The Dumbing Down of America? No more SAT/ACT scores?


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
So Columbia will no longer admit students based on SAT/ACT scores. And apparently other universities have or are considering following suit.

In all honesty I do have some mixed emotions about this knowing that some people are simply better at taking tests than others. But I also know that those admitted to college on merit are far more likely to graduate, even graduate with honors, than are those admitted through some sort of fuzzy affirmative action.

Lowering standards for qualifications for much of anything diminishes us all. Lower physical standards so women can compete for instance and you have more people in the group who are less strong to accomplish various strenuous tasks, especially in emergencies. Lower academic standards so more people of color can compete, you are not only racist in assuming people of color are incapable of meeting higher standards, but you discourage all people from doing the hard work to qualify.

A society that strives for excellence, competence, quality in education and everything else rather than 'diversity' or 'wokeism' results in superior results/outcome/quality of life for all people.

So Columbia will no longer admit students based on SAT/ACT scores. And apparently other universities have or are considering following suit.

In all honesty I do have some mixed emotions about this knowing that some people are simply better at taking tests than others. But I also know that those admitted to college on merit are far more likely to graduate, even graduate with honors, than are those admitted through some sort of fuzzy affirmative action.

Lowering standards for qualifications for much of anything diminishes us all. Lower physical standards so women can compete for instance and you have more people in the group who are less strong to accomplish various strenuous tasks, especially in emergencies. Lower academic standards so more people of color can compete, you are not only racist in assuming people of color are incapable of meeting higher standards, but you discourage all people from doing the hard work to qualify.

A society that strives for excellence, competence, quality in education and everything else rather than 'diversity' or 'wokeism' results in superior results/outcome/quality of life for all people.

Affirmative action shouldn't be necessary, but it is.

Do you know why it's necessary in America and how to make it not necessary?

Trolling for a response due to political persuasion, only brings frustration.
ffirmative action shouldn't be necessary, but it is.

No, it isn't necessary. Minorities need to focus on education in their grade schools and stop passing the buck up to colleges and universities, is all. OF course, that means a lot less revenue for all those loan sharking operations they run if they're left with only people who are qualified eligible to enroll..
No, it isn't necessary. Minorities need to focus on education in their grade schools and stop passing the buck up to colleges and universities, is all. OF course, that means a lot less revenue for all those loan sharking operations they run if they're left with only people who are qualified eligible to enroll..
Racism in America has slanted the playing field in favour of white America.

This is necessary in order to tilt it back to level.
I kicked ass on every standardized test I ever took. If you used that as a guide you would think I was a great student. Instead I was the classic nerd too bored with school to expend valuable energy on busywork covering stuff I already knew. About died from the sheer boredom of it all. Then I went and learned a trade and started making money right away doing useful things. Entirely satisfied with how it all turned out.
Racism in America has slanted the playing field in favour of white America.

This is necessary in order to tilt it back to level.

lol rubbish. Blacks have had many billions thrown at them, they run their own schools, benefited from hiring quotas, the whole works since the 1960's. That's over 50 years of pampering. They actually made themselves twice as ignorant and stupid than they were in the 1950's. Time to cut them loose.
lol rubbish. Blacks have had many billions thrown at them, they run their own schools, benefited from hiring quotas, the whole works since the 1960's. That's over 50 years of pampering. They actually made themselves twice as ignorant and stupid than they were in the 1950's. Time to cut them loose.
I completely agree that the problem has gotten worse. The American south's hearts never were into making things right with blacks.

The level of racism on this forum alone is reeking with hate.
Affirmative action shouldn't be necessary, but it is.

Do you know why it's necessary in America and how to make it not necessary?

Trolling for a response due to political persuasion, only brings frustration.
The USA has done everything necessary to give ALL people a fair shot at the American dream. Statistics are conclusive that all people, including people of color, who do what is necessary to succeed in life are succeeding quite nicely. Those who don't want to do what is necessary regardless of skin color, ethnicity, religion or whatever are not nearly as likely to realize as much of the American dream.

To assume people of color or anybody else isn't capable of meeting standards for employment, college admission, promotion, advancement or whatever is nothing but a racist view and insulting.

To lower college standards to achieve some fuzzy idea of diversity is good for nobody and in the long term will lower the value of a degree from good schools.
So Columbia will no longer admit students based on SAT/ACT scores. And apparently other universities have or are considering following suit.

In all honesty I do have some mixed emotions about this knowing that some people are simply better at taking tests than others. But I also know that those admitted to college on merit are far more likely to graduate, even graduate with honors, than are those admitted through some sort of fuzzy affirmative action.

Lowering standards for qualifications for much of anything diminishes us all. Lower physical standards so women can compete for instance and you have more people in the group who are less strong to accomplish various strenuous tasks, especially in emergencies. Lower academic standards so more people of color can compete, you are not only racist in assuming people of color are incapable of meeting higher standards, but you discourage all people from doing the hard work to qualify.

A society that strives for excellence, competence, quality in education and everything else rather than 'diversity' or 'wokeism' results in superior results/outcome/quality of life for all people.

So you are saying that when only white males could go to college in the US that there was no fuzzy affirmative action thingy going on?
So Columbia will no longer admit students based on SAT/ACT scores. And apparently other universities have or are considering following suit.

In all honesty I do have some mixed emotions about this knowing that some people are simply better at taking tests than others. But I also know that those admitted to college on merit are far more likely to graduate, even graduate with honors, than are those admitted through some sort of fuzzy affirmative action.

