The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Not true. You can't just break the law and cite some made up religious belief as a defense. I recall a church in Miami trying that idiocy as a defense for smoking weed. That turned out even worse for them than it did for Sweet Cakes.

Well, you know, if they serve a gay, they might turn gay. :D Scary!!! The gays are scarrrrrryyyy!
The GOP media will provide them with plenty of pseudo constitutional arguments they can use to attempt to NOT appear to be what they are...bigots.

You realize your intense dislike for the GOP makes you a bigot, right? Same as with those that dislike Christians, they are what they spew, bigots. Have a nice day :)

Here is a list of the kind of people I show bigotry towards:

Family Values groups
Evangelical Conservatives
Militia Members
Tea Partiers
Stormfront/KKK/Neo-Nazi types
Fox News Republicans
Talk Radio Fans
People who don't think a college degree has value
Anyone who opposes gay marriage and abortion

Any one of these symptoms indicates you're retarded

I don't dislike the GOP, when it comes to people like Jeb Bush and Chris Christie

It's the Palins, Bachmanns, Gomerts, and Kings that I hate
What makes you think that woman listens to rap?
Well, you know, if they serve a gay, they might turn gay. :D Scary!!! The gays are scarrrrrryyyy!
The GOP media will provide them with plenty of pseudo constitutional arguments they can use to attempt to NOT appear to be what they are...bigots.

You realize your intense dislike for the GOP makes you a bigot, right? Same as with those that dislike Christians, they are what they spew, bigots. Have a nice day :)

Here is a list of the kind of people I show bigotry towards:

Family Values groups
Evangelical Conservatives
Militia Members
Tea Partiers
Stormfront/KKK/Neo-Nazi types
Fox News Republicans
Talk Radio Fans
People who don't think a college degree has value
Anyone who opposes gay marriage and abortion

Any one of these symptoms indicates you're retarded

So you're a bigot, I suggest you cease calling others bigot. Of course you won't grasp it but others will
You're a bigot.

We both are

The difference is you won't admit it

You're still missing the point.....I don't go around calling others a bigot....while being a bigot. That makes you....wait for it....a hypocritical bigot
The GOP media will provide them with plenty of pseudo constitutional arguments they can use to attempt to NOT appear to be what they are...bigots.

You realize your intense dislike for the GOP makes you a bigot, right? Same as with those that dislike Christians, they are what they spew, bigots. Have a nice day :)

Here is a list of the kind of people I show bigotry towards:

Family Values groups
Evangelical Conservatives
Militia Members
Tea Partiers
Stormfront/KKK/Neo-Nazi types
Fox News Republicans
Talk Radio Fans
People who don't think a college degree has value
Anyone who opposes gay marriage and abortion

Any one of these symptoms indicates you're retarded

So you're a bigot, I suggest you cease calling others bigot. Of course you won't grasp it but others will
You're a bigot.

We both are

The difference is you won't admit it

You're still missing the point.....I don't go around calling others a bigot....while being a bigot. That makes you....wait for it....a hypocritical bigot
You just called someone a bigot. :rofl:
Yep, "consequences" have been served.

The gay couple chose to make these people pay; they didn't have to, but they chose to.

Yeah, this will certainly improve relations.

No doubt the Left will also want to enforce the laws on illegal immigration, pot smoking, and other law-breaking activities too.


The left is and has been actively working to decriminalize and legalize Marijuana. What are you working on?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Well, you know, if they serve a gay, they might turn gay. :D Scary!!! The gays are scarrrrrryyyy!
The GOP media will provide them with plenty of pseudo constitutional arguments they can use to attempt to NOT appear to be what they are...bigots.

You realize your intense dislike for the GOP makes you a bigot, right? Same as with those that dislike Christians, they are what they spew, bigots. Have a nice day :)

Here is a list of the kind of people I show bigotry towards:

Family Values groups
Evangelical Conservatives
Militia Members
Tea Partiers
Stormfront/KKK/Neo-Nazi types
Fox News Republicans
Talk Radio Fans
People who don't think a college degree has value
Anyone who opposes gay marriage and abortion

Any one of these symptoms indicates you're retarded

I don't dislike the GOP, when it comes to people like Jeb Bush and Chris Christie

It's the Palins, Bachmanns, Gomerts, and Kings that I hate
What makes you think that woman listens to rap?

