The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Wow, really? Ok.. lessee.... I can't keep up with the state PC lists, but the federal lists don't cover:

Ugly people.
Dumb people.
Fat people.
Sick people.
Poor people.
Short people.
Smelly people.


There's really no end to the irrational biases people can dream up.

And when Fat people can prove a history of bias, then you might even have a point.
Wow, really? Ok.. lessee.... I can't keep up with the state PC lists, but the federal lists don't cover:

Ugly people.
Dumb people.
Fat people.
Sick people.
Poor people.
Short people.
Smelly people.


There's really no end to the irrational biases people can dream up.

And when Fat people can prove a history of bias, then you might even have a point.
Not at all. I've never known anyone who was fired from his job because he was fat. I've never known anyone who has been beaten up because he was fat.

I've known people who have been fired from their jobs because they were gay. I've known people who were beaten up because they were gay.

Not at all. I've never known anyone who was fired from his job because he was fat. I've never known anyone who has been beaten up because he was fat.

I've known people who have been fired from their jobs because they were gay. I've known people who were beaten up because they were gay.

Who's crying?
Well, not everyone. Just those who enjoy protected class status.

Who isn't covered by PA laws? Come on, tell us who it's okay for a business to discriminate against?

Most gyms deny entry into locker / shower rooms for both members of straight married couples while allowing entry to same for gay married couples.

I would point out, a gay female is sexually attracted to the female member of a straight married couple in the same manner as a male.

Sounds like discrimination to me.

Sounds like this discrimination is based on ........


That is a stupid analogy. Both men and women are allowed to attend and receive the product. That does not have to include bathroom privileges, as long as each HAS a designated bathroom.

Now your arguing SEPERATE but EQUAL?

PA laws are specific. You can't discriminate based on gender. The heterosexual male is being denied access even though he is similar to the lesbians.

So you think locker room access should be determined by sexual preference?

If that is what you want- go fight that fight.

You understand you just made the argument against same sex marriage and for civil unions:

1. Seperate but equal is good.

2. Similarly situated individuals can be put into different categories based on gender.

Glad you finally came to your senses.
Do you really want to go back to the days where businesses put up signs saying "No Blacks Allowed?"

Your simplistic views are that of a 12 year old.

I suggest you get familiar with our laws.

View attachment 44802 Cakes FO.pdf

Nope, Carla_Danger
Race/Blacks are NOT the same as Orientation/Gays

* Race is proven to be genetic. Homosexuality remains faith-based,

Race is not sexual preference is not religion is not physical handicap is not gender.

Religion is faith based.

Sexual orientation is not.

Hi Syriusly
BELIEFS about homosexuality are what is faith based.
Orientation is NOT proven to be genetic or physical as Race is physical and genetic.

So beliefs about Orientation
* whether homosexuality is natural or unnatural
* whether this can change or not
* whether Orientation is a choice or BEHAVIOR and not protected as a class

because they are NOT Proven. BOTH sides of the arguments
are Equally Faith Based, it is those people's individual beliefs NOT PROVEN BY SCIENCE.
Who isn't covered by PA laws? Come on, tell us who it's okay for a business to discriminate against?

Most gyms deny entry into locker / shower rooms for both members of straight married couples while allowing entry to same for gay married couples.

I would point out, a gay female is sexually attracted to the female member of a straight married couple in the same manner as a male.

Sounds like discrimination to me.

Sounds like this discrimination is based on ........


That is a stupid analogy. Both men and women are allowed to attend and receive the product. That does not have to include bathroom privileges, as long as each HAS a designated bathroom.

Now your arguing SEPERATE but EQUAL?

PA laws are specific. You can't discriminate based on gender. The heterosexual male is being denied access even though he is similar to the lesbians.

So you think locker room access should be determined by sexual preference?

If that is what you want- go fight that fight.

Oh no...he'll claim that's not REALLY what he wants, he's just "pointing it out".

Bathrooms are not separate-but-equal UCLA

The article is about what to do with transgendered. Too funny
Not at all. I've never known anyone who was fired from his job because he was fat. I've never known anyone who has been beaten up because he was fat.

I've known people who have been fired from their jobs because they were gay. I've known people who were beaten up because they were gay.

Who's crying?

I weep for people who commit suicide over this whole gender/orientation crisis,
when in fact the same spiritual healing that helps people come to peace with
being gay or transgender is also what allows people to change their situation if it isn't natural for them.

