The eldest of the Duggar children resigns from FRC: Child Molestation Charges

that's really sad.

and leftist filth are crowing with glee
No. We are giving him the kick in the ass that he sorely deserves.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Did you give them pats on the backs for doing everything else so well?

if not, my point is proven

Two Thumbs

The real question is, why aren't YOU happy that this child predator has been outed?

Why are some RWs defending this slime?
uhm, well, you see, you're lying.

I didn't defend them, not at all, but you leftist filth are full of joy.

You don't care about the children, you just care that you get to shit on a christian family. you lack the humanity to actually care.
You don't care about the children, you just care that you get to shit on a christian family. you lack the humanity to actually care.

hey, at least he didn't want to marry a dude...right ??? LOL..

the Christian Right wing is the most judgmental of all and don't give a flying fk about children...if the Christian Right wing gave a fk about children it would not be lining up with the forces destroying the social safety net and seeking to humiliate and embarrass those who get food stamps with piss tests and limits on ATM etc all that crap the Right wing sends at the poor and the disabled and those who happen to be gay ..there is to be no whining about this LOL
Oprah was the one who let the police know about Josh Duggar
Oprah Winfrey wasted no time in canceling an appearance by the Duggar family on her former talk show when she received an anonymous email pointing to allegations of Josh Duggar’s molesting underage girls, some of who included his sisters.

According to a report from TMZ, the email was received by a Harpo staffer on the morning of December 7, 2006. In addition to revealing Josh Duggar’s past, the email also alleged that his parents, Jim Bob and Michelle, covered up their son’s past crimes.


The day the email was received, the Duggars were already in Chicago preparing for their taping on the show later that day. By 1:17 pm, an Arkansas State police officer, alerted by the tip from Oprah’s staff, called Josh’s mom Michelle and told her to bring her son back home immediately for an interview.

By that time, the taping of the Duggar’s appearance on Oprah’s show had already been canceled.

Oprah Winfrey canceled Duggar family s taping and sent them home after learning of Josh s past
You don't care about the children, you just care that you get to shit on a christian family. you lack the humanity to actually care.

hey, at least he didn't want to marry a dude...right ??? LOL..

the Christian Right wing is the most judgmental of all and don't give a flying fk about children...if the Christian Right wing gave a fk about children it would not be lining up with the forces destroying the social safety net and seeking to humiliate and embarrass those who get food stamps with piss tests and limits on ATM etc all that crap the Right wing sends at the poor and the disabled and those who happen to be gay ..there is to be no whining about this LOL
so, to defend your inhumanity, you have to change the subject.

you lose
that's really sad.

and leftist filth are crowing with glee
No. We are giving him the kick in the ass that he sorely deserves.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Did you give them pats on the backs for doing everything else so well?

if not, my point is proven

Two Thumbs

The real question is, why aren't YOU happy that this child predator has been outed?

Why are some RWs defending this slime?
uhm, well, you see, you're lying.

I didn't defend them, not at all, but you leftist filth are full of joy.

You don't care about the children, you just care that you get to shit on a christian family. you lack the humanity to actually care.

I didn't say you did.

I asked why you weren't happy that this jerk's crimes are out in the open.

I then asked a completely separate question - "Why are some RWs defending this slime?"

My second question to you - Why are you upset that some people are happy he's been exposed?

They're not Christians.
that's really sad.

and leftist filth are crowing with glee
No. We are giving him the kick in the ass that he sorely deserves.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Did you give them pats on the backs for doing everything else so well?

if not, my point is proven

Two Thumbs

The real question is, why aren't YOU happy that this child predator has been outed?

Why are some RWs defending this slime?
uhm, well, you see, you're lying.

I didn't defend them, not at all, but you leftist filth are full of joy.

You don't care about the children, you just care that you get to shit on a christian family. you lack the humanity to actually care.

I didn't say you did.

I asked why you weren't happy that this jerk's crimes are out in the open.

I then asked a completely separate question - "Why are some RWs defending this slime?"

