The Eagles Players made asses of themselves

The White House will be holding a celebration of the Super Bowl-champion Philadelphia Eagles Tuesday — but without any members of the team. Super Bowl-winning, former Eagles wide receiver Torrey Smith called Trump’s cancellation “cowardly” — while Philadelphia’s mayor blasted the president as a “fragile egomaniac.”

The whole knelling protest started because of Colin Kaepernick’s fragile ego. Players are cut all of the time in pro sports. Kaepernick threw a hissy-fit and chose to knell to protest police shootings, but really it’s about being cut. He described his behavior as a protest against racial injustice in the United States. The murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is 5 to 1. Less than 1% of police shootings are unjustified homicides. More than twice as many white suspects are killed by the police. This twit has ruined watching the NFL games for millions of fans. In the end it will cost the owners and the players millions and Kaepernick has made himself unemployable........ dumb dumb dumb

“The murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is 5 to 1. Less than 1% of police shootings are unjustified homicides. More than twice as many white suspects are killed by the police.”
I’ve always said this shit is backwards....Good law abiding, positive contributing citizens and police should be protesting Blacks for many different and obvious reasons.
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10 Players got Trumped by the fucking Pussy Grabber in Chief's fragile child like ego. Their fans got clipped, ops, I mean an illegal block in the back.

However it should be noted that the so-called president has successfully turn back the clock to a time, before 9-11, when the players were not required to be on the field for the ceremonial rendition of the National Anthem. How long before he calls them sons of bitches for staying in the locker room?
These bonobos are going to find themselves working on garbage trucks.
What do you expect from a bunch of 'tree dwellers' with an average IQ in the low eighties?
One hundred percent of them believe 'Big Mike' was the victim.
Oh these white wingers. How do they manage to function when they know so little. They don't even look for the facts. They are like the little kid that sits in the middle of the room banging an old pot desperately seeking attention.

First off, the Eagles never knelt during the regular season. Not one.

That means sTRUMPet picked on the WRONG team.

It was OK when white players refused to visit the Obama White House, why? Well, Obama is black. That makes a lot of difference. Obama didn't freak out. In fact, I don't even remember him saying anything at all. Course, Obama never did have a fragile ego.

I saw this hilarious quote on TV:
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney responded by accurately describing Trump: “a fragile egomaniac obsessed with crowd size and afraid of the embarrassment of throwing a party to which no one wants to attend.”
Sounded like Trump's inauguration.
He is so juvenile.
10 Players got Trumped by the fucking Pussy Grabber in Chief's fragile child like ego. Their fans got clipped, ops, I mean an illegal block in the back.

However it should be noted that the so-called president has successfully turn back the clock to a time, before 9-11, when the players were not required to be on the field for the ceremonial rendition of the National Anthem. How long before he calls them sons of bitches for staying in the locker room?
These bonobos are going to find themselves working on garbage trucks.
What do you expect from a bunch of 'tree dwellers' with an average IQ in the low eighties?
One hundred percent of them believe 'Big Mike' was the victim.

Thank you for your honestly racist reply.

Putin smiles with every racist post you make. Kindred spirits.
10 Players got Trumped by the fucking Pussy Grabber in Chief's fragile child like ego. Their fans got clipped, ops, I mean an illegal block in the back.

However it should be noted that the so-called president has successfully turn back the clock to a time, before 9-11, when the players were not required to be on the field for the ceremonial rendition of the National Anthem. How long before he calls them sons of bitches for staying in the locker room?
These bonobos are going to find themselves working on garbage trucks.
What do you expect from a bunch of 'tree dwellers' with an average IQ in the low eighties?
One hundred percent of them believe 'Big Mike' was the victim.

It's always funny to me when clearly uneducated people comment on the intelligence of others.
Unfortunately, the Communists/Democrats have created a Snowflake PC America. Everyone's desperate to play the 'Victim.' I actually remember a time when sports teams visiting the White House had nothing to do with Politics. Now it's all about Snowflakes being offended by something. But hey, i hate the Eagles. Always have. Now i hate em even more. :)
Oh these white wingers. How do they manage to function when they know so little. They don't even look for the facts. They are like the little kid that sits in the middle of the room banging an old pot desperately seeking attention.

First off, the Eagles never knelt during the regular season. Not one.

That means sTRUMPet picked on the WRONG team.

It was OK when white players refused to visit the Obama White House, why? Well, Obama is black. That makes a lot of difference. Obama didn't freak out. In fact, I don't even remember him saying anything at all. Course, Obama never did have a fragile ego.

I saw this hilarious quote on TV:
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney responded by accurately describing Trump: “a fragile egomaniac obsessed with crowd size and afraid of the embarrassment of throwing a party to which no one wants to attend.”
Sounded like Trump's inauguration.
He is so juvenile.

You should know.

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