The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Sexual attraction isnt' the standard of bathrooms. Gender is.

Rendering your entire analogy moot, troll.

Read the PA laws dude, you can't discriminate based on gender.

The straight male is prohibited from access simply because he "was born that way".
Straight males have the same access to bathrooms as gay males.

Distract away

If a lesbian couple is similarily situated, as it relates to a male, in marriage, what magic wand gets waved by her to claim she's not as it applies to locker rooms??????

The lesbian has access to a locker room .... until recently, she didn't have access to marry the person she loved.

But now she can, besides this is about Public Acommodations.

Both couples are married, both should be accommodated equally.

The lesbian couple used the "similar situated" argument successfully to win the right to marry.

Are you now saying that gender really does matter?

You cannot claim similarity when it suits you, then claim you are not when it suits your fancy.

The lesbian is allowed in the locker room with the wife, who the lesbian is sexually attracted to, but the husband (who the lesbian claims she is similar to) is not?

Why? Some kind of MORALITY play?

Hmmmmmm, sounds kinda familiar?
WTF is wrong with you? The primary purposes of a locker room is to shower or get changed. Everyone, regardless of gender or sexual preference has access to that. The primary purpose of marriage is to make a life long commitment to the person you love. Homosexuals were denied that right.
Do you really want to go back to the days where businesses put up signs saying "No Blacks Allowed?"

Your simplistic views are that of a 12 year old.

I suggest you get familiar with our laws.

View attachment 44802 Cakes FO.pdf

Nope, Carla_Danger
Race/Blacks are NOT the same as Orientation/Gays

* Race is proven to be genetic. Homosexuality remains faith-based,

Race is not sexual preference is not religion is not physical handicap is not gender.

Religion is faith based.

Sexual orientation is not.

Hi Syriusly
BELIEFS about homosexuality are what is faith based.
Orientation is NOT proven to be genetic or physical as Race is physical and genetic.

So beliefs about Orientation
* whether homosexuality is natural or unnatural
* whether this can change or not
* whether Orientation is a choice or BEHAVIOR and not protected as a class

because they are NOT Proven. BOTH sides of the arguments
are Equally Faith Based, it is those people's individual beliefs NOT PROVEN BY SCIENCE.

So you think homosexuality is as faith based as your religion?

Science can measure whether someone is sexually attracted to the same gender- or the opposite gender.
Science cannot tell whether you believe in Jesus or Buddha or the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

But if your point is that people should be respected regardless of their faith or sexual orientation- I agree.
Sexual attraction isnt' the standard of bathrooms. Gender is.

Rendering your entire analogy moot, troll.

Read the PA laws dude, you can't discriminate based on gender.

The straight male is prohibited from access simply because he "was born that way".
Straight males have the same access to bathrooms as gay males.

Distract away

If a lesbian couple is similarily situated, as it relates to a male, in marriage, what magic wand gets waved by her to claim she's not as it applies to locker rooms??????

The lesbian has access to a locker room .... until recently, she didn't have access to marry the person she loved.

But now she can, besides this is about Public Acommodations.

Both couples are married, both should be accommodated equally.

The lesbian couple used the "similar situated" argument successfully to win the right to marry.

Are you now saying that gender really does matter?

You cannot claim similarity when it suits you, then claim you are not when it suits your fancy.

The lesbian is allowed in the locker room with the wife, who the lesbian is sexually attracted to, but the husband (who the lesbian claims she is similar to) is not?

Why? Some kind of MORALITY play?

Hmmmmmm, sounds kinda familiar?

Pop's melt down continues.

His bizarre straw men get more and more bizarre.
Read the PA laws dude, you can't discriminate based on gender.

The straight male is prohibited from access simply because he "was born that way".
Straight males have the same access to bathrooms as gay males.

Distract away

If a lesbian couple is similarily situated, as it relates to a male, in marriage, what magic wand gets waved by her to claim she's not as it applies to locker rooms??????

The lesbian has access to a locker room .... until recently, she didn't have access to marry the person she loved.

But now she can, besides this is about Public Acommodations.

Both couples are married, both should be accommodated equally.

The lesbian couple used the "similar situated" argument successfully to win the right to marry.

Are you now saying that gender really does matter?

You cannot claim similarity when it suits you, then claim you are not when it suits your fancy.

