The Dow @ 17K...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™
DOW 16,945.92 +2.82
NASDAQ 4,338.00 +1.75
S&P 1,950.79 -0.48


Is it going to Crash... And how hard?

Gold is basically unchanged and has been for a while.

What are your thoughts.


According to the left under Obama it means he is to be praised and worshiped for all the good he is doing for our economy. According to the left under Bush it was irrelevant because it meant only rich were getting richer.
When interest rates are low, stocks will grow.

When interest rates are high, stocks will die.
As long as QE^Infinity and ZIRP are in place, all that cheap easy money (for Big Bankster Cronies) is going to seek assets, including stocks.
When interest rates are low, stocks will grow.

When interest rates are high, stocks will die.

Stick to your poet job:


Clearly you don't know shit about interest rates and market performance.
When interest rates are low, stocks will grow.

When interest rates are high, stocks will die.

Stick to your poet job:


Clearly you don't know shit about interest rates and market performance.

I know enough to have retired comfortably at 50.

Can you say the same?

Now go fuck yourself, you arrogant little dick.

Crude and unable to read a graph: I'm guessing retirement was manditory.
When interest rates are low, stocks will grow.

When interest rates are high, stocks will die.

Stick to your poet job:


Clearly you don't know shit about interest rates and market performance.

I know enough to have retired comfortably at 50.

Can you say the same?

Now go fuck yourself, you arrogant little dick.

Is this how you React when your Simplistic Meme's don't stand up to what's actually happened?...


It's not about where the DOW is at any given moment.

It's about where it is versus where it was when you bought.

Think about that if you're tempted to buy because stocks are temporarily up.

If one is engaged in dollar cost averaging and expects to live another 40 years then the temporary high is no reason to NOT buy. You'll have plenty of time to work it out on the averages when you also continue to buy next time it's below 7500. Just hope it's up again when you need to cash some out.

If you're, instead, timing the market then you will deserve what you'll get.
What are your thoughts.
My thoughts are the usual pattern will play out if there is any sort of dip or correction: A bunch of posters who have been saying the market will crash for years now, thus missing out on a once in a generation bull market, will suddenly appear saying "told you so!" while completely ignoring the correction level has still left most with substantial gains.

Happens every time. Gain 30% last year, gain 6% this year, then lose 10% = "told you so!"
Stick to your poet job:


Clearly you don't know shit about interest rates and market performance.

I know enough to have retired comfortably at 50.

Can you say the same?

Now go fuck yourself, you arrogant little dick.

Is this how you React when your Simplistic Meme's don't stand up to what's actually happened?...



It's how I react to a condescending little prick who can't respond to a post without an accompanying insult.
I know enough to have retired comfortably at 50.

Can you say the same?

Now go fuck yourself, you arrogant little dick.

Is this how you React when your Simplistic Meme's don't stand up to what's actually happened?...



It's how I react to a condescending little prick who can't respond to a post without an accompanying insult.

Have you seen a doctor about that talking to yourself problem?

Obamacare is here for you!
DOW 16,945.92 +2.82
NASDAQ 4,338.00 +1.75
S&P 1,950.79 -0.48


Is it going to Crash... And how hard?

Gold is basically unchanged and has been for a while.

What are your thoughts.



Lots of things are going on. No the market will not "crash" but certain parts of it might, like the stocks with P/E's 40:1.

The slower but steady growth of the market (The DJIA is a horrible indicator of the market BTW). and the dripping decline of unemployment while QE is being backed off are good signs for the economy over the next few years.

I think the spreading knowledge of computerized trading has allowed individual investors who pulled out thinking they would never outsmart the programs start to look for better opportunities and go back in more deliberative in their decision making. There are opportunities for long term investors and there are opportunities for short term investors, but they are not the same opportunities.
Since 1957, we've had 10 corrections of at least 20%. That's one every 5.5 years on average. We are 5.25 years into this bull market without a correction. However, we've gone nearly 10 years in the past without a 20% drawdown.

My guess - and it's a guess - is that we will have a 25% to 30% correction after tapering ends.
What's the bottom for Gold... This is the same Cycle we went through with the last Generational Correction form 1978 to 1983... Gold is not doing Exactly that thing, but a 700pt sustained drop did come of it this time.



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