The eldest of the Duggar children resigns from FRC: Child Molestation Charges


The filth is this family of fundie nutters and their defenders.
you are posting links that have nothing to do with what occurred, proving you are subhuman that is happy children got raped so you can spew your hatred

You're saying I am happy that children got raped?

no, I'm saying, that you, the op and every other leftist is happy that children, of a well known christian family, got raped.

you posts prove it.

you're evil, all of you are

They're not christian but they ARE evil.

And so are those who defend them.

But yes, I'm happy that he got caught and that its public. You should be as well because it pretects other little girls.

BTW, this nasty thumper has three young children now. Let's hope their mother is watching out for their safety.
they are christian and the ones that let it happen are evil.

and yes, his family should be investigated.

but that does not mean you are not evil. You are only to happy that this happened.

So should Bill Clinton be investigated for jet setting around with Epstein (the pedophile)?
The Duggar Family endorsement is still on Mike Huckabee's website:

The whole family didn't molest children. Since Huckabee isn't going to earn your favor by getting rid of a name on his website, why should he? Why should any conservative do anything to please any leftist ever?

why? Just because they say so. GOOD GRIEF. damn petty people
this show has absolutely NO BEARING on anyone lives, yet here they are

What consenting adults do together has no bearing on YOUR life but you're here every day, ranting and raving.

But if someone dares to call out a slime bucket child predator, you're offended.

Like I said earlier, with this thread, you really hit rock bottom. But you're not alone. Other phonies are defending them too.

You're a disgusting bunch.

you are posting links that have nothing to do with what occurred, proving you are subhuman that is happy children got raped so you can spew your hatred

You're saying I am happy that children got raped?

no, I'm saying, that you, the op and every other leftist is happy that children, of a well known christian family, got raped.

you posts prove it.

you're evil, all of you are

They're not christian but they ARE evil.

And so are those who defend them.

But yes, I'm happy that he got caught and that its public. You should be as well because it pretects other little girls.

BTW, this nasty thumper has three young children now. Let's hope their mother is watching out for their safety.
they are christian and the ones that let it happen are evil.

and yes, his family should be investigated.

but that does not mean you are not evil. You are only to happy that this happened.

So should Bill Clinton be investigated for jet setting around with Epstein (the pedophile)?

are you kidding, they don't claim to be Christians so they get a pass.
freaking hypocrites. Hillary just said she follows her bible just recently.
you are posting links that have nothing to do with what occurred, proving you are subhuman that is happy children got raped so you can spew your hatred

You're saying I am happy that children got raped?

no, I'm saying, that you, the op and every other leftist is happy that children, of a well known christian family, got raped.

you posts prove it.

you're evil, all of you are

They're not christian but they ARE evil.

And so are those who defend them.

But yes, I'm happy that he got caught and that its public. You should be as well because it pretects other little girls.

BTW, this nasty thumper has three young children now. Let's hope their mother is watching out for their safety.
they are christian and the ones that let it happen are evil.

and yes, his family should be investigated.

but that does not mean you are not evil. You are only to happy that this happened.

So should Bill Clinton be investigated for jet setting around with Epstein (the pedophile)?
He has nothing to do with this.

shame on you for changing the subject, that's a leftist trick
You're saying I am happy that children got raped?

no, I'm saying, that you, the op and every other leftist is happy that children, of a well known christian family, got raped.

you posts prove it.

you're evil, all of you are

They're not christian but they ARE evil.

And so are those who defend them.

But yes, I'm happy that he got caught and that its public. You should be as well because it pretects other little girls.

BTW, this nasty thumper has three young children now. Let's hope their mother is watching out for their safety.
they are christian and the ones that let it happen are evil.

and yes, his family should be investigated.

but that does not mean you are not evil. You are only to happy that this happened.

So should Bill Clinton be investigated for jet setting around with Epstein (the pedophile)?
He has nothing to do with this.

shame on you for changing the subject, that's a leftist trick

Can't throw stones while residing in a glass house and trust me, I'm no leftist
You're saying I am happy that children got raped?

no, I'm saying, that you, the op and every other leftist is happy that children, of a well known christian family, got raped.

you posts prove it.

you're evil, all of you are

They're not christian but they ARE evil.

And so are those who defend them.

But yes, I'm happy that he got caught and that its public. You should be as well because it pretects other little girls.

BTW, this nasty thumper has three young children now. Let's hope their mother is watching out for their safety.
they are christian and the ones that let it happen are evil.

and yes, his family should be investigated.

but that does not mean you are not evil. You are only to happy that this happened.

So should Bill Clinton be investigated for jet setting around with Epstein (the pedophile)?

are you kidding, they don't claim to be Christians so they get a pass.
freaking hypocrites. Hillary just said she follows her bible just recently.

So how come those who "claim to be christians" aren't taking the side of the molested children?

So far, I haven't seen even one of you creeps say you are glad he's out in the open and that it will be more difficult for him to get away with it the next time.

And we all know, child molestation is NEVER an isolated incident.
no, I'm saying, that you, the op and every other leftist is happy that children, of a well known christian family, got raped.

you posts prove it.

you're evil, all of you are

They're not christian but they ARE evil.

And so are those who defend them.

But yes, I'm happy that he got caught and that its public. You should be as well because it pretects other little girls.

BTW, this nasty thumper has three young children now. Let's hope their mother is watching out for their safety.
they are christian and the ones that let it happen are evil.

and yes, his family should be investigated.

but that does not mean you are not evil. You are only to happy that this happened.

