The Donald Say Dr. Ben is “Super Low Energy”


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Here's his reply:

I’m not sure that there’s anybody else running who’s spent 18 or 20 hours intently operating on somebody,” Carson told Chuck Todd, host of “Meet the Press.”

think few politicians could even come close to the intense experience of operating on someone to save their lives. I like Trump for making this campaign wide open but I think his attacks on Carson aren't going to work.

Read story and see video @ After Donald Trump Calls Him ‘Super Low Energy,’ Ben Carson Pushes Back With an Observation His Rival Can’t Make
Good comeback.

And pretty light touches both ways...

Trump/Carson anyone?

Here's his reply:

I’m not sure that there’s anybody else running who’s spent 18 or 20 hours intently operating on somebody,” Carson told Chuck Todd, host of “Meet the Press.”

think few politicians could even come close to the intense experience of operating on someone to save their lives. I like Trump for making this campaign wide open but I think his attacks on Carson aren't going to work.

Read story and see video @ After Donald Trump Calls Him ‘Super Low Energy,’ Ben Carson Pushes Back With an Observation His Rival Can’t Make
Saw the interview yesterday morning.

Carson is way too logical and emotionally grounded to be able to negotiate Washington.

He'll have the same weakness Obama does, which is expecting Americans to respond to logic.

In fact...he'll be the GOP's version of Jimmy Carter, but he won't get the black vote in the general election, like Obama did

Here's his reply:

I’m not sure that there’s anybody else running who’s spent 18 or 20 hours intently operating on somebody,” Carson told Chuck Todd, host of “Meet the Press.”

think few politicians could even come close to the intense experience of operating on someone to save their lives. I like Trump for making this campaign wide open but I think his attacks on Carson aren't going to work.

Read story and see video @ After Donald Trump Calls Him ‘Super Low Energy,’ Ben Carson Pushes Back With an Observation His Rival Can’t Make
Saw the interview yesterday morning.

Carson is way too logical and emotionally grounded to be able to negotiate Washington.

He'll have the same weakness Obama does, which is expecting Americans to respond to logic.

In fact...he'll be the GOP's version of Jimmy Carter, but he won't get the black vote in the general election, like Obama did

Conservatives do not expect a black Republican to get the black vote.

We expect them to be defined as "uncle toms" if not "race traitors" by the liberal media for the dem base, ie blacks.

If we support a black Republican, it is because of his ideas, issues and/or character.

SOME moron Establishment Republicans might have delusions that if they pander enough, for example with black candidates, that they might win the black vote and change the world.

Here's his reply:

I’m not sure that there’s anybody else running who’s spent 18 or 20 hours intently operating on somebody,” Carson told Chuck Todd, host of “Meet the Press.”

think few politicians could even come close to the intense experience of operating on someone to save their lives. I like Trump for making this campaign wide open but I think his attacks on Carson aren't going to work.

Read story and see video @ After Donald Trump Calls Him ‘Super Low Energy,’ Ben Carson Pushes Back With an Observation His Rival Can’t Make
Saw the interview yesterday morning.

Carson is way too logical and emotionally grounded to be able to negotiate Washington.

He'll have the same weakness Obama does, which is expecting Americans to respond to logic.

In fact...he'll be the GOP's version of Jimmy Carter, but he won't get the black vote in the general election, like Obama did

Conservatives do not expect a black Republican to get the black vote.

We expect them to be defined as "uncle toms" if not "race traitors" by the liberal media for the dem base, ie blacks.

If we support a black Republican, it is because of his ideas, issues and/or character.

SOME moron Establishment Republicans might have delusions that if they pander enough, for example with black candidates, that they might win the black vote and change the world.
I said:

"Saw the interview yesterday morning. Carson is way too logical and emotionally grounded to be able to negotiate Washington. He'll have the same weakness Obama does, which is expecting Americans to respond to logic. In fact...he'll be the GOP's version of Jimmy Carter, but he won't get the black vote in the general election, like Obama did"

And the only thing you heard was the part about him not getting the black vote.

So much for focusing on his ideas, issues and/or character.

The most important thing for you seems to be race, and your own perceived victimhood.

Here's his reply:

I’m not sure that there’s anybody else running who’s spent 18 or 20 hours intently operating on somebody,” Carson told Chuck Todd, host of “Meet the Press.”

think few politicians could even come close to the intense experience of operating on someone to save their lives. I like Trump for making this campaign wide open but I think his attacks on Carson aren't going to work.

Read story and see video @ After Donald Trump Calls Him ‘Super Low Energy,’ Ben Carson Pushes Back With an Observation His Rival Can’t Make
Saw the interview yesterday morning.

Carson is way too logical and emotionally grounded to be able to negotiate Washington.

