The Dual Deception: 9/11 and the War on Terror

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the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport

Christopher Bollyn speaking on the topic, “Our Political Crisis: Ending the Twin Deceptions of 9/11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror.” He makes clear that 9/11 and the War on Terror are dual deceptions imposed on our nation by the Israeli/Zionist and Neo-Conservative cabal that controls our government and media.

Our nation has suffered under this deception for 15 years. It’s time for us to raise our voices and stop the wars! Christopher Bollyn is an investigative journalist and author of "Solving 9/11: The Deception That Changed the World." The presentation originally scheduled to be held at the Greenfield, MA Coop, then the Greenfield Public Library, then a tavern and finally in a barn at a private residence in Charlotte, MA on July 21, 2016.



That Geodon your mother places next to your cereal bowl each morning can't possibly work if you don't take it.
Amazing they had time and opportunity to get into the building and arrange all of those cutting charges, run the wire to a detonator and then...have a plane fly into the building and not disrupt a single one.

I agree with you, but I also believe some members of our own gov were involved, everyone had their little part, no one new the exact plan , except for one man and he lives in Israel.
Okay, what was your question in the OP.
This is not a game to me, just so you're warned.

You want to not answer another question ?
Why wasn't Tower 7 mentioned in the report ?

You’re a child.

If you’re talking bout the 9/11 Commission Report, it wasn’t mentioned because a hijacked plane did not strike the building. A few buildings that were damaged and had to be subsequently destroyed were not mentioned. I believe it was WTC#3 (Marriott Hotel) was one of them.
You ever notice how 9/11 Truthers will never tell you what they think happened on 9/11 in any real detail?

Who disappeared for two years.
The mossad and CIA did 9/11.overwhelming facts prove it.

Okay…I’ll issue the same challenge I’ve issued to multiple 9/11 truthers.

Just tell us what you think happened in reasonable detail. Write it down, in your own words the events of that day, tell us the stunning untold story that everyone else has missed and I’ll be happy to consider it.
He became the leader of Likud in 1993 and won the 1996 elections, becoming Israel's youngest-ever Prime Minister, serving his first term from June 1996 to July 1999. Netanyahu moved from the political arena to the private sector after being defeated in the 1999 election for prime minister by Ehud Barak. Netanyahu returned to politics in 2002 as Foreign Affairs Minister (2002–2003) .

You ever notice how 9/11 Truthers will never tell you what they think happened on 9/11 in any real detail?

Who disappeared for two years.
The mossad and CIA did 9/11.overwhelming facts prove it.

Okay…I’ll issue the same challenge I’ve issued to multiple 9/11 truthers.

Just tell us what you think happened in reasonable detail. Write it down, in your own words the events of that day, tell us the stunning untold story that everyone else has missed and I’ll be happy to consider it.

I have been all through it, and do not want rehash it. Everyone involved didn't know the next move except one man maybe a few. If you do not believe it, well so be it. I firmly believe it.
He became the leader of Likud in 1993 and won the 1996 elections, becoming Israel's youngest-ever Prime Minister, serving his first term from June 1996 to July 1999. Netanyahu moved from the political arena to the private sector after being defeated in the 1999 election for prime minister by Ehud Barak. Netanyahu returned to politics in 2002 as Foreign Affairs Minister (2002–2003) .

You ever notice how 9/11 Truthers will never tell you what they think happened on 9/11 in any real detail?

Who disappeared for two years.
The mossad and CIA did 9/11.overwhelming facts prove it.

Okay…I’ll issue the same challenge I’ve issued to multiple 9/11 truthers.

Just tell us what you think happened in reasonable detail. Write it down, in your own words the events of that day, tell us the stunning untold story that everyone else has missed and I’ll be happy to consider it.

I have been all through it, and do not want rehash it. Everyone involved didn't know the next move except one man maybe a few. If you do not believe it, well so be it. I firmly believe it.

I do love how the chief complaint is the nobody gives you guys the time of day….

Then when I hand you a microphone to explain yourself…..

You back down.
I do love how the chief complaint is the nobody gives you guys the time of day….

Then when I hand you a microphone to explain yourself…..

You back down.

As stated…you’re a child. If you have something you want the world to be aware of, almost 100% of dentists surveyed will tell you that you have to produce something.

I do love, however, demonstrating the complete intellectual dishonesty of the truther movement; such as it is.

BTW…I thought you had me on ignore? Can’t even be honest about that…can you sonny?
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