The same healing and forgiveness therapy process helps both the homosexual and heterosexual cases.
It is sad to me to see people fight politically over this, when more people could be helped and healed,
regardless what gender or orientation they turn out to be after fully healing and coming to peace with their natural spirituality. People deserve to be free. I hate to hear of suicides because the conflicts are obstructing information and understanding, people feel trapped, and still kill themselves when this could be avoided. So sad. I grieve for the loss of people suffering on all sides when there is no need for it.
Most gyms deny entry into locker / shower rooms for both members of straight married couples while allowing entry to same for gay married couples.

I would point out, a gay female is sexually attracted to the female member of a straight married couple in the same manner as a male.

Sounds like discrimination to me.

Sounds like this discrimination is based on ........


That is a stupid analogy. Both men and women are allowed to attend and receive the product. That does not have to include bathroom privileges, as long as each HAS a designated bathroom.

Now your arguing SEPERATE but EQUAL?

PA laws are specific. You can't discriminate based on gender. The heterosexual male is being denied access even though he is similar to the lesbians.

Sexual attraction isnt' the standard of bathrooms. Gender is.

Rendering your entire analogy moot, troll.

Read the PA laws dude, you can't discriminate based on gender.

The straight male is prohibited from access simply because he "was born that way".
Straight males have the same access to bathrooms as gay males.

Distract away

If a lesbian couple is similarily situated, as it relates to a male, in marriage, what magic wand gets waved by her to claim she's not as it applies to locker rooms??????

Well, not everyone. Just those who enjoy protected class status.

Who isn't covered by PA laws? Come on, tell us who it's okay for a business to discriminate against?

Most gyms deny entry into locker / shower rooms for both members of straight married couples while allowing entry to same for gay married couples.

I would point out, a gay female is sexually attracted to the female member of a straight married couple in the same manner as a male.

Sounds like discrimination to me.

Sounds like this discrimination is based on ........


That is a stupid analogy. Both men and women are allowed to attend and receive the product. That does not have to include bathroom privileges, as long as each HAS a designated bathroom.

Now your arguing SEPERATE but EQUAL?

PA laws are specific. You can't discriminate based on gender. The heterosexual male is being denied access even though he is similar to the lesbians.

Sexual attraction isnt' the standard of bathrooms. Gender is.

Rendering your entire analogy moot, troll.

Dear Skylar and Pop23
In Texas state law still recognizes that gender is determined permanently by the original birth certificate, and does not recognize sex changes as legally becoming the other gender.

So this causes the same "faith based/spiritual level" issue as orientation
when it is argued that gender (or also orientation) does NOT necessarily match physical birth.

It becomes just as vague when you do not attach it to the physically born gender
to keep it consistently defined for legal reasons.

Once you open the door to gender (or orientation) being up to what the person "reports"
then people are left arguing over using either the physically born scientific label as the standard for gender,
or using what the person "reports" which is where the 'faith based' justifications and arguments come in.

it because "faith based" once you drop the science of determining gender by birth (not internal personality
which cannot be proven but becomes a spiritual or faith-based issue which govt cannot decide for anyone)
What he's saying is that they will use the bad law to force you to comply until you find a way to overturn it, and their death grip on it.

Well, laws on the books should be enforced. I have no problem with that.

Let me ask you this, koshergrl - would you agree that PA laws and protected classes should be done away with for everyone, including religion? Or are you just complaining because sexual orientation is being added?

I'm sorry, religion isn't a "protected class". In other words, you're an idiot. Ask a real question.

It's a real question. And I think I know why you won't answer it.
I don't answer "questions" that make an inaccurate presumption. Religion is not a protected class.

It's listed in the protected classes established by PA law. I don't know what you're going on about.

I'm not assuming you want do away with protected classes. I'm assuming you want protected classes only for people you like.

Protected class - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Told you. Very few want to "scrap 'me all"...they want special permission to ONLY discriminate against gays.
Well, laws on the books should be enforced. I have no problem with that.

Let me ask you this, koshergrl - would you agree that PA laws and protected classes should be done away with for everyone, including religion? Or are you just complaining because sexual orientation is being added?

I'm sorry, religion isn't a "protected class". In other words, you're an idiot. Ask a real question.

It's a real question. And I think I know why you won't answer it.
I don't answer "questions" that make an inaccurate presumption. Religion is not a protected class.

It's listed in the protected classes established by PA law. I don't know what you're going on about.

I'm not assuming you want do away with protected classes. I'm assuming you want protected classes only for people you like.

Protected class - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Told you. Very few want to "scrap 'me all"...they want special permission to ONLY discriminate against gays.

Oh I know. Like I said, standing up for real freedom, often means defending douchebags.
Not at all. I've never known anyone who was fired from his job because he was fat. I've never known anyone who has been beaten up because he was fat.

I've known people who have been fired from their jobs because they were gay. I've known people who were beaten up because they were gay.