The lesbian is allowed in the locker room with the wife, who the lesbian is sexually attracted to, but the husband (who the lesbian claims she is similar to) is not?

Why? Some kind of MORALITY play?

Hmmmmmm, sounds kinda familiar?

Pop's melt down continues.

His bizarre straw men get more and more bizarre.

The glorious irrelevance of his assertions and his perfect record of predictive failure remain consistent though.
This is why his response was comically weak. Fat people - at the very least because there are more of them - take a lot more abuse than gay people. But the point here isn't that they should be protected from discrimination too. The point is, everyone has their biases, and it's their right. Dictating our thoughts via government is totalitarian oppression. Period.

Oh, bullshit. Big difference between saying "you ought to lose some weight" and "God is going to burn you in hell for all eternity". Both are insensitive, but only one is malicious.
This is why his response was comically weak. Fat people - at the very least because there are more of them - take a lot more abuse than gay people. But the point here isn't that they should be protected from discrimination too. The point is, everyone has their biases, and it's their right. Dictating our thoughts via government is totalitarian oppression. Period.

Oh, bullshit. Big difference between saying "you ought to lose some weight" and "God is going to burn you in hell for all eternity". Both are insensitive, but only one is malicious.

I don't recall laws that made being fat a capital offense. Or an attempt to liberalize such laws by castrating fat people rather than kill them. Or wedding services being denied folks because their fatness violated someone else's religious beliefs.
Read the PA laws dude, you can't discriminate based on gender.

The straight male is prohibited from access simply because he "was born that way".
Straight males have the same access to bathrooms as gay males.

Distract away

If a lesbian couple is similarily situated, as it relates to a male, in marriage, what magic wand gets waved by her to claim she's not as it applies to locker rooms??????

The lesbian has access to a locker room .... until recently, she didn't have access to marry the person she loved.

But now she can, besides this is about Public Acommodations.

Both couples are married, both should be accommodated equally.

The lesbian couple used the "similar situated" argument successfully to win the right to marry.

Are you now saying that gender really does matter?

You cannot claim similarity when it suits you, then claim you are not when it suits your fancy.

The lesbian is allowed in the locker room with the wife, who the lesbian is sexually attracted to, but the husband (who the lesbian claims she is similar to) is not?

Why? Some kind of MORALITY play?

Hmmmmmm, sounds kinda familiar?
WTF is wrong with you? The primary purposes of a locker room is to shower or get changed. Everyone, regardless of gender or sexual preference has access to that. The primary purpose of marriage is to make a life long commitment to the person you love. Homosexuals were denied that right.

Sorry, you argue seperate but equal again.

Everyone has access to cake also

The baker never denied baking them "a" cake.

The male has access to "a" shower.

How pleasent the world can be.
I don't recall laws that made being fat a capital offense. Or an attempt to liberalize such laws by castrating fat people rather than kill them. Or wedding services being denied folks because their fatness violated someone else's religious beliefs.

then again, some women have no business getting into a wedding dress.

It's hilarious to watch the homophobes squirm nowthat they can't discriminate any more
Straight males have the same access to bathrooms as gay males.

Distract away

If a lesbian couple is similarily situated, as it relates to a male, in marriage, what magic wand gets waved by her to claim she's not as it applies to locker rooms??????

The lesbian has access to a locker room .... until recently, she didn't have access to marry the person she loved.

But now she can, besides this is about Public Acommodations.

Both couples are married, both should be accommodated equally.

They are accommodated equally. Remember, no court, no state, no legal authority has ever found that gendered bathrooms violate PA laws. Rendering your assertion more hapless nonsense that has no reflection in reality.

Predicting nothing, nor having the slightest relevance to any law. With your record of failure remaining perfect.

I mean, the law of averages alone would mandate that eventually you'd get something right. Yet you somehow always find a way to be wrong every single time. With your predictions and legal interpretations of everything from incest to poly marriage to gendered bathrooms demonstrated to be pseudo-legal gibberish by history.

The lesbian couple used the "similar situated" argument successfully to win the right to marry.

Says who? Remembering of course that you citing yourself is meaningless babble.

Are you now saying that gender really does matter?

You cannot claim similarity when it suits you, then claim you are not when it suits your fancy.