Doesn't matter.
You realize your intense dislike for the GOP makes you a bigot, right? Same as with those that dislike Christians, they are what they spew, bigots. Have a nice day :)

Here is a list of the kind of people I show bigotry towards:

Family Values groups
Evangelical Conservatives
Militia Members
Tea Partiers
Stormfront/KKK/Neo-Nazi types
Fox News Republicans
Talk Radio Fans
People who don't think a college degree has value
Anyone who opposes gay marriage and abortion

Any one of these symptoms indicates you're retarded

So you're a bigot, I suggest you cease calling others bigot. Of course you won't grasp it but others will
You're a bigot.

We both are

The difference is you won't admit it

You're still missing the point.....I don't go around calling others a bigot....while being a bigot. That makes you....wait for it....a hypocritical bigot
You just called someone a bigot. :rofl:
We're all bigots. Every time you choose Burger King over McDonald's you're displaying bigotry towards McDonald's.
Yep, "consequences" have been served.

The gay couple chose to make these people pay; they didn't have to, but they chose to.

Yeah, this will certainly improve relations.

No doubt the Left will also want to enforce the laws on illegal immigration, pot smoking, and other law-breaking activities too.


The left is and has been actively working to decriminalize and legalize Marijuana. What are you working on?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Demonizing gays.
You realize your intense dislike for the GOP makes you a bigot, right? Same as with those that dislike Christians, they are what they spew, bigots. Have a nice day :)

Here is a list of the kind of people I show bigotry towards:

Family Values groups
Evangelical Conservatives
Militia Members
Tea Partiers
Stormfront/KKK/Neo-Nazi types
Fox News Republicans
Talk Radio Fans
People who don't think a college degree has value
Anyone who opposes gay marriage and abortion

Any one of these symptoms indicates you're retarded

So you're a bigot, I suggest you cease calling others bigot. Of course you won't grasp it but others will
You're a bigot.

We both are

The difference is you won't admit it

You're still missing the point.....I don't go around calling others a bigot....while being a bigot. That makes you....wait for it....a hypocritical bigot
You just called someone a bigot. :rofl:
So thinking it, instead of saying just fine huh?

Here is a list of the kind of people I show bigotry towards:

Family Values groups
Evangelical Conservatives
Militia Members
Tea Partiers
Stormfront/KKK/Neo-Nazi types
Fox News Republicans
Talk Radio Fans
People who don't think a college degree has value
Anyone who opposes gay marriage and abortion

Any one of these symptoms indicates you're retarded

So you're a bigot, I suggest you cease calling others bigot. Of course you won't grasp it but others will
You're a bigot.

We both are

The difference is you won't admit it

You're still missing the point.....I don't go around calling others a bigot....while being a bigot. That makes you....wait for it....a hypocritical bigot
You just called someone a bigot. :rofl:
So thinking it, instead of saying just fine huh?

You're still missing the point. I am pointing out your hypocrisy. You loons wore out the racist angle and now are wearing out the bigot card. I laugh at it
Yep, "consequences" have been served.

The gay couple chose to make these people pay; they didn't have to, but they chose to.

Yeah, this will certainly improve relations.

No doubt the Left will also want to enforce the laws on illegal immigration, pot smoking, and other law-breaking activities too.


The left is and has been actively working to decriminalize and legalize Marijuana. What are you working on?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Demonizing gays.
Demonizing hypocrites.


Here is a list of the kind of people I show bigotry towards:

Family Values groups
Evangelical Conservatives
Militia Members
Tea Partiers
Stormfront/KKK/Neo-Nazi types
Fox News Republicans
Talk Radio Fans
People who don't think a college degree has value
Anyone who opposes gay marriage and abortion

Any one of these symptoms indicates you're retarded

So you're a bigot, I suggest you cease calling others bigot. Of course you won't grasp it but others will
You're a bigot.

We both are

The difference is you won't admit it

You're still missing the point.....I don't go around calling others a bigot....while being a bigot. That makes you....wait for it....a hypocritical bigot
You just called someone a bigot. :rofl:
So thinking it, instead of saying just fine huh?
We're into thought crimes now?
So you're a bigot, I suggest you cease calling others bigot. Of course you won't grasp it but others will
You're a bigot.

We both are

The difference is you won't admit it

You're still missing the point.....I don't go around calling others a bigot....while being a bigot. That makes you....wait for it....a hypocritical bigot
You just called someone a bigot. :rofl:
So thinking it, instead of saying just fine huh?