Dear JoeB131

* obesity is a leading cause of bullying in children. what makes you think adults don't discriminate and bully by weight? you think that magically ends after children grow up and become adults? they don't carry on?

* look at modeling, look at professional drill and dance teams.
there are whole campaigns against the fashion industry and photoshopped magazine covers,
with the concern that obsession with body weight encourages eating disorders and phobias that can even kill

Oh wait. That's right.

With obesity in children, people are actually lobbying to change diets and get more exercise to counteract obesity!

But with spiritual healing that has helped people recover from Unwanted homosexual attractions and relations,
this isn't promoted as a natural choice of therapy, but censored and BANNED out of fear of conversion therapy which isn't the same thing.

Big difference.

In one instance, with obesity, people DO recognize when it is an unhealthy condition and needs to change. With homosexuality, the cases of people coming out and saying they changed, this is censored and attacked as lies.
Well, laws on the books should be enforced. I have no problem with that.

Let me ask you this, koshergrl - would you agree that PA laws and protected classes should be done away with for everyone, including religion? Or are you just complaining because sexual orientation is being added?

I'm sorry, religion isn't a "protected class". In other words, you're an idiot. Ask a real question.

It's a real question. And I think I know why you won't answer it.
I don't answer "questions" that make an inaccurate presumption. Religion is not a protected class.

It's listed in the protected classes established by PA law. I don't know what you're going on about.

I'm not assuming you want do away with protected classes. I'm assuming you want protected classes only for people you like.

Protected class - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Told you. Very few want to "scrap 'me all"...they want special permission to ONLY discriminate against gays.

Hi Seawytch Likewise there are pro-gay advocates only seeking to target Christians politically,
and curiously AVOID bringing up the gay issue with Muslims or Blacks who don't approve either.

People on both sides are discriminating against the other.
You are right that very few treat all people of all views with equally inclusive respect. Very few!
What do you suppose the State would do if this baker couple went to a gym owned by a gay married male and asked that they be allowed to both enter the women's locker.

Understand, they don't actually have to enter the shower, just make the request.

Owner "I'm sorry, the women's locker room is for women only"

The Bakers point out that a couple of married lesbians just entered together, and since at least one of them is similarly situated to the husband


Similarly Situated Nolo s Free Dictionary of Law Terms and Legal Definitions

which was the legal argument that overturned SSM, they felt they were being discriminated against simply because one was a a married straight male, not really that different than a female lesbian.

Do you think the state would pursue a Public accommodation violation fine against this owner?

After all, a lesbian is attracted to women in the same way a male is.

What do you suppose the State would do if this baker couple went to a gym owned by a gay married male and asked that they be allowed to both enter the women's locker.

Understand, they don't actually have to enter the shower, just make the request.

Owner "I'm sorry, the women's locker room is for women only"

The Bakers point out that a couple of married lesbians just entered together, and since at least one of them is similarly situated to the husband


Similarly Situated Nolo s Free Dictionary of Law Terms and Legal Definitions

which was the legal argument that overturned SSM, they felt they were being discriminated against simply because one was a a married straight male, not really that different than a female lesbian.

Do you think the state would pursue a Public accommodation violation fine against this owner?

After all, a lesbian is attracted to women in the same way a male is.


1. As long as the state laws recognize designation by PHYSICALLY BORN GENDER
that is the rule of law.
2. Where it gets messy is where either gender or orientation is argued based on something
OTHER than the gender designated on the person's legal birth certificate. Then it gets subjective!

3. For example, in Houston the conflict still continues over the HERO equal rights ordinance
that went too far in trying to protect the rights of transgendered persons to use the restroom/shower facilities
at public sites that match their DESIGNATED gender, not their legal gender recognized under TX law.

So Pop23 whether you go by Gender or by Orientation,
what is causing the conflict is whether "either one" is determined by
* physical gender at birth
* some other "arbitrary or changeable/subjective" designation (which some people argue is choice of behavior)
as declared by the person, with or without any proof such as using birth certificates to legally determine it.

So people with different views are fighting over that --
whether "birth designation" counts as what Texas law recognizes
(so you could apply this either to gender or orientation, and still get the same two sides in conflict)

The issue is it already set and determined at birth by the physical genetics and stick with that label.
And is it considered a behavior or a creed to believe one's gender/orientation is something else.
Not at all. I've never known anyone who was fired from his job because he was fat. I've never known anyone who has been beaten up because he was fat.

I've known people who have been fired from their jobs because they were gay. I've known people who were beaten up because they were gay.


Dear JoeB131

* obesity is a leading cause of bullying in children. what makes you think adults don't discriminate and bully by weight? you think that magically ends after children grow up and become adults? they don't carry on?

