Job creation per month this year is at an average of 203,000. Better than the previous two years, but worse than the two before that.
That would be because unemployment is at 3.9%. It’s hard to create jobs when damn near the entire population is employed. :lmao:
Job creation per month this year is at an average of 203,000. Better than the previous two years, but worse than the two before that.
That would be because unemployment is at 3.9%. It’s hard to create jobs when damn near the entire population is employed. :lmao:

True. Too bad nobody told Trump that...."I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created"

So, going by this graph, when did the explosion actually begin...

Black unemployment hits a record all time low...

It's almost starting to get tiring.
It was at record levels under Barack Insane Obama. You’d think at some point the people suffering under left-wing policy would learn.
It got that way from GOP policies before Oblama when the economy tanked during Dubya...

Jesus Christ. Obama was President for eight years, and somehow, nothing that happened that entire almost-decade had anything to do with his being in office. It's a MIRACLE! Although it makes me wonder why we bothered to pay him, then, since according to you, he had no effect whatsoever.
amazing what one little mint can do to a 559 pound person
Frickin' lightweight..
if a mint can do that to a fat dude, can you imagine if he ate a 12 inch meatball sub with onions?
Then he could handle sex with Madonna....
now wait a sec. Madonna is 59. shes closed for business

The DJI is down 110 points and has a rate of change of just under negative 1%
The S&P is up 24.32 with a rate of change of .90%
The NASDAQ is up 357 points with a rate of change of 5.36%

The Stock Market Again Closed at New Record Highs on Monday
December 18, 2017. And since that day, the DJI has lost 79 points... That is an implosion, not an explosion!
Remind us all who was President on December 18th, 2017 :laugh:

And...the market can’t go up every day, snowflake. It’s “down” the slightest fraction off of the record high.
The DJI is down 110 points and has a rate of change of just under negative 1%
The S&P is up 24.32 with a rate of change of .90%
The NASDAQ is up 357 points with a rate of change of 5.36%

The Stock Market Again Closed at New Record Highs on Monday
December 18, 2017. And since that day, the DJI has lost 79 points... That is an implosion, not an explosion!
Remind us all who was President on December 18th, 2017 :laugh:

And...the market can’t go up every day, snowflake. It’s “down” the slightest fraction off of the record high.

The first year was a very nice explosion, but since then it is in Obama territory. We are into the 5th month of it being "down", that is not exactly a day. We are closing in on half a year of negative market growth. The country has figured out your savior is a fraud.
The first year was a very nice explosion, but since then it is in Obama territory. We are into the 5th month of it being "down", that is not exactly a day. We are closing in on half a year of negative market growth. The country has figured out your savior is a fraud.
I don’t know what to tell you, my friend. You Obama worshippers just can’t get over the fact that:

A. Barack Insane Obama is gone and he is not coming back


B. President Trump is your president
We'll see. The night is young.

If the tax act actually does as promised, and by some miracle workers benefit from it, then ... good. But as someone who works with HR and finance, all I've seen so far are mid and upper level execs getting huge promotions.

I don't think the tax act promised much, except that there would economic growth. There is. Done.

Even if the companies never gave a penny to employees, they certainly would use it for something, and whatever they use it for, would be a benefit to the entire country.

If they use it to build more plants, and create new employees. That's a plus.
If they use it to build more products, and create more services. That's a plus.
If they use it to pay out larger dividends to 401K, Unions, Pension funds. That's a plus.
If they use it to save up for future expenses and expansions. That's a plus.

I'm always confused by people who think that allowing companies to have more of the money they themselves earned, could possibly have a negative effect.

What exactly do you think they will do with the money, that will be bad for the economy? Unless you think they are taking the money out to a pit somewhere, and burning it, there is nothing you can do with money that has negative economic effects.

Even if they simply dump the money into a bank account, that still has a positive effect, because what do you think the bank does with the money?

All the same things. They invest it, which is good. They spend it, which is good. Or they save it, which would simply be to use it later for bigger investments.

