The DOJ is the deep state


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Justice Department covers up possible spy ring scandal in Democratic congressional offices

The story above shows just how detached the DOJ is to seeking justice for criminal activity. It is nothing more than a political appendage to the deep state.

But you only have to review how the Obama administration participated in illegal activity with Eric Holder and the DOJ with Fast and Furious, as they armed drug cartels in Mexico with weapons.

And my favorite is when the head of the DOJ met privately with Bill Clinton as his wife was being investigated.

Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynch meet privately - CNNPolitics

And does Jeff Sessions give a damn? No, according to him the DOJ is and has never been corrupt and never can be. No, just attack Trump Jeff

Thanks for that.
The DOJ covered up Pizzagate, too!

And Obama's Kenyan birth certificate.

And the role of extraterrestrial Jews on 9/11.
Army Air Corps General Curtis LeMay: "I suppose if we had lost I would have been tried for war crimes, but all war is immoral and if you let that bother you, you're not a good soldier."

Seventy six years ago 120,000 well fed, well rested, well armed British soldiers surrendered to 37,000 starving, exhausted, nearly out of ammunition Japanese soldiers at Singapore, February, 1942. The Japanese had neither the food to feed, the facilities to house, nor the ammunition to guard their enormous prisoner bag. The Japanese officers considered it a splendid opportunity to practice their skills with their ceremonial sword. The Japanese enlisted men were relegated to the use of their bayonet.

That there's two standards of justice in America has never been more apparent than today.
One standard for Democrats and the Left, the well to do, and the well connected, and another standard for whites, Christians, Republicans and other Conservatives.
Unfortunately people are going to have to die before this situation can be corrected. The Left is not going to be pleased when this next civil war arrives on their doorstep.

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