes on with or without Menendez.
This is Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA. Bob Menendez is apparently a patsy so the DOJ can regain some semblance of fairness and honesty and people will stop questioning their "persecution" of Donald Trump. This is what these crackpots believe.

Eh, nothings going to help Biden .. he's toast .. and Bob is F'd .. Me, I'm happy.. :)
They've had the goods on him for years....This is how the Stasi rolls.

His corruption has been known since between 2018 and 2022...

"In April 2018, the United States Senate Select Committee on Ethics "severely admonished" Menendez in a letter,[195][196] writing:

The Committee has found that over a six-year period you knowingly and repeatedly accepted gifts of significant value from Dr. Melgen without obtaining required Committee approval, and that you failed to publicly disclose certain gifts as required by Senate Rule and federal law. Additionally, while accepting these gifts, you used your position as a Member of the Senate to advance Dr. Melgen's personal and business interests. The Committee has determined that this conduct violated Senate Rules, federal law, and applicable standards of conduct. Accordingly, the Committee issues you this Public Letter of Admonition and also directs you to repay the fair market value of all impermissible gifts not already repaid.[197]

Bob Menendez - Wikipedia
This is Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA. Bob Menendez is apparently a patsy so the DOJ can regain some semblance of fairness and honesty and people will stop questioning their "persecution" of Donald Trump. This is what these crackpots believe.

You expect people consider that is a conspiracy theory? It is more like fact. Again, the obvious eludes you. All for talking points. I hope he takes some more of the assholes out with him.
You expect people consider that is a conspiracy theory? It is more like fact. Again, the obvious eludes you. All for talking points. I hope he takes some more of the assholes out with him.
So do I. Biden is draining the swamp, starting with Trump. Next up is the ****.
They kept him in storage, they knew he would come in handy sooner or later.
Bob's just the tip of the iceberg ... it's too bad we have such a corrupt DOJ.. etc. ... all Americans suffer with that..
Bob's just the tip of the iceberg ... it's too bad we have such a corrupt DOJ.. etc. ... all Americans suffer with that..
Not me. Besides you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette. Nobody understands this better than Trump.
This is Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA. Bob Menendez is apparently a patsy so the DOJ can regain some semblance of fairness and honesty and people will stop questioning their "persecution" of Donald Trump. This is what these crackpots believe.

Isn't it malaria, that your first bout is the most florid, and after that the later bouts aren't as bad?

I think TDS works like that. Your first bout is florid, and after that, it's like a chronic condition that pops up here and there.

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