Lowering standards for qualifications for much of anything diminishes us all. Lower physical standards so women can compete for instance and you have more people in the group who are less strong to accomplish various strenuous tasks, especially in emergencies. Lower academic standards so more people of color can compete, you are not only racist in assuming people of color are incapable of meeting higher standards, but you discourage all people from doing the hard work to qualify.

A society that strives for excellence, competence, quality in education and everything else rather than 'diversity' or 'wokeism' results in superior results/outcome/quality of life for all people.

This is the liberal dream.
To bring everyone down to the lowest denominator, whatever that is.
Get rid of all merit/ability testing and rely only on identity politics.
Just like Biden has done with his administration. Candidates race/sexual identity had significantly more weight than their abilities/experience. And that is why this administration is such a mess.
So you are saying that when only white males could go to college in the US that there was no fuzzy affirmative action thingy going on?
This is not 1833 when the first co-ed college opened for business or the 1920's when women were going to college in much larger numbers or roughly 70 years ago when most colleges were integrating or roughly 60 years ago when pretty much all men's only colleges chose to accept women.

If you have to go back that far to find something to argue re the OP--not to mention that your argument has little to nothing to do with the OP--it's safe to assume you pretty much have no argument at all.

I still say lowering standards so that more can qualify diminishes the quality and accomplishments of all and is insulting to those who strive for excellence.
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So Columbia will no longer admit students based on SAT/ACT scores. And apparently other universities have or are considering following suit.

In all honesty I do have some mixed emotions about this knowing that some people are simply better at taking tests than others. But I also know that those admitted to college on merit are far more likely to graduate, even graduate with honors, than are those admitted through some sort of fuzzy affirmative action.

Lowering standards for qualifications for much of anything diminishes us all. Lower physical standards so women can compete for instance and you have more people in the group who are less strong to accomplish various strenuous tasks, especially in emergencies. Lower academic standards so more people of color can compete, you are not only racist in assuming people of color are incapable of meeting higher standards, but you discourage all people from doing the hard work to qualify.

A society that strives for excellence, competence, quality in education and everything else rather than 'diversity' or 'wokeism' results in superior results/outcome/quality of life for all people.

Just identify as a minority that receives preferential treatment.

Race is a spectrum.

And if they refuse to recognize your identity... sue them for discrimination.
So Columbia will no longer admit students based on SAT/ACT scores. And apparently other universities have or are considering following suit.

In all honesty I do have some mixed emotions about this knowing that some people are simply better at taking tests than others. But I also know that those admitted to college on merit are far more likely to graduate, even graduate with honors, than are those admitted through some sort of fuzzy affirmative action.

Lowering standards for qualifications for much of anything diminishes us all. Lower physical standards so women can compete for instance and you have more people in the group who are less strong to accomplish various strenuous tasks, especially in emergencies. Lower academic standards so more people of color can compete, you are not only racist in assuming people of color are incapable of meeting higher standards, but you discourage all people from doing the hard work to qualify.

A society that strives for excellence, competence, quality in education and everything else rather than 'diversity' or 'wokeism' results in superior results/outcome/quality of life for all people.

Hmm...when I was in school we had take this test, I think it was called "CLEP", regardless of SAT scores.

Maybe CLEP wasn't it. It was for the college to see what kind of classes to put you in, or if you were college material at all.
I completely agree that the problem has gotten worse. The American south's hearts never were into making things right with blacks.

The level of racism on this forum alone is reeking with hate.
lol more rubbish. You went to a black run school, obviously.
I completely agree that the problem has gotten worse. The American south's hearts never were into making things right with blacks.

The level of racism on this forum alone is reeking with hate.
Well, that's an uninformed assertion. Was the school that Charlie Ward went to racist?

The only hate I'm feeling right now is for SJW shitbags that virtue signal when they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

So Columbia will no longer admit students based on SAT/ACT scores. And apparently other universities have or are considering following suit.

In all honesty I do have some mixed emotions about this knowing that some people are simply better at taking tests than others. But I also know that those admitted to college on merit are far more likely to graduate, even graduate with honors, than are those admitted through some sort of fuzzy affirmative action.

Lowering standards for qualifications for much of anything diminishes us all. Lower physical standards so women can compete for instance and you have more people in the group who are less strong to accomplish various strenuous tasks, especially in emergencies. Lower academic standards so more people of color can compete, you are not only racist in assuming people of color are incapable of meeting higher standards, but you discourage all people from doing the hard work to qualify.

A society that strives for excellence, competence, quality in education and everything else rather than 'diversity' or 'wokeism' results in superior results/outcome/quality of life for all people.

I read somewhere that GPA’s are as good an indicator of a students ability to succeed as standardized test scores. The problem with those tests are that there is an entire industry built around them. Students can take classes on passing them, get tutors,etc. That’s great unless you are student in a school without the resources to offer that or can’t afford it. That is why I prefer GPA along other measures such as writing skills etc.

(…do writing skills even exist anymore?)
Just identify as a minority that receives preferential treatment.

Race is a spectrum.

And if they refuse to recognize your identity... sue them for discrimination.
That isn't the point though. When you lower the standard so that more of this or that group can qualify, it becomes grossly unfair to those who put in the effort to qualify according to the higher standards.

I am not qualified to play pro football (or any football actually) and if they lowered the standards so I could qualify, how pitiful would pro football be? I am very qualified to manage small businesses or supervise various kinds of occupations. But I am not qualified to be the CEO of Walmart or General Electric. If they lowered the standards for those jobs so that I could be considered, I can assure you those companies would suffer mightily as would all the people now working in them.

I am a proponent of excellence. All people should be taught what the criteria for success is and to utilize their aptitude to the fullest and strive for excellence. Anything else encourages incompetence, substandard performance, mediocrity and we all are diminished.

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