The Effects of Feminism

Progressives think that women are sub-level. A lower type.

Ummm....I think you might have got that a little backwards!!

Try reading the comments again, and maybe it will be a little clearer....!

No, it's clear to me and every other thinking person.

Progressives devalue females, and they devalue the one thing that makes females special..their ability to bear children. They devalue the children of single women altogether...a child is deemed worthless to a progressive if there is no father in the picture..yet at the same time, they encourage women to engage in sexual relationships outside of marriage, the result of which is single parenthood. You jeer at and attack females who embrace motherhood and demean and mock them as stupid if they dare to be proud of those roles.

We know who devalues women and sees them as a lower class..and who works hard to keep them subservient.

I have no earthly idea what you are talking about and I dont even think you know what you're tallking about.

But heres what I do know, you're not special because you developed an extra Y chromosome. The ability to have children isnt something you developed, practiced then achieved. Its biological.

Of course everyone thinks they're special
I have no earthly idea what you are talking about and I dont even think you know what you're tallking about.

But heres what I do know, you're not special because you developed an extra Y chromosome. The ability to have children isnt something you developed, practiced then achieved. Its biological.

Of course everyone thinks they're special

To me, it's just as stupid as thinking you're special if you have blonde hair, or black skin, or naturally straight teeth.
Not to disagree, but imo day care for two and under isn't a bad thing. But once they start preschool, and once language and social interaction begin to advance, it's very very helpful if they don't have to be in extended care, and do just a few hours. I know my daughter's relationship with her mother largely stemmed from that, and they talk, use advise and trust each other.

Of course this makes me jealous. (-: Seriously, I think some males can do it, but I ain't one. LOL
Progressives think that women are sub-level. A lower type.

Ummm....I think you might have got that a little backwards!!

Try reading the comments again, and maybe it will be a little clearer....!

No, it's clear to me and every other thinking person.

Progressives devalue females, and they devalue the one thing that makes females special..their ability to bear children. They devalue the children of single women altogether...a child is deemed worthless to a progressive if there is no father in the picture..yet at the same time, they encourage women to engage in sexual relationships outside of marriage, the result of which is single parenthood. You jeer at and attack females who embrace motherhood and demean and mock them as stupid if they dare to be proud of those roles.

We know who devalues women and sees them as a lower class..and who works hard to keep them subservient.

I have no earthly idea what you are talking about and I dont even think you know what you're tallking about.

But heres what I do know, you're not special because you developed an extra Y chromosome. The ability to have children isnt something you developed, practiced then achieved. Its biological.

Of course everyone thinks they're special


PS..I'm perfectly aware that you are befuddled. Thank you for proving my point.
Not to disagree, but imo day care for two and under isn't a bad thing. But once they start preschool, and once language and social interaction begin to advance, it's very very helpful if they don't have to be in extended care, and do just a few hours. I know my daughter's relationship with her mother largely stemmed from that, and they talk, use advise and trust each other.

Of course this makes me jealous. (-: Seriously, I think some males can do it, but I ain't one. LOL

Honestly, my rationale was that if my children couldn't communicate things to me, they couldn't tell me if something upsetting happened at daycare. I didn't trust anyone else to care for my kids like I could.
I have no earthly idea what you are talking about and I dont even think you know what you're tallking about.

But heres what I do know, you're not special because you developed an extra Y chromosome. The ability to have children isnt something you developed, practiced then achieved. Its biological.

Of course everyone thinks they're special

To me, it's just as stupid as thinking you're special if you have blonde hair, or black skin, or naturally straight teeth.

Whoa wait a min...My black skin and straight teeth ARE special. lol.
Progressives think that women are sub-level. A lower type.

Ummm....I think you might have got that a little backwards!!

Try reading the comments again, and maybe it will be a little clearer....!

No, it's clear to me and every other thinking person.

Progressives devalue females, and they devalue the one thing that makes females special..their ability to bear children. They devalue the children of single women altogether...a child is deemed worthless to a progressive if there is no father in the picture..yet at the same time, they encourage women to engage in sexual relationships outside of marriage, the result of which is single parenthood. You jeer at and attack females who embrace motherhood and demean and mock them as stupid if they dare to be proud of those roles.

We know who devalues women and sees them as a lower class..and who works hard to keep them subservient.

I have no earthly idea what you are talking about and I dont even think you know what you're tallking about.

But heres what I do know, you're not special because you developed an extra Y chromosome. The ability to have children isnt something you developed, practiced then achieved. Its biological.

Of course everyone thinks they're special


PS..I'm perfectly aware that you are befuddled. Thank you for proving my point.

You never made a point about me. I guess you believe that any point is proven by simply declaring it so
Oh I made a point, and you seconded it.

The fact that you're functionally illiterate and too dense to understand is irrelevant.
I have no earthly idea what you are talking about and I dont even think you know what you're tallking about.

But heres what I do know, you're not special because you developed an extra Y chromosome. The ability to have children isnt something you developed, practiced then achieved. Its biological.

Of course everyone thinks they're special

To me, it's just as stupid as thinking you're special if you have blonde hair, or black skin, or naturally straight teeth.
Black skin is special, if Obama wasn't black. He wouldn't be president.
I have no earthly idea what you are talking about and I dont even think you know what you're tallking about.

But heres what I do know, you're not special because you developed an extra Y chromosome. The ability to have children isnt something you developed, practiced then achieved. Its biological.

Of course everyone thinks they're special

To me, it's just as stupid as thinking you're special if you have blonde hair, or black skin, or naturally straight teeth.
Black skin is special, if Obama wasn't black. He wouldn't be president.
You are half-way right.
I have no earthly idea what you are talking about and I dont even think you know what you're tallking about.

But heres what I do know, you're not special because you developed an extra Y chromosome. The ability to have children isnt something you developed, practiced then achieved. Its biological.

Of course everyone thinks they're special

To me, it's just as stupid as thinking you're special if you have blonde hair, or black skin, or naturally straight teeth.
Black skin is special, if Obama wasn't black. He wouldn't be president.

Let's not get hysterical, ok.

I suppose next you're going to tell me that your penis size (both inches) is what makes you special.
If a dead dog is preferable to the people you know, perhaps you need to move in different circles?
Don't know about you, but that dog in your avatar sure looks like a hater.

That dog was the best dog on earth. And better than most people. And she was a true bitch.:badgrin:
On second look, its not so ferocious.

Seems it was panting more than baring fangs.

Losing a dog sucks.

I won't get another one because losing the last one was so bad.

I did let a cat adopt me this week.

He's a pure black tom, with green eyes like a panther, so, I named him Cam Mewton.
Don't know about you, but that dog in your avatar sure looks like a hater.

That dog was the best dog on earth. And better than most people. And she was a true bitch.:badgrin:
On second look, its not so ferocious.

Seems it was panting more than baring fangs.

Losing a dog sucks.

I won't get another one because losing the last one was so bad.

I did let a cat adopt me this week.

He's a pure black tom, with green eyes like a panther, so, I named him Cam Mewton.

I've noticed that people adopt dogs, but cats adopt people.

Her name was Angel, and I adopted her when she was 10 years old. I didn't understand how a family could let her go after so long, but I gave her 3 good more years. She was really a dear. And yes, it sucked losing her.

I jumped into adopting another dog too soon. I love him, but he's my problem child. Still, once they're part of the family, I don't give up on them.

Anyway, now I'm off topic.

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