My second question to you - Why are you upset that some people are happy he's been exposed?

They're not Christians.
I'm upset b/c you "people" are happy for the wrong reasons.

I'm glad the children will be safer, your glad b/c you get to shit on someone.

see the difference?

I'm human, you leftist filth are not
so, to defend your inhumanity, you have to change the subject.

you lose
Excuse me " my inhumanity" ? You are a wing nut and you are trying to "human shame me": how about get bent right wing moron slag...the inhumanity belongs to you and the Right wing freakazoid who think they are better more moral more virtuous than anyone else ..who like to slut shame women...who love to humiliate the poor...who love to repudiate gay folks because of who they are really go take a flying act of fornication over a lake ...YOU LOSE

The Duggars are no ordinary spokespeople for the religious right; they are super-spokespeople. For years, they have been held up as exemplars of biblical living, of devotion to Christ, and of, especially, homespun honest living and sexual purity. It’s long been obvious to many that this is a product of marketing and packaging, not reality. But now no one can pretend anymore.........Sarah Posner
No. We are giving him the kick in the ass that he sorely deserves.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Did you give them pats on the backs for doing everything else so well?

if not, my point is proven

Two Thumbs

The real question is, why aren't YOU happy that this child predator has been outed?

Why are some RWs defending this slime?
uhm, well, you see, you're lying.

I didn't defend them, not at all, but you leftist filth are full of joy.

You don't care about the children, you just care that you get to shit on a christian family. you lack the humanity to actually care.

I didn't say you did.

I asked why you weren't happy that this jerk's crimes are out in the open.

I then asked a completely separate question - "Why are some RWs defending this slime?"

My second question to you - Why are you upset that some people are happy he's been exposed?

They're not Christians.
I'm upset b/c you "people" are happy for the wrong reasons.

I'm glad the children will be safer, your glad b/c you get to shit on someone.

see the difference?

I'm human, you leftist filth are not


The filth is this family of fundie nutters and their defenders.
The Duggar Family endorsement is still on Mike Huckabee's website:

The whole family didn't molest children. Since Huckabee isn't going to earn your favor by getting rid of a name on his website, why should he? Why should any conservative do anything to please any leftist ever?
Christians sin too

True, but the entire Duggar family "legend" is a complete fucking lie. The buried his acts of child molestation in order to make sure they could make it to fame and fortune.

That sucks.
Let's take a look at what YOU the OP and idiot just did. You painted NINETEEN people for the actions of ONE. And YOU base YOUR broad brush idiot bigoted approach of "one guilty ALL guilty".

You do of course realize what you are saying is CLASSIC bigotry right? Granted you are a total retard but it IS rather apparent that you have done that.

So YOUR logic IS if ONE Duggar is guilty ALL are guilty. Do you have ANY idea of just how many layers of stupid that is? What's up with all this hate and bigotry you have?

Do you truly despise people so much in general that you NEED to do that? When a child of whatever age goes wrong you don't harm the family you retard.

You are truly one disgusting human being.
The nineteen as a group enabled the one, and thus are fully complicit in the actions of one. This is not guilt by association, it is guilt by complicity in heinous activity. Only a truly degenerate like you what support the family,
so, to defend your inhumanity, you have to change the subject.

you lose
Excuse me " my inhumanity" ? You are a wing nut and you are trying to "human shame me": how about get bent right wing moron slag...the inhumanity belongs to you and the Right wing freakazoid who think they are better more moral more virtuous than anyone else ..who like to slut shame women...who love to humiliate the poor...who love to repudiate gay folks because of who they are really go take a flying act of fornication over a lake ...YOU LOSE

The Duggars are no ordinary spokespeople for the religious right; they are super-spokespeople. For years, they have been held up as exemplars of biblical living, of devotion to Christ, and of, especially, homespun honest living and sexual purity. It’s long been obvious to many that this is a product of marketing and packaging, not reality. But now no one can pretend anymore.........Sarah Posner
I'll repeat for the impaired.

you posting have nothing to do with what happened, your post are about spiking the ball in joy.

you are a hateful, degenerate subhuman that is happy that children got raped so you could dance and sing on the net.
Did you give them pats on the backs for doing everything else so well?

if not, my point is proven

Two Thumbs

The real question is, why aren't YOU happy that this child predator has been outed?