The lesbian is allowed in the locker room with the wife, who the lesbian is sexually attracted to, but the husband (who the lesbian claims she is similar to) is not?

Why? Some kind of MORALITY play?

Hmmmmmm, sounds kinda familiar?
WTF is wrong with you? The primary purposes of a locker room is to shower or get changed. Everyone, regardless of gender or sexual preference has access to that. The primary purpose of marriage is to make a life long commitment to the person you love. Homosexuals were denied that right.

Sorry, you argue seperate but equal again.

Everyone has access to cake also

The baker never denied baking them "a" cake.

A bathroom isn't public business. Rendering your argument laughably pseudo-legal gibberish. As PA laws apply only to business. And what service is someone denied by gendered bathrooms? Nothing.

Remember, no court, no state, no legal authority has ever found that gendered bathrooms violate PA laws. Rendering your assertion more hapless nonsense that has no reflection in reality.

Predicting nothing, nor having the slightest relevance to any law. With your record of failure remaining perfect.

I mean, the law of averages alone would mandate that eventually you'd get something right. Yet you somehow always find a way to be wrong every single time. With your predictions and legal interpretations of everything from incest to poly marriage to gendered bathrooms demonstrated to be meaningless babble by history.
I'm sorry, religion isn't a "protected class". In other words, you're an idiot. Ask a real question.

It's a real question. And I think I know why you won't answer it.
I don't answer "questions" that make an inaccurate presumption. Religion is not a protected class.

It's listed in the protected classes established by PA law. I don't know what you're going on about.

I'm not assuming you want do away with protected classes. I'm assuming you want protected classes only for people you like.

Protected class - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Told you. Very few want to "scrap 'me all"...they want special permission to ONLY discriminate against gays.

Hi Seawytch Likewise there are pro-gay advocates only seeking to target Christians politically,
and curiously AVOID bringing up the gay issue with Muslims or Blacks who don't approve either.

Really? You have proof of this of course, right? No, you don't. You're throwing out baseless accusations. No fucking Christians are being "targeted" other than for goddamn business they don't fucking deserve.

People on both sides are discriminating against the other.

No, actually they're not. You know why? Discrimination by gays against Christians is actually against the law in all 50 states.

You are right that very few treat all people of all views with equally inclusive respect. Very few!

Sorry, but I don't see where wanton discrimination deserves respect.
Not at all. I've never known anyone who was fired from his job because he was fat. I've never known anyone who has been beaten up because he was fat.

I've known people who have been fired from their jobs because they were gay. I've known people who were beaten up because they were gay.


Dear JoeB131

* obesity is a leading cause of bullying in children. what makes you think adults don't discriminate and bully by weight? you think that magically ends after children grow up and become adults? they don't carry on?

* look at modeling, look at professional drill and dance teams.
there are whole campaigns against the fashion industry and photoshopped magazine covers,
with the concern that obsession with body weight encourages eating disorders and phobias that can even kill

Oh wait. That's right.

With obesity in children, people are actually lobbying to change diets and get more exercise to counteract obesity!

But with spiritual healing that has helped people recover from Unwanted homosexual attractions and relations,
this isn't promoted as a natural choice of therapy, but censored and BANNED out of fear of conversion therapy which isn't the same thing.

Big difference.

In one instance, with obesity, people DO recognize when it is an unhealthy condition and needs to change. With homosexuality, the cases of people coming out and saying they changed, this is censored and attacked as lies.

This is why his response was comically weak. Fat people - at the very least because there are more of them - take a lot more abuse than gay people. But the point here isn't that they should be protected from discrimination too. The point is, everyone has their biases, and it's their right. Dictating our thoughts via government is totalitarian oppression. Period.

And they are protected from discrimination in Public Accommodation in some states. Maybe even more than gays are protected in.

AN ACT to define civil rights; to prohibit discriminatory practices, policies, and customs in the exercise of those rights based upon religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial status, or marital status;
This is why his response was comically weak. Fat people - at the very least because there are more of them - take a lot more abuse than gay people. But the point here isn't that they should be protected from discrimination too. The point is, everyone has their biases, and it's their right. Dictating our thoughts via government is totalitarian oppression. Period.

Oh, bullshit. Big difference between saying "you ought to lose some weight" and "God is going to burn you in hell for all eternity". Both are insensitive, but only one is malicious.