* look at modeling, look at professional drill and dance teams.
there are whole campaigns against the fashion industry and photoshopped magazine covers,
with the concern that obsession with body weight encourages eating disorders and phobias that can even kill

Oh wait. That's right.

With obesity in children, people are actually lobbying to change diets and get more exercise to counteract obesity!

But with spiritual healing that has helped people recover from Unwanted homosexual attractions and relations,
this isn't promoted as a natural choice of therapy, but censored and BANNED out of fear of conversion therapy which isn't the same thing.

Big difference.

In one instance, with obesity, people DO recognize when it is an unhealthy condition and needs to change. With homosexuality, the cases of people coming out and saying they changed, this is censored and attacked as lies.

This is why his response was comically weak. Fat people - at the very least because there are more of them - take a lot more abuse than gay people. But the point here isn't that they should be protected from discrimination too. The point is, everyone has their biases, and it's their right. Dictating our thoughts via government is totalitarian oppression. Period.
That is a stupid analogy. Both men and women are allowed to attend and receive the product. That does not have to include bathroom privileges, as long as each HAS a designated bathroom.

Now your arguing SEPERATE but EQUAL?

PA laws are specific. You can't discriminate based on gender. The heterosexual male is being denied access even though he is similar to the lesbians.

Sexual attraction isnt' the standard of bathrooms. Gender is.

Rendering your entire analogy moot, troll.

Read the PA laws dude, you can't discriminate based on gender.

The straight male is prohibited from access simply because he "was born that way".
Straight males have the same access to bathrooms as gay males.

Distract away

If a lesbian couple is similarily situated, as it relates to a male, in marriage, what magic wand gets waved by her to claim she's not as it applies to locker rooms??????

The lesbian has access to a locker room .... until recently, she didn't have access to marry the person she loved.
Now your arguing SEPERATE but EQUAL?

PA laws are specific. You can't discriminate based on gender. The heterosexual male is being denied access even though he is similar to the lesbians.

Sexual attraction isnt' the standard of bathrooms. Gender is.

Rendering your entire analogy moot, troll.

Read the PA laws dude, you can't discriminate based on gender.

The straight male is prohibited from access simply because he "was born that way".
Straight males have the same access to bathrooms as gay males.

Distract away

If a lesbian couple is similarily situated, as it relates to a male, in marriage, what magic wand gets waved by her to claim she's not as it applies to locker rooms??????

The lesbian has access to a locker room .... until recently, she didn't have access to marry the person she loved.

But now she can, besides this is about Public Acommodations.

Both couples are married, both should be accommodated equally.

The lesbian couple used the "similar situated" argument successfully to win the right to marry.

Are you now saying that gender really does matter?

You cannot claim similarity when it suits you, then claim you are not when it suits your fancy.

The lesbian is allowed in the locker room with the wife, who the lesbian is sexually attracted to, but the husband (who the lesbian claims she is similar to) is not?

Why? Some kind of MORALITY play?

Hmmmmmm, sounds kinda familiar?
Sexual attraction isnt' the standard of bathrooms. Gender is.

Rendering your entire analogy moot, troll.

Read the PA laws dude, you can't discriminate based on gender.

The straight male is prohibited from access simply because he "was born that way".
Straight males have the same access to bathrooms as gay males.

Distract away

If a lesbian couple is similarily situated, as it relates to a male, in marriage, what magic wand gets waved by her to claim she's not as it applies to locker rooms??????

The lesbian has access to a locker room .... until recently, she didn't have access to marry the person she loved.

But now she can, besides this is about Public Acommodations.

Both couples are married, both should be accommodated equally.

The lesbian couple used the "similar situated" argument successfully to win the right to marry.

Are you now saying that gender really does matter?

You cannot claim similarity when it suits you, then claim you are not when it suits your fancy.

Save of course that no State or Federal court has ever found that a bathrooms for specific genders violates PA laws. Ever.

Remember, Pops.......your assertions, predictions and understanding of the law is gloriously irrelevant to the real world. Nothing you've predicated has ever happened. Nothing you insist must happen because of a given case, must occur, has occured. Every time you make such an assertion, history has proven you wrong.

Your record of failure is perfect.

The lesbian is allowed in the locker room with the wife, who the lesbian is sexually attracted to, but the husband (who the lesbian claims she is similar to) is not?

Sexual attraction isn't the basis of locker rooms. Gender is. You're citing irrelevant criteria.

Which might explain why nothing you've asserted has ever actually played out in the real world. Every prediction on legal outcomes you've made has been laughably wrong.

But this time its different, huh?

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