He'll have the same weakness Obama does, which is expecting Americans to respond to logic.

In fact...he'll be the GOP's version of Jimmy Carter, but he won't get the black vote in the general election, like Obama did

Conservatives do not expect a black Republican to get the black vote.

We expect them to be defined as "uncle toms" if not "race traitors" by the liberal media for the dem base, ie blacks.

If we support a black Republican, it is because of his ideas, issues and/or character.

SOME moron Establishment Republicans might have delusions that if they pander enough, for example with black candidates, that they might win the black vote and change the world.
I said:

"Saw the interview yesterday morning. Carson is way too logical and emotionally grounded to be able to negotiate Washington. He'll have the same weakness Obama does, which is expecting Americans to respond to logic. In fact...he'll be the GOP's version of Jimmy Carter, but he won't get the black vote in the general election, like Obama did"

And the only thing you heard was the part about him not getting the black vote.

So much for focusing on his ideas, issues and/or character.

The most important thing for you seems to be race, and your own perceived victimhood.

I don't care about Carson's ideas, issues and/or character. I like Trump in the republican primaries.

If Carson gets the nomination, I will be happy to vote AGAINST either HIllary or Sanders, not matter how good or bad Carson's ideas, issues, and/or character (I know they will be better).

I agree with you that he will not get the black vote. IMO, that is not a bad thing.

I reflexive bitched about the GOP establishment. I hope that did not bother you.

Here's his reply:

I’m not sure that there’s anybody else running who’s spent 18 or 20 hours intently operating on somebody,” Carson told Chuck Todd, host of “Meet the Press.”

think few politicians could even come close to the intense experience of operating on someone to save their lives. I like Trump for making this campaign wide open but I think his attacks on Carson aren't going to work.

Read story and see video @ After Donald Trump Calls Him ‘Super Low Energy,’ Ben Carson Pushes Back With an Observation His Rival Can’t Make
Saw the interview yesterday morning.

Carson is way too logical and emotionally grounded to be able to negotiate Washington.

He'll have the same weakness Obama does, which is expecting Americans to respond to logic.

In fact...he'll be the GOP's version of Jimmy Carter, but he won't get the black vote in the general election, like Obama did

Conservatives do not expect a black Republican to get the black vote.

We expect them to be defined as "uncle toms" if not "race traitors" by the liberal media for the dem base, ie blacks.

If we support a black Republican, it is because of his ideas, issues and/or character.

SOME moron Establishment Republicans might have delusions that if they pander enough, for example with black candidates, that they might win the black vote and change the world.
I said:

"Saw the interview yesterday morning. Carson is way too logical and emotionally grounded to be able to negotiate Washington. He'll have the same weakness Obama does, which is expecting Americans to respond to logic. In fact...he'll be the GOP's version of Jimmy Carter, but he won't get the black vote in the general election, like Obama did"

And the only thing you heard was the part about him not getting the black vote.

So much for focusing on his ideas, issues and/or character.

The most important thing for you seems to be race, and your own perceived victimhood.

I don't care about Carson's ideas, issues and/or character. I like Trump in the republican primaries.

If Carson gets the nomination, I will be happy to vote AGAINST either HIllary or Sanders, not matter how good or bad Carson's ideas, issues, and/or character (I know they will be better).

I agree with you that he will not get the black vote. IMO, that is not a bad thing.

I reflexive bitched about the GOP establishment. I hope that did not bother you.
I'm voting Republican no matter who gets nominated.

The reason is because I'm tired of hearing old white conservatives cry about everybody else.

1. Women shouldn't have abortions.
2. Liberals are all Socialists
3. Minorities get too many entitlements
4 Affirmative Action helps everyone but white men
5 Gays shouldn't get married.

The back seat driving that the GOP has enjoyed must end.

I want to see them "get their country back"

Let's see if all their crap changes things, or it's just electioneering.

Something tells me if things get better, they'll accept the credit for it...but if it goes bad, they'll blame Obama
A fat blowhard who complains about having a endure and stand for a 3 hour debate , calls Carson low energy:cuckoo: Carson looks healthier than silver spoon boy..

Funny how these clowns hated Kelly/Fox, and were pissed at CNBC for bringing tough difficult questions to the table, they are running for the highest office in the land, and want softball questions, what a bunch of *****, the fact that they kept talking about Hillary proves they are scared shit less of her, Hillary obsessive derangement syndrome, Hillary is their Messiah:deal:..

I would welcome your Trump/Carson against Clinton/Warren, their balls would be on their silver platter..

Hillary kills Trump in a debate, and in a National election..

Here's his reply:

I’m not sure that there’s anybody else running who’s spent 18 or 20 hours intently operating on somebody,” Carson told Chuck Todd, host of “Meet the Press.”

think few politicians could even come close to the intense experience of operating on someone to save their lives. I like Trump for making this campaign wide open but I think his attacks on Carson aren't going to work.