The point, which you ran away from, isn't that fat people have it just as bad as gay people. The point, is that PA laws don't protect everyone equally. They are the opposite of equal rights. They are special rights for some.

The thing is, this all happened because we had a really, really bad problem with slavery and its aftermath. And it's perfectly understandable that, facing a threat to our survival as a nation, we reached for desperate measures to deal with the problem. But desperate measures are hardly ever sustainable. And it's simply wrong to use government to control people's thoughts and opinions.
This thread shall live in infamy, of this I am sure...

I think the whole policy will. Especially as the practice is extended to cover more and more protected classes. Which is bound to happen because there's no good reason anyone should be left out. But it's impossible to include everyone, and the strain will take it's toll - until the whole thing collapses.
This thread shall live in infamy, of this I am sure...

I think the whole policy will. Especially as the practice is extended to cover more and more protected classes. Which is bound to happen because there's no good reason anyone should be left out. But it's impossible to include everyone, and the strain will take it's toll - until the whole thing collapses.

Aha. So, tolerance and equality leads to collapse. Got it.
Straight males have the same access to bathrooms as gay males.

Distract away

If a lesbian couple is similarily situated, as it relates to a male, in marriage, what magic wand gets waved by her to claim she's not as it applies to locker rooms??????

The lesbian has access to a locker room .... until recently, she didn't have access to marry the person she loved.

But now she can, besides this is about Public Acommodations.

Both couples are married, both should be accommodated equally.

The lesbian couple used the "similar situated" argument successfully to win the right to marry.

Are you now saying that gender really does matter?

You cannot claim similarity when it suits you, then claim you are not when it suits your fancy.

The lesbian is allowed in the locker room with the wife, who the lesbian is sexually attracted to, but the husband (who the lesbian claims she is similar to) is not?

Why? Some kind of MORALITY play?

Hmmmmmm, sounds kinda familiar?
WTF is wrong with you? The primary purposes of a locker room is to shower or get changed. Everyone, regardless of gender or sexual preference has access to that. The primary purpose of marriage is to make a life long commitment to the person you love. Homosexuals were denied that right.

Sorry, you argue seperate but equal again.

Everyone has access to cake also

The baker never denied baking them "a" cake.

The male has access to "a" shower.

How pleasent the world can be.

In the business offering a locker room, everyone has access to it. In the business offering wedding cakes, only straight people have access to it. Using your analogy, it would be illegal to bar homosexuals from using the locker room.
This is why his response was comically weak. Fat people - at the very least because there are more of them - take a lot more abuse than gay people. But the point here isn't that they should be protected from discrimination too. The point is, everyone has their biases, and it's their right. Dictating our thoughts via government is totalitarian oppression. Period.

Oh, bullshit. Big difference between saying "you ought to lose some weight" and "God is going to burn you in hell for all eternity". Both are insensitive, but only one is malicious.

The point, which you ran away from, isn't that fat people have it just as bad as gay people. The point, is that PA laws don't protect everyone equally. They are the opposite of equal rights. They are special rights for some.

People aren't subject to discrimination equally. Not every group has been a historic target of particularly egregious discrimination. Your argument, as always, exists in an Ivory Tower void of any context, history or acknowledgement of any external factor. While the law is down in the mud and the blood and the beer of real life. And must take into account all of these things.

That they are inconvenient to your argument, and thus ignored, doesn't change the fact that they exist and have a significant impact.

Additionally, the criteria used in PA laws apply to everyone. It doesn't say you can't discriminate against black people. It says you can't discriminate using race. It doesn't say you can't discriminate against women. But that you can't discriminate based on gender. From height to weight to age to sexual orientation, everyone is part of these groups.

The only question is what criteria are we going to use as our basis of protection. And those criteria are most often based on their historic use as a basis of discrimination we find unacceptable.

The thing is, this all happened because we had a really, really bad problem with slavery and its aftermath. And it's perfectly understandable that, facing a threat to our survival as a nation, we reached for desperate measures to deal with the problem. But desperate measures are hardly ever sustainable. And it's simply wrong to use government to control people's thoughts and opinions.