Why are some RWs defending this slime?
uhm, well, you see, you're lying.

I didn't defend them, not at all, but you leftist filth are full of joy.

You don't care about the children, you just care that you get to shit on a christian family. you lack the humanity to actually care.

I didn't say you did.

I asked why you weren't happy that this jerk's crimes are out in the open.

I then asked a completely separate question - "Why are some RWs defending this slime?"

My second question to you - Why are you upset that some people are happy he's been exposed?

They're not Christians.
I'm upset b/c you "people" are happy for the wrong reasons.

I'm glad the children will be safer, your glad b/c you get to shit on someone.

see the difference?

I'm human, you leftist filth are not


The filth is this family of fundie nutters and their defenders.
you are posting links that have nothing to do with what occurred, proving you are subhuman that is happy children got raped so you can spew your hatred
I'm human, you leftist filth are not
You may be human but you are a freaking wing nut ...

Now here is the Rude Pundit ...just for you winger

How many times do we have to go through this before we understand that the entire industry built around supposedly good Christian families who condemn the rest of us is like a balsa wood dildo? You can enjoy the pleasure for a little while, but that .... is gonna snap off inside you.
The Rude Pundit Things That Are Even Creepier Now That We Know Josh Duggar Molested Minors

Here are 6 of the most horrifying examples of the Duggars’ homophobia
After Josh Duggar’s resignation from the conservative Family Research Council (FRC) on Thursday and admission that he did indeed molest underage girls — including his sisters — while he was a teenager, critics were not just calling for the cancellation of his family’s reality show; they were highlighting the apparent hypocrisy between his actions and his family’s repeated attempts to paint same-sex marriage and homosexuality itself as moral failings.'s a vagina, not a clown car.

Homosexuality's a 'moral failing?' What dya call if every Christian woman had 19 kids? World's greatly overpopulated with only 7 billion people. If each Christian woman had 19 kids, say about 1 billion of those, there'd be over 25 billion people on the planet. Ya, that's really moral.
The world is not overpopulated. That's an objective assessment made by people who hate other people and want to kill them. If you really believe there are too many people, then roll out some plastic, stand in the middle of it, and blow your damn head off. Because you have no more right to exist than those whose existence you're trying to prevent.
Christians sin too

True, but the entire Duggar family "legend" is a complete fucking lie. The buried his acts of child molestation in order to make sure they could make it to fame and fortune.

That sucks.
Let's take a look at what YOU the OP and idiot just did. You painted NINETEEN people for the actions of ONE. And YOU base YOUR broad brush idiot bigoted approach of "one guilty ALL guilty".

You do of course realize what you are saying is CLASSIC bigotry right? Granted you are a total retard but it IS rather apparent that you have done that.

So YOUR logic IS if ONE Duggar is guilty ALL are guilty. Do you have ANY idea of just how many layers of stupid that is? What's up with all this hate and bigotry you have?

Do you truly despise people so much in general that you NEED to do that? When a child of whatever age goes wrong you don't harm the family you retard.

You are truly one disgusting human being.
The nineteen as a group enabled the one, and thus are fully complicit in the actions of one. This is not guilt by association, it is guilt by complicity in heinous activity. Only a truly degenerate like you what support the family,
they all knew what was going on?

so the babies are guilty
you are posting links that have nothing to do with what occurred, proving you are subhuman that is happy children got raped so you can spew your hatred
All the wing nuts think they are better all of them and ain't one of you worth a warm bucket of spit...
It is normally an isolated group psychology, and often geographically, that does such behavior. In religious groups, women and children are abused in a patriarchal setting. Homosexual relations would be a small part of it. All of it is of course heinous; it should be punished by genital amputation and release into a general prison population until death occurs.
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