The Ebola Heroes

When the Chinese swarmed over the Korean border and escalated the war there, the ones in front threw themselves on the barbed wire fences so their comrades behind them could get past our defenses.

That is some chilling shit right there. That kind of hardcore self-sacrifice for the good of the whole.

Well, folks, that's what these doctors and nurses have been doing on our behalf in Africa. They have been taking huge risks, with some of them catching the bullet, in order to save the world from a pandemic.

I find it utterly disgusting their sacrifices have been perverted by fearmongering assholes who want the rubes shitting in the pants so they stay tuned for the commercials for gold-plated commemorative coins and HGH.

We should be greeting these amazing and courageous doctors and nurses back home as the heroes they are, and placing them on the highest pedestals we can make.

That is all.
What a truly sick fuck you are! Your chicom heroes had guys with machine guns in back of them so they only choice was hop the fence or shot in the back.

Trying to infect others with Ebola is heroic.

What a sick sick fuck

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Another pants shitter chimes in!
Stfu you sick Chicom worshipping fuck.

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Someone is terribly confused. Perhaps the RF radiation from his cell phone is interfering with his two brain cells.
Truly shut the fuck up and go drink some infected body fluids from one of your heroic Ebola disease vectors

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
When the Chinese swarmed over the Korean border and escalated the war there, the ones in front threw themselves on the barbed wire fences so their comrades behind them could get past our defenses.

That is some chilling shit right there. That kind of hardcore self-sacrifice for the good of the whole.

Well, folks, that's what these doctors and nurses have been doing on our behalf in Africa. They have been taking huge risks, with some of them catching the bullet, in order to save the world from a pandemic.

I find it utterly disgusting their sacrifices have been perverted by fearmongering assholes who want the rubes shitting in the pants so they stay tuned for the commercials for gold-plated commemorative coins and HGH.

We should be greeting these amazing and courageous doctors and nurses back home as the heroes they are, and placing them on the highest pedestals we can make.

That is all.
What a truly sick fuck you are! Your chicom heroes had guys with machine guns in back of them so they only choice was hop the fence or shot in the back.

Trying to infect others with Ebola is heroic.

What a sick sick fuck

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Another pants shitter chimes in!
Stfu you sick Chicom worshipping fuck.

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Someone is terribly confused. Perhaps the RF radiation from his cell phone is interfering with his two brain cells.
Truly shut the fuck up and go drink some infected body fluids from one of your heroic Ebola disease vectors

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Are you out running with the pants shitting herd or something?
To me that doesn't sound like they are using best practices. From what we've seen in the US, ebola is very treatable in its early stages.
6/10 of 1 percent doesn't sound like best practices?!?

"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
21 caught it and only 8 survived. No, that is not a success rate. Sounds like a 60% death rate.
It is an incredible success rate if 4/10 of 1 percent of all MSF doctors have died from Ebola while fighting that disease on the front lines.

That is a spectacular record, and speaks to how well they observe safety protocols!
I don't think so. If their cure rate is only 60% amongst themselves then it is only 60% among the general population.

What you are failing to see is that the rate of infection among the immediate population is far greater than it is among the MSF doctors treating them.

Therefore, their incredibly successful methods need to be used as the model to fight this disease. And that can only be done by throwing a sufficient amount of resources at this problem. Not sealing off the border and running away. That would guarantee this will get much, much, much worse very quickly and then become a global pandemic.
Let's take Liberia. They have a population of 4.294 million with reported cases of 4,693. So how is that a greater rate of infection?
think about it... we should be automatically requiring 21 day quarantine of these returning doctors.

makes no sense to let them go about monitoring themselves as they ride the subway and potentially expose millions of others, then once they prove infected, we then rush to retrace and track down and quarantine all non symptomatic contacts...

no doubt these doctors and nurses are doing honorable and courageous work, but to not quarantine them upon return is stupid.
When the Chinese swarmed over the Korean border and escalated the war there, the ones in front threw themselves on the barbed wire fences so their comrades behind them could get past our defenses.

That is some chilling shit right there. That kind of hardcore self-sacrifice for the good of the whole.

Well, folks, that's what these doctors and nurses have been doing on our behalf in Africa. They have been taking huge risks, with some of them catching the bullet, in order to save the world from a pandemic.

I find it utterly disgusting their sacrifices have been perverted by fearmongering assholes who want the rubes shitting in the pants so they stay tuned for the commercials for gold-plated commemorative coins and HGH.

We should be greeting these amazing and courageous doctors and nurses back home as the heroes they are, and placing them on the highest pedestals we can make.

That is all.

i'm still waiting for anyone to explain to me the difference between what this non symptomatic doctor did by getting on the nyc subway one week after returning from his mission treating ebola patients, one day after he started to feel 'run down' (but no fever yet, so let's ride the subway to go bowling!) and what NBC reporter nancy silverman did?? is there a difference in the irresponsibility??
What a truly sick fuck you are! Your chicom heroes had guys with machine guns in back of them so they only choice was hop the fence or shot in the back.

Trying to infect others with Ebola is heroic.

What a sick sick fuck

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Another pants shitter chimes in!
Stfu you sick Chicom worshipping fuck.

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Someone is terribly confused. Perhaps the RF radiation from his cell phone is interfering with his two brain cells.
Truly shut the fuck up and go drink some infected body fluids from one of your heroic Ebola disease vectors

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Are you out running with the pants shitting herd or something? hero!