You can think whatever you'd like. PA laws don't regulate thoughts. They regulate actions. And its perfectly permissible for government to regulate action.
This is why his response was comically weak. Fat people - at the very least because there are more of them - take a lot more abuse than gay people. But the point here isn't that they should be protected from discrimination too. The point is, everyone has their biases, and it's their right. Dictating our thoughts via government is totalitarian oppression. Period.

Oh, bullshit. Big difference between saying "you ought to lose some weight" and "God is going to burn you in hell for all eternity". Both are insensitive, but only one is malicious.

The point, which you ran away from, isn't that fat people have it just as bad as gay people. The point, is that PA laws don't protect everyone equally. They are the opposite of equal rights. They are special rights for some.

The thing is, this all happened because we had a really, really bad problem with slavery and its aftermath. And it's perfectly understandable that, facing a threat to our survival as a nation, we reached for desperate measures to deal with the problem. But desperate measures are hardly ever sustainable. And it's simply wrong to use government to control people's thoughts and opinions.

Really? Fat people have it "just as bad" do they? Odd...I've not seen a single law being passed trying to prohibit them from marrying. Never heard of them denied service for being fat...and still local PA laws protect them in some places.
Distract away

If a lesbian couple is similarily situated, as it relates to a male, in marriage, what magic wand gets waved by her to claim she's not as it applies to locker rooms??????

The lesbian has access to a locker room .... until recently, she didn't have access to marry the person she loved.

But now she can, besides this is about Public Acommodations.

Both couples are married, both should be accommodated equally.

They are accommodated equally. Remember, no court, no state, no legal authority has ever found that gendered bathrooms violate PA laws. Rendering your assertion more hapless nonsense that has no reflection in reality.

Predicting nothing, nor having the slightest relevance to any law. With your record of failure remaining perfect.

I mean, the law of averages alone would mandate that eventually you'd get something right. Yet you somehow always find a way to be wrong every single time. With your predictions and legal interpretations of everything from incest to poly marriage to gendered bathrooms demonstrated to be pseudo-legal gibberish by history.

The lesbian couple used the "similar situated" argument successfully to win the right to marry.

Says who? Remembering of course that you citing yourself is meaningless babble.

Are you now saying that gender really does matter?

You cannot claim similarity when it suits you, then claim you are not when it suits your fancy.

The lesbian is allowed in the locker room with the wife, who the lesbian is sexually attracted to, but the husband (who the lesbian claims she is similar to) is not?

Why? Some kind of MORALITY play?

Hmmmmmm, sounds kinda familiar?
WTF is wrong with you? The primary purposes of a locker room is to shower or get changed. Everyone, regardless of gender or sexual preference has access to that. The primary purpose of marriage is to make a life long commitment to the person you love. Homosexuals were denied that right.

Sorry, you argue seperate but equal again.

Everyone has access to cake also

The baker never denied baking them "a" cake.

A bathroom isn't public business. Rendering your argument laughably pseudo-legal gibberish. As PA laws apply only to business. And what service is someone denied by gendered bathrooms? Nothing.

Remember, no court, no state, no legal authority has ever found that gendered bathrooms violate PA laws. Rendering your assertion more hapless nonsense that has no reflection in reality.

Predicting nothing, nor having the slightest relevance to any law. With your record of failure remaining perfect.

I mean, the law of averages alone would mandate that eventually you'd get something right. Yet you somehow always find a way to be wrong every single time. With your predictions and legal interpretations of everything from incest to poly marriage to gendered bathrooms demonstrated to be meaningless babble by history.

Try building a business without restrooms dummy, the government will deny you a permit! That makes it part of access laws.

Oh, another red herring you've been tossing around, the "it hasn't happend yet gambit"

The USSC, just recently made it FEDERALLY recognized that same sex and opposite sex couples were similarily situated, which by the way makes it plain that these couples MUST BE TREATED EQUALLY.

You realize that, right.

How about you attempt making an argument that doesn't imply that treating same sex marriage as similarily situated is appropriate.

So far it appears your against gay marriage.
This thread shall live in infamy, of this I am sure...

I think the whole policy will. Especially as the practice is extended to cover more and more protected classes. Which is bound to happen because there's no good reason anyone should be left out. But it's impossible to include everyone, and the strain will take it's toll - until the whole thing collapses.

Aha. So, tolerance and equality leads to collapse. Got it.

The intolerance and inequality inherent in PA laws will cause them to collapse.

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