There were less jobs created last year in the US than in every year of Obama's second term.
I sure hope Trump gets his shit together one of these days and starts growing jobs as much as Obama did.

I really do.

Trump is coasting on the momentum of his predecessors. The whole world has been enjoying record high stock markets and growing economies.





1. That’s a pathetic, idiotic, and desperate excuse

2. His predecessors were the Tea Party (Ted Cruz and Rand Paul in the federal government, Scott Walker and John Kasich in the state governments, endless more in county and local governments)

3. Exxon and others didn’t invest in U.S. facilities or give out bonuses like this BEFORE President Trump and his economic policies.

Grow up G-String. Your schtick got old several years ago. There is no denying what is going on. The businesses themselves are crediting President Trump.
Sound, proven conservative policy doing what it always does - creating unimaginable prosperity...
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Apple is planning to build a new corporate campus and hire 20,000 U.S. workers in an expansion driven in part by a tax cut that will enable the iPhone maker to bring an estimated $245 billion back to its home country.

The pledge announced Wednesday comes less than a month after Congress approved a sweeping overhaul of the U.S. tax code championed by President Donald Trump that will increase corporate profits.

Besides dramatically lowering the standard corporate tax rate, the reforms offer a one-time break on cash held overseas.

Apple plans to take advantage of that provision to bring back most of its roughly $252 billion in offshore cash, generating a tax bill of about $38 billion. That anticipated tax bill implies Apple intends to bring back about $245 billion of its overseas cash, based on the temporary tax rate of 15.5% on foreign profits.
Idiotic failed left-wing policy ensured that that money stayed overseas - benefiting other nations. Now it will return to the U.S. where it belongs - to benefit the U.S.

Apple Banks on Tax Break to Build 2nd Campus, Hire 20,000
There were less jobs created last year in the US than in every year of Obama's second term.
That’s because in Obama’s first term, he and the Dumbocrats oversaw a loss of ten million jobs (and hit an unemployment rate of over 10%), you dimwit. In his second term, the Republicans were in control coast-to-coast (resulting in job growth).

You truly are a very special kind of stupid.
There were less jobs created last year in the US than in every year of Obama's second term.
That’s because in Obama’s first term, he and the Dumbocrats oversaw a loss of ten million jobs (and hit an unemployment rate of over 10%), you dimwit. In his second term, the Republicans were in control coast-to-coast (resulting in job growth).

You truly are a very special kind of stupid.

These liberal hacks credit Obama with everything but can never back up their claims with specific Obama policies and decisions. We on the other hand can point to countless Obama policies, regulations, and decisions that were anti jobs.
Ah Smuckers, another one of those factors tours pop dragged us on as kids. :)

I'm not a fan of Trump but as far as the economy is concerned things are looking up and so I'll give the man his due and hope for continued success. It would certainly be nice to have somebody in Washington that exceeded my expectations.
I'm not a fan of Trump but as far as the economy is concerned things are looking up and so I'll give the man his due and hope for continued success. It would certainly be nice to have somebody in Washington that exceeded my expectations.
I wasn’t a fan either - but he had the most incredible first year of any president of the modern era.
Let's see a few quarters of 3% or 4% GDP growth and 3% or 4% wage growth before we start calling anything an "explosion", fer fuck's sake.

I'm not a fan of Trump but as far as the economy is concerned things are looking up and so I'll give the man his due and hope for continued success. It would certainly be nice to have somebody in Washington that exceeded my expectations.
I wasn’t a fan either - but he had the most incredible first year of any president of the modern era.
Too bad it's all going downhill from here...Inflation is eating any wage increases up along with any tax cut to weekly payroll. Gasoline alone is up 30%..Increased borrowing from the feds to record debt again..Yeah, such a man..:5_1_12024:
Let's see a few quarters of 3% or 4% GDP growth mean that metric which Barack Obama never achieved? Unemployment is way down, the market is way up, and wages are up. If that’s not good enough for you, then I don’t know what to tell you (other than go try another country, I guess).
Let's see a few quarters of 3% or 4% GDP growth mean that metric which Barack Obama never achieved? Unemployment is way down, the market is way up, and wages are up. If that’s not good enough for you, then I don’t know what to tell you (other than go try another country, I guess).
I guess we all have our own definition of the term "explosion".

And of course, for partisans, it's always more explosive when their party is in the White House.
Inflation is eating any wage increases up
I know you are (literally) a high school dropout. And I know like all left-wing high school dropouts, you have the maturity level of a 12 year old prepubescent boy. And I know that you openly bragged about raping an underage girl (here is the proof).

But, in spite of all of that, I’ll see if I can dumb this down to your level.

Who monetized the debt? (Hint: Barack Insane Obama)
Who printed trillions of dollars out of thin air? (Hint: Barack Insane Obama)

Just like Bill Clinton’s 1997 Community Re-Investment Act collapsed the housing market, any “inflation” is squarely on the shoulders of your idiot messiah.
An explosion? If you say so...

Since 1 Jan 2018...

The DJI is down 110 points and has a rate of change of just under negative 1%
The S&P is up 24.32 with a rate of change of .90%
The NASDAQ is up 357 points with a rate of change of 5.36%

All the markets are pathetic right now, to put it politely.

Job creation per month this year is at an average of 203,000. Better than the previous two years, but worse than the two before that.

We have added $581,374,765,804 to the debt so far this year, putting us on pace to add 1.57 trillion this CY, and that is after a record setting April.

Inflation is at 2.1%, the highest number in more than a year.

This is your explosion....


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