Those chicoms are so brave!

It wasn't the armed soldiers behind them, it was their love of Mao that drove them

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
i'm still waiting for anyone to explain to me the difference between what this non symptomatic doctor did by getting on the nyc subway one week after returning from his mission treating ebola patients, one day after he started to feel 'run down' (but no fever yet, so let's ride the subway to go bowling!) and what NBC reporter nancy silverman did?? is there a difference in the irresponsibility??
No, there is no difference really. They were both irresponsible asses.

Not sure about mandatory quarantines though. You would think doctors would have enough brains to voluntarily quarantine themselves.
i'm still waiting for anyone to explain to me the difference between what this non symptomatic doctor did by getting on the nyc subway one week after returning from his mission treating ebola patients, one day after he started to feel 'run down' (but no fever yet, so let's ride the subway to go bowling!) and what NBC reporter nancy silverman did?? is there a difference in the irresponsibility??
No, there is no difference really. They were both irresponsible asses.

Not sure about mandatory quarantines though. You would think doctors would have enough brains to voluntarily quarantine themselves.

his wife and friends are now under mandatory quarantine... why? they aren't symptomatic...

massive resources are now retracing his steps... it's just foolish!

he had overt exposure over there so the CDC should require preventive 21 day quarantine imo.
i'm still waiting for anyone to explain to me the difference between what this non symptomatic doctor did by getting on the nyc subway one week after returning from his mission treating ebola patients, one day after he started to feel 'run down' (but no fever yet, so let's ride the subway to go bowling!) and what NBC reporter nancy silverman did?? is there a difference in the irresponsibility??
No, there is no difference really. They were both irresponsible asses.

Not sure about mandatory quarantines though. You would think doctors would have enough brains to voluntarily quarantine themselves.

his wife and friends are now under mandatory quarantine... why? they aren't symptomatic...

massive resources are now retracing his steps... it's just foolish!

he had overt exposure over there so the CDC should require preventive 21 day quarantine imo.

They also released 40-something people who were in contact with Eric Duncan.
WTG Obamabot dipshit. Yeah, let's celebrate Ebola in America. My God, what a mess. Ebola is here to stay folks. Thank you Obama.
Another pants-shitter chimes in. May I interest you in some gold-plated coins, rube?

Another Obamabot dimwit chimes in celebrating Ebola in America. The fuck's wrong with you? God, what a mess.
No one is doing that....except in your hate-filled little world....little boy.
WTG Obamabot dipshit. Yeah, let's celebrate Ebola in America. My God, what a mess. Ebola is here to stay folks. Thank you Obama.
Reading comprehension isn't your friend, is it? No one...absolutely no one is saying we should celebrate Ebola. But those FIGHTING EBOLA are heros. What have YOU done lately?

He's done a lot of bitching lately.
When the Chinese swarmed over the Korean border and escalated the war there, the ones in front threw themselves on the barbed wire fences so their comrades behind them could get past our defenses.

That is some chilling shit right there. That kind of hardcore self-sacrifice for the good of the whole.

Well, folks, that's what these doctors and nurses have been doing on our behalf in Africa. They have been taking huge risks, with some of them catching the bullet, in order to save the world from a pandemic.

I find it utterly disgusting their sacrifices have been perverted by fearmongering assholes who want the rubes shitting in the pants so they stay tuned for the commercials for gold-plated commemorative coins and HGH.

We should be greeting these amazing and courageous doctors and nurses back home as the heroes they are, and placing them on the highest pedestals we can make.

That is all.
What a truly sick fuck you are! Your chicom heroes had guys with machine guns in back of them so they only choice was hop the fence or shot in the back.

Trying to infect others with Ebola is heroic.

What a sick sick fuck

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Another pants shitter chimes in!
Stfu you sick Chicom worshipping fuck.

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Someone is terribly confused. Perhaps the RF radiation from his cell phone is interfering with his two brain cells.
Truly shut the fuck up and go drink some infected body fluids from one of your heroic Ebola disease vectors

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

You must be one of those true Christian's...
i'm still waiting for anyone to explain to me the difference between what this non symptomatic doctor did by getting on the nyc subway one week after returning from his mission treating ebola patients, one day after he started to feel 'run down' (but no fever yet, so let's ride the subway to go bowling!) and what NBC reporter nancy silverman did?? is there a difference in the irresponsibility??
No, there is no difference really. They were both irresponsible asses.

Not sure about mandatory quarantines though. You would think doctors would have enough brains to voluntarily quarantine themselves.

his wife and friends are now under mandatory quarantine... why? they aren't symptomatic...

massive resources are now retracing his steps... it's just foolish!

he had overt exposure over there so the CDC should require preventive 21 day quarantine imo.
Where would you quarantine them though?
It would be great if everyone would step back and take a calm, rational approach to this issue.

This virus is simply not that easy to catch. By the time an infected person becomes contagious.....nobody besides immediate caregivers are in any real danger of catching it.

The only real reason that USMB nutters are calling for quarantines is that the POTUS has not.
It would be great if everyone would step back and take a calm, rational approach to this issue.

This virus is simply not that easy to catch. By the time an infected person becomes contagious.....nobody besides immediate caregivers are in any real danger of catching it.

The only real reason that USMB nutters are calling for quarantines is that the POTUS has not.
I mostly agree with this but I still think this doctor was irresponsible.

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