The effects of Porn in our culture

Jul 6, 2015
First, I would like to introduce myself. Call me KC, I'm currently working on a video game that, I hope, will get people rethinking many things in our lives. But first, I want to say, I was addicted to pornography for 28 years, since the tender age of 13.

I went from using magazines, to VHS tapes, to Internet pornography. I was a complete addict. I tried to stop several times in the past 28 years, but nothing kept. I kept on watching porn videos even after I found the best girl I have ever meet in my life.

Even after four years of a relationship, I still watched online pornography until last month, after we had yet another disappointing session in bed. I couldn't finish. I told her about the porn addiction, because I suspected it was why I had a hard time finishing, finally, and over the next week, I focused on learning from my mistakes and as much as I could about pornography.

I found two amazing websites that everybody here should probably check out.

What is considered the most harmless, and most viewed websites on the internet?
Porn websites are.

Here's the most important question - is porn harmless?
From the women who are involved in it. The answer is, most definitely not. If you didn't know - one out of four girls involved in porn will commit suicide, die of a drug overdose, or are raped and murdered. This doesn't take in fact that the mass majority of women who get caught in that pit have STDs. So porn is definitely not harmless for women.

Just browse through this website - Pink Cross Foundation Australia - HOME you will see how much pain and suffering you just caused in the lives of men and women directly involved in the porn industry!!!

But here is the $65,000 question - is it harmless for guys?
After all, it is just some harmless fun. Guy goes on his favorite tube website, watches for 15 minutes to a half an hour, enjoys himself, and turns the computer off and then goes to bed.

Scientists are not finding that chronic and prolonged use of pornography, especially during the teenage years, can have detrimental affects on the brain of anybody who uses it.

Remember how I said I couldn't finish with my amazing girl friend - porn did that.

Your Brain On Porn Evolution has not prepared your brain for today s Internet porn - this is another amazing website everybody should check. Recent scientific studies show that men addicted to porn will have their brains extremely sensitized to having an orgasm to porn, and desensitized to orgasming with women. Yes, that can and is happening to people. It also leads to erectile dysfunction after a while - depending on how much you used and for how long you used, and when you used.

Old farts like me, Thank God I didn't go through endless videos as a teen. Porn was just a magazine. . . It wasn't until I was 18 when I saw my first pornographic movie. . .

Today, a 10 year old could see stuff far more hardcore then I watched at 18!

I've been porn free for a few weeks now, and trust me when I say, sex is much better now.

Why did I put this in the conspiracy forum.

I'll connect the dots for everybody. This is a serious issue.

Currently, four out of ten Japanese think relationships are boring and bothersome. The majority of 40 year olds in Japan are really 40 year old virgins!
Middle-aged virgins Why so many Japanese stay chaste -
If that trend doesn't stop, Japan is expected to have a population reduction of 30 per cent by 2060.

This generation of young people, who are in serious threat of becoming porn addicts, might choose to stay out of relationships all together, because of sexual performance issues caused by an internet porn addiction, and because they always orgasm to porn. . . Imagine in 10, 20, 30, 40 per cent of young men thinking that! I am never satisfied with a girl, lets choose porn instead!!!

Many of you know of the Georgia Guidestones - we should be at 500,000,000 population to be in balance of nature. What better way to do that than to make guys seek artificial ways to enjoy sex, like pixels on a screen, than spending time with the girl next door!
Does this include masturbation? You never mention masturbation
watching porn and masturbating an inseparable at this point now.

Most kids masturbate to porn, which really trains their brain orgasm equals porn, not sex with a girl.

Like I said, I had issues 'finishing' the deed with my girlfriend, and I blamed her for that, because I 'sure could with porn'. Porn had desensitized me to having satisfying love making with her!
Now, porn free for almost a month, when we get it on, I feel everything now. It's amazing sex, and an amazing relationship too. You just have to train your brain to seek natural ways to satisfy your desires, not artificial ways!
Does this include masturbation? You never mention masturbation
watching porn and masturbating an inseparable at this point now.

Most kids masturbate to porn, which really trains their brain orgasm equals porn, not sex with a girl.

Like I said, I had issues 'finishing' the deed with my girlfriend, and I blamed her for that, because I 'sure could with porn'. Porn had desensitized me to having satisfying love making with her!

Just because you feel you made the association doesn't mean the association is inevitable.

I notice you pose the question, 'why did I put this in the Conspiracy forum' and then never answer it.

