The Dual Deception: 9/11 and the War on Terror

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As stated…you’re a child. If you have something you want the world to be aware of, almost 100% of dentists surveyed will tell you that you have to produce something.

I do love, however, demonstrating the complete intellectual dishonesty of the truther movement; such as it is.

BTW…I thought you had me on ignore? Can’t even be honest about that…can you sonny?

^^Internet troll: A person, usually operating under a pseudonym, who posts deliberately provocative messages to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of provoking maximum disruption and argument. They are often paid by nefarious sources but sometime are motivated to do so for their own amusement. They often try to provoke dissension and doubt by writing dis-informational letters to the editors of newspapers.

Another good definition of an internet troll: A person who purposely and deliberately starts an online or media argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by other commenters
. He will often use ad hominem attacks.

So you make a Ad hominem attack protest Ad Hominem attacks?

You're kinda burying the needle in the 'irony-o-meter'.
You may want to check what you just posted again....because this passage was clearly present:

"....9/11 and the War on Terror are dual deceptions imposed on our nation by the Israeli/Zionist and Neo-Conservative cabal that controls our government and media."

And then you blamed Israel again in your next post, laughably insisting that this time the Israelis were teaming up with the Saudis to attack the US.

And don't get me started about your vague allusions to Larry Silverstein.....where you insinuate something vague and ominous, but don't actually have the stones to make a specific allegation against him.
Skylar the annoying pod troll going back on ignore. Bye bye now.
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More Americans Questioning Official 9/11 Story As New Evidence Contradicts Official Narrative
Today the event that defined the United States’ foreign policy in the 21st century, and heralded the destruction of whole countries, turns 18. The events of September 11, 2001 remains etched into the memories of Americans and many others, as a collective tragedy that brought Americans together and brought as well a general resolve among them that those responsible be brought to justice.

While the events of that day did unite Americans in these ways for a time, the different trajectories of the official relative to the independent investigations into the September 11 attacks have often led to division in the years since 2001, with vicious attacks or outright dismissal being levied against the latter.

Yet, with 18 years having come and gone — and with the tireless efforts from victims’ families, first responders, scientists and engineers — the tide appears to be turning, as new evidence continues to emerge and calls for new investigations are made. However, American corporate media has remained largely silent, preferring to ignore new developments that could derail the “official story” of one of the most iconic and devastating attacks to ever occur on American soil.

For instance, in late July, commissioners for a New York-area Fire Department, which responded to the attacks and lost one of their own that day, called for a new investigation into the events of September 11. On July 24, the board of commissioners for the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District, which serves a population of around 30,000 near Queens, voted unanimously in their call for a new investigation into the attacks.

While the call for a new investigation from a NY Fire Department involved in the rescue effort would normally seem newsworthy to the media outlets who often rally Americans to “never forget,” the commissioners’ call for a new investigation was met with total silence from the mainstream media. The likely reason for the dearth of coverage on an otherwise newsworthy vote was likely due to the fact that the resolution that called for the new investigation contained the following clause:

"Whereas, the overwhelming evidence presented in said petition demonstrates beyond any doubt that pre-planted explosives and/or incendiaries — not just airplanes and the ensuing fires — caused the destruction of the three World Trade Center buildings, killing the vast majority of the victims who perished that day;”

And by 'more Americans', you mean same small group of folks that have been making up these debunked conspiracies since about 2002?
In the post-9/11 world, those who have made such claims, no matter how well-grounded their claims may be, have often been derided and attacked as “conspiracy theorists” for questioning the official claims that the three World Trade Center buildings that collapsed on September 11 did so for any reason other than being struck by planes and from the resulting fires. Yet, it is much more difficult to launch these same attacks against members of a fire department that lost a fireman on September 11 and many of whose members were involved with the rescue efforts of that day, some of whom still suffer from chronic illnesses as a result.
You may want to check what you just posted again....because this passage was clearly present:

"....9/11 and the War on Terror are dual deceptions imposed on our nation by the Israeli/Zionist and Neo-Conservative cabal that controls our government and media."

And then you blamed Israel again in your next post, laughably insisting that this time the Israelis were teaming up with the Saudis to attack the US.

And don't get me started about your vague allusions to Larry Silverstein.....where you insinuate something vague and ominous, but don't actually have the stones to make a specific allegation against him.
Skylar the murderer going back on ignore. Bye bye now.

Ad Hominems? Say it ain't so, Angelo!

And 'murderer'? I may be savaging your poor, helpless conspiracy with the razor sharp foil of reason, evidence and obvious questions that any reasonable person would ask.

But I wouldn't call that 'murder'.
In the post-9/11 world, those who have made such claims, no matter how well-grounded their claims may be, have often been derided and attacked as “conspiracy theorists” for questioning the official claims that the three World Trade Center buildings that collapsed on September 11 did so for any reason other than being struck by planes and from the resulting fires. Yet, it is much more difficult to launch these same attacks against members of a fire department that lost a fireman on September 11 and many of whose members were involved with the rescue efforts of that day, some of whom still suffer from chronic illnesses as a result.
While you insisted I was a 'murderer' for questioning your conspiracy. And not even particularly hard questions, either. Like, super obvious ones.

Like.....if the towers were taken down by explosive demolition, why where there no sounds of explosives as the towers fell?

Or....if the towers were instead taken down by thermite reactions, why was there never any thermite reaction ever discovered....before, during or after the collapse? Despite your claims that these reactions burned uncontrolled....for WEEKS.

These are obvious questions that any reasonable person would ask. And yet you go into Ad Hominem name calling fits if I so much as ask you about them.