Please name the economy destroying uses of money, by corporations. I will be open minded and discuss it with you.
Even if the companies never gave a penny to employees, they certainly would use it for something, and whatever they use it for, would be a benefit to the entire country.
Heh. Ha ha. Bwahahahaaa!
Pee on my face!
And tell me that you love me!
Pee on my face!
And tell me that you care!
The first year was a very nice explosion, but since then it is in Obama territory. We are into the 5th month of it being "down", that is not exactly a day. We are closing in on half a year of negative market growth. The country has figured out your savior is a fraud.
I don’t know what to tell you, my friend. You Obama worshippers just can’t get over the fact that:

A. Barack Insane Obama is gone and he is not coming back


B. President Trump is your president

I am very happy about A.

And right now B's economy is no different than A's was...that I am not happy about.

But, you cannot ever say even a single bad thing about Trump, so if we went to into a recession and the Dow lost 25% you would still be posting about how the economy is exploding.

It must suck to have to ignore reality just to kiss the ass of a politician...but enough of you do it, you must like doing it.
We'll see. The night is young.

If the tax act actually does as promised, and by some miracle workers benefit from it, then ... good. But as someone who works with HR and finance, all I've seen so far are mid and upper level execs getting huge promotions.

I don't think the tax act promised much, except that there would economic growth. There is. Done.

Even if the companies never gave a penny to employees, they certainly would use it for something, and whatever they use it for, would be a benefit to the entire country.

If they use it to build more plants, and create new employees. That's a plus.
If they use it to build more products, and create more services. That's a plus.
If they use it to pay out larger dividends to 401K, Unions, Pension funds. That's a plus.
If they use it to save up for future expenses and expansions. That's a plus.

I'm always confused by people who think that allowing companies to have more of the money they themselves earned, could possibly have a negative effect.

What exactly do you think they will do with the money, that will be bad for the economy? Unless you think they are taking the money out to a pit somewhere, and burning it, there is nothing you can do with money that has negative economic effects.

Even if they simply dump the money into a bank account, that still has a positive effect, because what do you think the bank does with the money?

All the same things. They invest it, which is good. They spend it, which is good. Or they save it, which would simply be to use it later for bigger investments.

Please name the economy destroying uses of money, by corporations. I will be open minded and discuss it with you.

I'm concerned about wealth inequality. Too much of it is not good.
The first year was a very nice explosion, but since then it is in Obama territory. We are into the 5th month of it being "down", that is not exactly a day. We are closing in on half a year of negative market growth. The country has figured out your savior is a fraud.
I don’t know what to tell you, my friend. You Obama worshippers just can’t get over the fact that:

A. Barack Insane Obama is gone and he is not coming back


B. President Trump is your president
That has not a damn thing to do with the current situation dipshit, housing cost are rising at 10-15% right now and it's causing problems with the economy along with high debt and high prices for consumer goods...But it's okay piles of sand are still affordable to hide yer head in.
Black unemployment hits a record all time low...

It's almost starting to get tiring.
It was at record levels under Barack Insane Obama. You’d think at some point the people suffering under left-wing policy would learn.
It got that way from GOP policies before Oblama when the economy tanked during Dubya...

Jesus Christ. Obama was President for eight years, and somehow, nothing that happened that entire almost-decade had anything to do with his being in office. It's a MIRACLE! Although it makes me wonder why we bothered to pay him, then, since according to you, he had no effect whatsoever.
Just another bailout event for the rich while the poorest get fucked...Nothing new....
Black unemployment hits a record all time low...

It's almost starting to get tiring.
It was at record levels under Barack Insane Obama. You’d think at some point the people suffering under left-wing policy would learn.
It got that way from GOP policies before Oblama when the economy tanked during Dubya...

Jesus Christ. Obama was President for eight years, and somehow, nothing that happened that entire almost-decade had anything to do with his being in office. It's a MIRACLE! Although it makes me wonder why we bothered to pay him, then, since according to you, he had no effect whatsoever.
Just another bailout event for the rich while the poorest get fucked...Nothing new....

Leftists' favored "screw the productive to bailout the lazy" routine is also not new. Just doesn't happen to be the turn for that right now.

