The Donald Delivers First Commencement Address: Total Win!


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
The Donald reminded the tens of thousands of enthusiastic Trump supporters that the swamp is vast and needs to be drained again and again of filthy, corrupt democrats and their republican accomplices, “Carry yourself with dignity and pride, demand the best from yourself and be totally unafraid to challenge entrenched interests and failed power structures!”

And he reclaimed the word "dreamer" to those American citizens who seek to pursue excellence, not the democrat hijacked definition of filthy, illegal aliens.

President Donald Trump’s First Commencement Speech: ‘In America We Don’t Worship Government, We Worship God’ - Breitbart

Hopefully his last This moron makes America a country to laugh at. Iran Russia are very pleased with the way things are going here though
edward, did you attend college? If not why not. If so, did you attend a commencement ceremony? If not why not!
Oops, just noticed Mr. McGarrett posted this winning topic previously!
edward, did you attend college? If not why not. If so, did you attend a commencement ceremony? If not why not!
Yes I did The U of Cincy....And no Only ones I did attend was my son and daughters

Besides my own, I've been to a bunch. This is the first time the speaker spent the whole time lying and bragging about himself and slamming (and lying about) everyone else.

Typical pussy grabber crap.
I did not attend my commencement at UConn. I was in the hospital getting my tonsils out! The broads I made out with at the parties (UConn was allegedly one of the top party schools back then) gave me tonsillitis!
BTW, snooter, there are several threads on this duh donuld's embarrassing dog and pony already.
Americans need to understand that the election rage is just extending into his presidency. It was the plan from day one when he was elected, the so-called "resistance". Over a billion dollars spent on Clintons campaign, do you not think these donors are angry and unwilling to capitulate? They want America to be like Canada, a socialist nation headed towards bankruptcy while providing little human rights and accountability. Those people can fly a kite.

For these reasons alone Donald J Trump is the right choice. Especially if he sticks to his campaign script and turns the professional politicians and lobbyist on their heads. Same for those willing to exchange American jobs for personal profit via unfair and abusive free trade deals.

Get 'er done Trump! Once in awhile I include him in my prayers as I want to see America succeed again. Hey, I'm far away but I'm doing my part to speak the truth that other administrations have ignored. If America fails, the entire planet and individual rights are precarious. We CANNOT allow that to happen.

These anti-American, closet communists had better hope the next generation isn't better informed about the dangers they are trying to push as "humane". There is nothing humane about communism and interference in peoples lives, take it from me!
Americans need to understand that the election rage is just extending into his presidency. It was the plan from day one when he was elected, the so-called "resistance". Over a billion dollars spent on Clintons campaign, do you not think these donors are angry and unwilling to capitulate? They want America to be like Canada, a socialist nation headed towards bankruptcy while providing little human rights and accountability. Those people can fly a kite.

For these reasons alone Donald J Trump is the right choice. Especially if he sticks to his campaign script and turns the professional politicians and lobbyist upside down. Same for those willing to exchange American jobs for personal profit via unfair and abuses free trade deals.

Get 'er done Trump! Once in awhile I include him in my prayers as I want to see America succeed again. Hey, I'm far away but I'm doing my part to speak the truth that other administrations have ignored. If America fails, the entire planet and individual rights are precarious. We CANNOT allow that to happen.

These anti-American, closet communists had better hope the next generation isn't better informed about the dangers they are trying to push as "humane". There is nothing humane about communism and interference in peoples lives, take it from me!
Total winner of a post. Thanks!
Sounds like the president of Turkey.

And this is used to be fascist towards anyone that isn't a hard core christian.
Personally, I think that it is undignified for the President of the United States to masterbate in front of a commencement ceremony, but, that's just me,,,,
edward, did you attend college? If not why not. If so, did you attend a commencement ceremony? If not why not!
Yes I did The U of Cincy....And no Only ones I did attend was my son and daughters

Besides my own, I've been to a bunch. This is the first time the speaker spent the whole time lying and bragging about himself and slamming (and lying about) everyone else.

Typical pussy grabber crap.
Where taco University?

I did not attend my commencement at UConn. I was in the hospital getting my tonsils out! The broads I made out with at the parties (UConn was allegedly one of the top party schools back then) gave me tonsillitis!
Who the fuck do you think you are kidding, you uneducated moron? You didn't even make it through high school.
Talk about the Midas touch! Everything Trump touches turns to gold. He keeps it up, and we'll have to scrape Lincoln's face off of Mount Rushmore, to make room for Trump.

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