You're still missing the point. I am pointing out your hypocrisy. You loons wore out the racist angle and now are wearing out the bigot card. I laugh at it
It doesn't matter how many times someone points out the bigotry that you deny, or minimize, the fact is you are a bigot, and you just want people to stop pointing that out
The Kleins are a good Christian couple and I hate seeing this happen to them. I reversed my approval of gay weddings over this outrage. Now I am totally opposed to any gay marriage and will work to have this court decision overturned by new legislation or constutitional convention to outlaw gay marriage. Gays have overstepped. They couldn't leave their victory alone. Now they are using it to persecute decent people who cannot violate their Christian beliefs. The Kleins are going to appeal this decision and I wish them God-speed.
It's remarkable that anyone can truly be this ignorant of the Constitution and hateful toward gay Americans.

Clearly we're still very much in need of the 14th Amendment jurisprudence that safeguards all Americans' civil rights from this sort of ignorance and hate.

Clearly the argument on the 14th was successfully argued by same sex marriage advocates.

What will happen when plural marriage is legalized by a State or by Court ruling? It would appear that all 50 states would be forced to recognize those marriages? If this goes the same way that same sex marriage went, the courts would then force states to issue those same licenses.

Unless, I suppose, the States took a proactive stance and tried to ban them altogether, which didn't work too well earlier, or simply stop issuing marriage licenses.

Plural marriage is a slam dunk now since there is no limiting factor to the institution now, or none that could be successfully argued.

Is there ANY OTHER CONTRACT, that limits the participating parties to two? I can't think of a single one.

So the number is arbitrary.

Incestuous marriage would be the logical next step, politically even less popular than SSM or plural marriage, but would not be stopped by sound legal reasoning. How can two same sex siblings procreate?

That is how this will, if not overturn, but end same sex marriage along with all marriage.

It will be messy, and a backlash should be expected.
You guys are always trying to use arguments that are false analogies. Plural marriage is not analogous to same sex marriage, not at all: it's a completely different thing. One marriage: two people. That's the traditional way and the same sex way. Plural spouses is not at all the same thing.

Ok, let's examine it then:

Prior to same sex marriage becoming law, a requirement of the license was that the participants be one woman and one man, not too closely related.

Why did that requirement exist in traditional marriage?

The answer is that it made it impossible for bloodlines to produce defective children or defective children in future generations, due to inbreeding.

That argument has zero merit when we speak of same sex marriage, correct?

The limit of two, was connected to the limit of "not too closely related", so the number is arbitrary.

The argument against plural marriage is based on several issues, none of which has merit in same sex plural marriage.

It allows males dominance over females? In an all male plural marriage? How so?

The biological relationships of the children in a all male plural marriage? HUH?

None of the arguments that were reasonable with opposite sex marriage, have merit with same sex marriage as it relates to many forms of incest or plural marriage do they?

Now, how do you exclude straights from these, when you have no compelling state interest in the denial of this "right" to same sex couples?

We have that Equal Protection laws and the right to due process that seem to indicate that you can't discriminate based on one couple ability to procreate and the others inability.

Remember, I did not create this argument, it was actually created to support same sex couple rights to marry.

Don't blame me, I have been arguing for years that removing the limiting factors in marriage opened the doors to all.

Same sex marriage will either implode or force states to end the institution.
You're a bigot.

We both are

The difference is you won't admit it

You're still missing the point.....I don't go around calling others a bigot....while being a bigot. That makes you....wait for it....a hypocritical bigot
You just called someone a bigot. :rofl:
So thinking it, instead of saying just fine huh?

You're still missing the point. I am pointing out your hypocrisy. You loons wore out the racist angle and now are wearing out the bigot card. I laugh at it
It doesn't matter how many times someone points out the bigotry that you deny, or minimize, the fact is you are a bigot, and you just want people to stop pointing that out

Again, don't be screaming bigot when you're a bigot. That is hypocrisy. You'll eventually figure it out
So you're a bigot, I suggest you cease calling others bigot. Of course you won't grasp it but others will
You're a bigot.

We both are

The difference is you won't admit it

You're still missing the point.....I don't go around calling others a bigot....while being a bigot. That makes you....wait for it....a hypocritical bigot
You just called someone a bigot. :rofl:
So thinking it, instead of saying just fine huh?
We're into thought crimes now?
Our bigoted thoughts are not criminal, and to be expected.

Our bigoted actions that shape legislation have the potential to cause harm
You're a bigot.

We both are

The difference is you won't admit it

You're still missing the point.....I don't go around calling others a bigot....while being a bigot. That makes you....wait for it....a hypocritical bigot
You just called someone a bigot. :rofl:
So thinking it, instead of saying just fine huh?
We're into thought crimes now?
Our bigoted thoughts are not criminal, and to be expected.