BTW, please don't think I have missed the way you dodged past responding to the ACTUAL topic of my post, ie. "You can't blame Obama for anything! He's the god-king responsible for anything good that happened in his eight years, but if it was bad, he was just a helpless pawn!" So thank you for surrendering that point in typical manly, honest fashion.
Black unemployment hits a record all time low...

It's almost starting to get tiring.
It was at record levels under Barack Insane Obama. You’d think at some point the people suffering under left-wing policy would learn.
It got that way from GOP policies before Oblama when the economy tanked during Dubya...

Jesus Christ. Obama was President for eight years, and somehow, nothing that happened that entire almost-decade had anything to do with his being in office. It's a MIRACLE! Although it makes me wonder why we bothered to pay him, then, since according to you, he had no effect whatsoever.
Just another bailout event for the rich while the poorest get fucked...Nothing new....

Leftists' favored "screw the productive to bailout the lazy" routine is also not new. Just doesn't happen to be the turn for that right now.

BTW, please don't think I have missed the way you dodged past responding to the ACTUAL topic of my post, ie. "You can't blame Obama for anything! He's the god-king responsible for anything good that happened in his eight years, but if it was bad, he was just a helpless pawn!" So thank you for surrendering that point in typical manly, honest fashion.
I see you need it to reinforce your sycophant adoration of Donald Trumpet.
I myself never said Oblama was what you claim, but thanks for playing..No consolation prize but we do have one of these..

It was at record levels under Barack Insane Obama. You’d think at some point the people suffering under left-wing policy would learn.
It got that way from GOP policies before Oblama when the economy tanked during Dubya...

Jesus Christ. Obama was President for eight years, and somehow, nothing that happened that entire almost-decade had anything to do with his being in office. It's a MIRACLE! Although it makes me wonder why we bothered to pay him, then, since according to you, he had no effect whatsoever.
Just another bailout event for the rich while the poorest get fucked...Nothing new....

Leftists' favored "screw the productive to bailout the lazy" routine is also not new. Just doesn't happen to be the turn for that right now.

BTW, please don't think I have missed the way you dodged past responding to the ACTUAL topic of my post, ie. "You can't blame Obama for anything! He's the god-king responsible for anything good that happened in his eight years, but if it was bad, he was just a helpless pawn!" So thank you for surrendering that point in typical manly, honest fashion.
I see you need it to reinforce your sycophant adoration of Donald Trumpet.
I myself never said Oblama was what you claim, but thanks for playing..No consolation prize but we do have one of these..


I see you need to randomly dismiss anyone who makes you look foolish in a debate, regardless of whether or not your dismissal bears any relation to fact.

"OMG, I can't rebut your facts! TRUMP!!!! TRRRRUUUUMMMMP!"

Not that you hadn't already lost resoundingly before you got to this point, but calling ME a Trump supporter is definitely you acknowledging how utterly finished you are.

It got that way from GOP policies before Oblama when the economy tanked during Dubya...

Jesus Christ. Obama was President for eight years, and somehow, nothing that happened that entire almost-decade had anything to do with his being in office. It's a MIRACLE! Although it makes me wonder why we bothered to pay him, then, since according to you, he had no effect whatsoever.
Just another bailout event for the rich while the poorest get fucked...Nothing new....

Leftists' favored "screw the productive to bailout the lazy" routine is also not new. Just doesn't happen to be the turn for that right now.

BTW, please don't think I have missed the way you dodged past responding to the ACTUAL topic of my post, ie. "You can't blame Obama for anything! He's the god-king responsible for anything good that happened in his eight years, but if it was bad, he was just a helpless pawn!" So thank you for surrendering that point in typical manly, honest fashion.
I see you need it to reinforce your sycophant adoration of Donald Trumpet.
I myself never said Oblama was what you claim, but thanks for playing..No consolation prize but we do have one of these..


I see you need to randomly dismiss anyone who makes you look foolish in a debate, regardless of whether or not your dismissal bears any relation to fact.

"OMG, I can't rebut your facts! TRUMP!!!! TRRRRUUUUMMMMP!"

Not that you hadn't already lost resoundingly before you got to this point, but calling ME a Trump supporter is definitely you acknowledging how utterly finished you are.

At least have a tissue..I voted for Trump so don't be so sour about it.

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