If your conspiracy had merit, you wouldn't need to run from obvious questions.
Ad Hominems? Say it ain't so, Angelo!

And 'murderer'? I may be savaging your poor, helpless conspiracy with the razor sharp foil of reason, evidence and obvious questions that any reasonable person would ask.

But I wouldn't call that 'murder'.
He's ignoring you. Rightfully so I would add.
Ad Hominems? Say it ain't so, Angelo!

And 'murderer'? I may be savaging your poor, helpless conspiracy with the razor sharp foil of reason, evidence and obvious questions that any reasonable person would ask.

But I wouldn't call that 'murder'.
He's ignoring you. Rightfully so I would add.

Its 'right' to ignore anyone who asks the super obvious questions about the truther conspiracy that any reasonable person would ask?

Like.....if the towers were taken down by explosive demolition, why where there no sounds of explosives as the towers fell?

Or....if the towers were instead taken down by thermite reactions, why was there never any thermite reaction ever discovered....before, during or after the collapse? Despite the truther claims that these reactions burned uncontrolled....for WEEKS.

Questions you *should* have asked....but refuse to.

A reasonable person wouldn't have to ignore what you do. Which is why you fail.

So when I point out how absurd your 'The Jews Did It' theory was.......and how even more ludicrous it was that the Israelis and the Saudis secretly teamed up to attack the United States...... treat your conspiracy like useless garbage and abandon it, fleeing to completely different conspiracy.

If even YOU are going to treat your conspiracies like meaningless trash, surely you'll understand why we would treat them the same way.
So you're going with 'the Jews did it' now?
Typical Internet troll. He says;
rogue elements of our government ,black ops, the Saudis, the Israelis and organized crime members.
And you conveniently narrow it down to "Jews", so dismissed as antisemitism.

The post I was responding to said this:

"......9/11 and the War on Terror are dual deceptions imposed on our nation by the Israeli/Zionist and Neo-Conservative cabal that controls our government and media."

Though thank you for pointing out that no matter which groups Angelo is accusing of 911, he always makes sure the Jews were part of his conspiracy.
So you're going with 'the Jews did it' now?
Typical Internet troll. He says;
rogue elements of our government ,black ops, the Saudis, the Israelis and organized crime members.
And you conveniently narrow it down to "Jews", so dismissed as antisemitism.

The post I was responding to said this:

"......9/11 and the War on Terror are dual deceptions imposed on our nation by the Israeli/Zionist and Neo-Conservative cabal that controls our government and media."

Though thank you for pointing out that no matter which groups Angelo is accusing of 911, he always makes sure the Jews were part of his conspiracy.
Always covering your tracks, never admitting you're wrong. Like I said--typical troll.
Always covering your tracks, never admitting you're wrong. Like I said--typical troll.
He's another sock puppet. Not sure which members'-not that it matters.
He's standing in the corner with a dunce cap on right now.
( I ignore them periodically to avoid reading their repetitive bs)
So you're going with 'the Jews did it' now?
Typical Internet troll. He says;
rogue elements of our government ,black ops, the Saudis, the Israelis and organized crime members.
And you conveniently narrow it down to "Jews", so dismissed as antisemitism.

The post I was responding to said this:

"......9/11 and the War on Terror are dual deceptions imposed on our nation by the Israeli/Zionist and Neo-Conservative cabal that controls our government and media."

Though thank you for pointing out that no matter which groups Angelo is accusing of 911, he always makes sure the Jews were part of his conspiracy.
Always covering your tracks, never admitting you're wrong. Like I said--typical troll.

Laughing....the title of the thread is 'the dual deception'. And who are the 'dual'? Israeli/Zionist and Neo-Conservative.

And you're still trying to argue that the Jews aren't central to Angelo's truther conspiracies?

A reasonable person wouldn't ignore the thread title. But once again, you're defined by what you ignore.
Laughing....the title of the thread is 'the dual deception'. And who are the 'dual'? Israeli/Zionist and Neo-Conservative.

And you're still trying to argue that the Jews aren't central to Angelo's truther conspiracies?

A reasonable person wouldn't ignore the thread title. But once again, you're defined by what you ignore.
Repeating the same attack phrases ,trying to have someone targeted as being anti-Semitic.
Textbook troll.
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Always covering your tracks, never admitting you're wrong. Like I said--typical troll.
He's another sock puppet. Not sure which members'-not that it matters.
He's standing in the corner with a dunce cap on right now.
( I ignore them periodically to avoid reading their repetitive bs)

If you spent half the you do coming up with empty excuses for ignoring anyone who questions you to shoring up your conspiracies, you might be able to convince reasonable folks of your theories.

Alas, even the simplest, most basic and obvious questions about your conspiracies send you both running.

So much for your 'silent explosives' and 'invisible thermite reactions'.
Requested another thread close, thanks to party pooper skylar.

please stop accusing members of antisemitism.
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Laughing....the title of the thread is 'the dual deception'. And who are the 'dual'? Israeli/Zionist and Neo-Conservative.

And you're still trying to argue that the Jews aren't central to Angelo's truther conspiracies?

A reasonable person wouldn't ignore the thread title. But once again, you're defined by what you ignore.
Repeating the same attack phrases ,trying to have someone targeted as being anti-Semitic.
Textbook troll.

Maybe you're a pedophile, but should I try to prove it ? it my fault you guys *always* try to blame the jews? Again, from the OP:

".....9/11 and the War on Terror are dual deceptions imposed on our nation by the Israeli/Zionist and Neo-Conservative cabal that controls our government and media."

But now you're claiming you're not trying to blame the jews, huh?'re really not very good at this.
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