Read story and see video @ After Donald Trump Calls Him ‘Super Low Energy,’ Ben Carson Pushes Back With an Observation His Rival Can’t Make
Saw the interview yesterday morning.

Carson is way too logical and emotionally grounded to be able to negotiate Washington.

He'll have the same weakness Obama does, which is expecting Americans to respond to logic.

In fact...he'll be the GOP's version of Jimmy Carter, but he won't get the black vote in the general election, like Obama did

Conservatives do not expect a black Republican to get the black vote.

We expect them to be defined as "uncle toms" if not "race traitors" by the liberal media for the dem base, ie blacks.

If we support a black Republican, it is because of his ideas, issues and/or character.

SOME moron Establishment Republicans might have delusions that if they pander enough, for example with black candidates, that they might win the black vote and change the world.
I said:

"Saw the interview yesterday morning. Carson is way too logical and emotionally grounded to be able to negotiate Washington. He'll have the same weakness Obama does, which is expecting Americans to respond to logic. In fact...he'll be the GOP's version of Jimmy Carter, but he won't get the black vote in the general election, like Obama did"

And the only thing you heard was the part about him not getting the black vote.

So much for focusing on his ideas, issues and/or character.

The most important thing for you seems to be race, and your own perceived victimhood.

I don't care about Carson's ideas, issues and/or character. I like Trump in the republican primaries.

If Carson gets the nomination, I will be happy to vote AGAINST either HIllary or Sanders, not matter how good or bad Carson's ideas, issues, and/or character (I know they will be better).

I agree with you that he will not get the black vote. IMO, that is not a bad thing.

I reflexive bitched about the GOP establishment. I hope that did not bother you.
I'm voting Republican no matter who gets nominated.

The reason is because I'm tired of hearing old white conservatives cry about everybody else.

1. Women shouldn't have abortions.
2. Liberals are all Socialists
3. Minorities get too many entitlements
4 Affirmative Action helps everyone but white men
5 Gays shouldn't get married.

The back seat driving that the GOP has enjoyed must end.

I want to see them "get their country back"

Let's see if all their crap changes things, or it's just electioneering.

Something tells me if things get better, they'll accept the credit for it...but if it goes bad, they'll blame Obama

Good to know.
A fat blowhard who complains about having a endure and stand for a 3 hour debate , calls Carson low energy:cuckoo: Carson looks healthier than silver spoon boy..

Funny how these clowns hated Kelly/Fox, and were pissed at CNBC for bringing tough difficult questions to the table, they are running for the highest office in the land, and want softball questions, what a bunch of *****, the fact that they kept talking about Hillary proves they are scared shit less of her, Hillary obsessive derangement syndrome, Hillary is their Messiah:deal:..

I would welcome your Trump/Carson against Clinton/Warren, their balls would be on their silver platter..

Hillary kills Trump in a debate, and in a National election..

They are talking about Hillary because she is the likely democratic Candidate.

Standing for 3 hours straight? That is tiresome. Stupid even.
Ben Carson’s Troubling Connection | National Review Online

For ten years, he interacted with a medical-supplement maker accused of false advertising. In March of last year, Dr. Ben Carson, the conservative star considered a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate, appeared in a video for Mannatech, Inc., a Texas-based medical supplement maker. Smiling into the camera, he extolled the benefits of the company’s “glyconutrient” products: The wonderful thing about a company like Mannatech is that they recognize that when God made us, He gave us the right fuel. And that fuel was the right kind of healthy food. You know we live in a society that is very sophisticated, and sometimes we’re not able to achieve the original diet. And we have to alter our diet to fit our lifestyle. Many of the natural things are not included in our diet. Basically what the company is doing is trying to find a way to restore natural diet as a medicine or as a mechanism for maintaining health.

Read more at: Ben Carson’s Troubling Connection | National Review Online

Carson just lied big to the whole nation's face about that. And his followers love him for it. Look how they booed the mods for daring to ask such a question.

There's a big difference between doing a few paid stump speeches at some organization's conventions, and being paid to do a glowing infomercial. Carson did the latter, therefore he was willingly involved with Mannatech, therefore he just lied by denying it.

Carson just lied big to the whole nation's face about that. And his followers love him for it. Look how they booed the mods for daring to ask such a question.

There's a big difference between doing a few paid stump speeches at some organization's conventions, and being paid to do a glowing infomercial. Carson did the latter, therefore he was willingly involved with Mannatech, therefore he just lied by denying it.
There is a video of him shilling...the company got the rest of the videos but there is at least one on the internet of him touting some of their snake Mike Huck...

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