Our bigoted actions that shape legislation have the potential to cause harm

Now you're deflecting. I pointed out your hypocrisy and I suspect it finally sunk in. Have a lovely day :)
You're still missing the point.....I don't go around calling others a bigot....while being a bigot. That makes you....wait for it....a hypocritical bigot
You just called someone a bigot. :rofl:
So thinking it, instead of saying just fine huh?

You're still missing the point. I am pointing out your hypocrisy. You loons wore out the racist angle and now are wearing out the bigot card. I laugh at it
It doesn't matter how many times someone points out the bigotry that you deny, or minimize, the fact is you are a bigot, and you just want people to stop pointing that out

Again, don't be screaming bigot when you're a bigot. That is hypocrisy. You'll eventually figure it out
I heard you the first time, and I'm going to continue to point out the bigotry you admitted to having, because you offer it in your posts.

Stop being a bigot, and I'll no longer be a hypocrit
You're still missing the point.....I don't go around calling others a bigot....while being a bigot. That makes you....wait for it....a hypocritical bigot
You just called someone a bigot. :rofl:
So thinking it, instead of saying just fine huh?
We're into thought crimes now?
Our bigoted thoughts are not criminal, and to be expected.

Our bigoted actions that shape legislation have the potential to cause harm

Now you're deflecting. I pointed out your hypocrisy and I suspect it finally sunk in. Have a lovely day :)
I admitted to being bigoted towards certain righties, and got you to admit to being a bigot.

You'll find no consolation in your fall back position that I'm a hypocrite, because you are one too.
The Kleins are a good Christian couple and I hate seeing this happen to them. I reversed my approval of gay weddings over this outrage. Now I am totally opposed to any gay marriage and will work to have this court decision overturned by new legislation or constutitional convention to outlaw gay marriage. Gays have overstepped. They couldn't leave their victory alone. Now they are using it to persecute decent people who cannot violate their Christian beliefs. The Kleins are going to appeal this decision and I wish them God-speed.
It's remarkable that anyone can truly be this ignorant of the Constitution and hateful toward gay Americans.

Clearly we're still very much in need of the 14th Amendment jurisprudence that safeguards all Americans' civil rights from this sort of ignorance and hate.

Clearly the argument on the 14th was successfully argued by same sex marriage advocates.

What will happen when plural marriage is legalized by a State or by Court ruling? It would appear that all 50 states would be forced to recognize those marriages? If this goes the same way that same sex marriage went, the courts would then force states to issue those same licenses.

Unless, I suppose, the States took a proactive stance and tried to ban them altogether, which didn't work too well earlier, or simply stop issuing marriage licenses.

Plural marriage is a slam dunk now since there is no limiting factor to the institution now, or none that could be successfully argued.

Is there ANY OTHER CONTRACT, that limits the participating parties to two? I can't think of a single one.

So the number is arbitrary.

Incestuous marriage would be the logical next step, politically even less popular than SSM or plural marriage, but would not be stopped by sound legal reasoning. How can two same sex siblings procreate?

That is how this will, if not overturn, but end same sex marriage along with all marriage.

It will be messy, and a backlash should be expected.
You guys are always trying to use arguments that are false analogies. Plural marriage is not analogous to same sex marriage, not at all: it's a completely different thing. One marriage: two people. That's the traditional way and the same sex way. Plural spouses is not at all the same thing.

Ok, let's examine it then:

Prior to same sex marriage becoming law, a requirement of the license was that the participants be one woman and one man, not too closely related.

Why did that requirement exist in traditional marriage?

The answer is that it made it impossible for bloodlines to produce defective children or defective children in future generations, due to inbreeding.

That argument has zero merit when we speak of same sex marriage, correct?

The limit of two, was connected to the limit of "not too closely related", so the number is arbitrary.

The argument against plural marriage is based on several issues, none of which has merit in same sex plural marriage.

It allows males dominance over females? In an all male plural marriage? How so?

The biological relationships of the children in a all male plural marriage? HUH?

None of the arguments that were reasonable with opposite sex marriage, have merit with same sex marriage as it relates to many forms of incest or plural marriage do they?

Now, how do you exclude straights from these, when you have no compelling state interest in the denial of this "right" to same sex couples?

We have that Equal Protection laws and the right to due process that seem to indicate that you can't discriminate based on one couple ability to procreate and the others inability.

Remember, I did not create this argument, it was actually created to support same sex couple rights to marry.

Don't blame me, I have been arguing for years that removing the limiting factors in marriage opened the doors to all.

Same sex marriage will either implode or force states to end the institution.

:crybaby:You poor thing.

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