And by the other way, at age 41 you have no claim to the title "old fart". You're still a kid.
I'm gonna go watch some porn right now :thup:

If we're going to joke - let me leave you this one.

The next time you try to get it on with a girl, I wonder how many Viagra you will probably be using!!! 2-3, 5, maybe 10 pills. Did it get rock hard, or stay soft wimpy man.

When my girlfriend comes calling, I'm rock hard naturally!!!
Now, porn free for almost a month, when we get it on, I feel everything now. It's amazing sex, and an amazing relationship too. You just have to train your brain to seek natural ways to satisfy your desires, not artificial ways!

Thanks for an informative post, and for your outreach.

I believe in the use of spiritual healing to resolve the root causes of this and other addictive and abusive patterns, and for reconciling and healing relations in general. Not just healing mind body and spirit but personal and community relations, which then leads to helping all humanity restore natural harmony collectively.

I also worry we condition people to bully, coerce and win by making someone else lose or make each other wrong.

What will it take to change the pattern to find satisfaction and reward by making everyone and everything right, by collaborating on mutual solutions not just competing to dominate for control. If the wrong way to do something is contagious, what about solving conflicts the right way. Won't that catch on and multiply, while doing things in a destructive way will eventually implode on itself.

I see you are part of the healing process that is multiplying.
Once people break the cycle, and free themselves from the past, they don't go back, but keep moving forward.

Keep up the great work and may the blessings you bring to others be multiplied until the whole world is uplifted and united. Take care!

Emily Nghiem
freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy
I did - if the Georgia Guidestones, which many people believe are produced by Illuminati and the Rusciachristians, stated that we should be brought down to a population of 500,000,000 - what better way to bring our population down by hooking young boys on porn, so they prefer porn to girls because they associate most of their orgasms to video porn than real life girls.

In Japan, artificial things like the Perfect Boyfriend/Girlfriend app has replaced human companionship to the point they will see a 30 per cent population drop by 2060!!!

If young boys choose porn over girls on mass. . . That would have a drastic affect on our population in 40 years.

That's what happens to guys who watch too much porn, according to Cambridge University, Max Planck University, and the findings of Gary Wilson, who published Your Brain On Porn Evolution has not prepared your brain for today s Internet porn

Anybody overusing porn will suffer from sexual dysfunctions like porn-induced erectile dysfunction, and porn-induced delayed ejaculation.

I didn't mention, how overuse of porn shrinks your frontal lobes of your brain. You know, the part of the human brain that is not found in any other animal on our planet, i.e. the very thing that makes us human. That affects concentration, memory, decision making and many other things.

If you want to deliberately harm yourself though, go right ahead!
I did - if the Georgia Guidestones, which many people believe are produced by Illuminati and the Rusciachristians, stated that we should be brought down to a population of 500,000,000 - what better way to bring our population down by hooking young boys on porn, so they prefer porn to girls because they associate most of their orgasms to video porn than real life girls.

In Japan, artificial things like the Perfect Boyfriend/Girlfriend app has replaced human companionship to the point they will see a 30 per cent population drop by 2060!!!

If young boys choose porn over girls on mass. . . That would have a drastic affect on our population in 40 years.



I like your quote Pogo
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov... 35 years ago

according to Your Brain On Porn Evolution has not prepared your brain for today s Internet porn Your ignorance of how pornography can and is affecting the younger generation, leading them to a life where porn leads them to erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation with real women, but they are completely fine using porn is just as good as my knowledge that it does. Right now, there are at least 4 studies on use of internet pornography on the brain, two completed by Cambridge University, Max Planck University, and one being done through Massey University.

If young men are wiring their brains up for sex with pixels instead of making love with their SOs, how is society going to handle that? According to Gary Wilson's research, one in ten young men involved in porn said real girls were too boring, while engaging in porn. Now that they have stopped, girls become very appealing to them.

Eventually, online porn use of young people will gain enough attention for real laws to be enacted, forcing porn producers to put real warnings on porn use. Imagine, each website produced are forced by law to tell people, over use of pornography can lead to erectile dysfunction, lack of concentration, short-term memory impairment, and many other things. I hope that day will come soon.

This was the first of many videos that opened my eyes to what was happening to me and my lack of sexual performance with my very amazing girlfriend. The fact I followed this man's advice to remove all artificial sexual stimuli out of my life, and our sex life has dramatically improved is testament of the danger internet pornography can have on our population!
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