So should Bill Clinton be investigated for jet setting around with Epstein (the pedophile)?
He has nothing to do with this.

shame on you for changing the subject, that's a leftist trick

Can't throw stones while residing in a glass house and trust me, I'm no leftist
Leftists everywhere thank you.
no, I'm saying, that you, the op and every other leftist is happy that children, of a well known christian family, got raped.

you posts prove it.

you're evil, all of you are

They're not christian but they ARE evil.

And so are those who defend them.

But yes, I'm happy that he got caught and that its public. You should be as well because it pretects other little girls.

BTW, this nasty thumper has three young children now. Let's hope their mother is watching out for their safety.
they are christian and the ones that let it happen are evil.

and yes, his family should be investigated.

but that does not mean you are not evil. You are only to happy that this happened.

So should Bill Clinton be investigated for jet setting around with Epstein (the pedophile)?
He has nothing to do with this.

shame on you for changing the subject, that's a leftist trick

Can't throw stones while residing in a glass house and trust me, I'm no leftist
He was being sarcastic methinks.
You're saying I am happy that children got raped?

no, I'm saying, that you, the op and every other leftist is happy that children, of a well known christian family, got raped.

you posts prove it.

you're evil, all of you are

They're not christian but they ARE evil.

And so are those who defend them.

But yes, I'm happy that he got caught and that its public. You should be as well because it pretects other little girls.

BTW, this nasty thumper has three young children now. Let's hope their mother is watching out for their safety.
they are christian and the ones that let it happen are evil.

and yes, his family should be investigated.

but that does not mean you are not evil. You are only to happy that this happened.

So should Bill Clinton be investigated for jet setting around with Epstein (the pedophile)?

are you kidding, they don't claim to be Christians so they get a pass.
freaking hypocrites. Hillary just said she follows her bible just recently.

Hmmm, you do have a good point there - that the bible celebrates incest and child abuse.

So I guess all you "christians" are just following the Good Book?
It's all good. These are good conservative Christian people. The kid was just 14 when he diddled his little sisters. He certainly didn't know any better. He'd only had 14 years of excellent conservative homeschooling education. This happens all the time with 14 year old boys. Boys will be boys. The girls don't seem to have been adversely affected by this molestation. Look at how happy they are on TV. Always smiling and laughing. They even seem very comfortable around their molesting brother. Heck....they were sleeping and probably didn't even know what was happening. If they can forgive him, so can we. The police took necessary action at the time. He has paid for his sins in the eyes of The Lord. The Lord has forgiven him. At least he wasn't doing something really bad like smoking pot or watching MSNBC. It could have been much least he likes girls. This is a private matter between family members and is none of our business. The media will attack the family like they always do when good Christians become famous. Blah.....blah......blah......blah......blah.....

How does anyone of the Lord forgave him or not?

Der de der der der!
Christians sin too

True, but the entire Duggar family "legend" is a complete fucking lie. The buried his acts of child molestation in order to make sure they could make it to fame and fortune.

That sucks.
Let's take a look at what YOU the OP and idiot just did. You painted NINETEEN people for the actions of ONE. And YOU base YOUR broad brush idiot bigoted approach of "one guilty ALL guilty".

You do of course realize what you are saying is CLASSIC bigotry right? Granted you are a total retard but it IS rather apparent that you have done that.

So YOUR logic IS if ONE Duggar is guilty ALL are guilty. Do you have ANY idea of just how many layers of stupid that is? What's up with all this hate and bigotry you have?

Do you truly despise people so much in general that you NEED to do that? When a child of whatever age goes wrong you don't harm the family you retard.

You are truly one disgusting human being.
Josh's father knew about the molestations for years before divulging them.
Christians sin too

True, but the entire Duggar family "legend" is a complete fucking lie. The buried his acts of child molestation in order to make sure they could make it to fame and fortune.

That sucks.
Let's take a look at what YOU the OP and idiot just did. You painted NINETEEN people for the actions of ONE. And YOU base YOUR broad brush idiot bigoted approach of "one guilty ALL guilty".

You do of course realize what you are saying is CLASSIC bigotry right? Granted you are a total retard but it IS rather apparent that you have done that.

So YOUR logic IS if ONE Duggar is guilty ALL are guilty. Do you have ANY idea of just how many layers of stupid that is? What's up with all this hate and bigotry you have?

Do you truly despise people so much in general that you NEED to do that? When a child of whatever age goes wrong you don't harm the family you retard.

You are truly one disgusting human being.
Josh's father knew about the molestations for years before divulging them.

oh so according to you on the left. No One can repent or EVER be forgiving?

Just like you people went after Duck Dynasty. If it's a hit show with good Christian people in it. it NEED TO BE DESTROYED. Liberals are the most Intolerant of all people in this country.
Christians sin too

True, but the entire Duggar family "legend" is a complete fucking lie. The buried his acts of child molestation in order to make sure they could make it to fame and fortune.

That sucks.
Let's take a look at what YOU the OP and idiot just did. You painted NINETEEN people for the actions of ONE. And YOU base YOUR broad brush idiot bigoted approach of "one guilty ALL guilty".

You do of course realize what you are saying is CLASSIC bigotry right? Granted you are a total retard but it IS rather apparent that you have done that.

So YOUR logic IS if ONE Duggar is guilty ALL are guilty. Do you have ANY idea of just how many layers of stupid that is? What's up with all this hate and bigotry you have?

Do you truly despise people so much in general that you NEED to do that? When a child of whatever age goes wrong you don't harm the family you retard.

You are truly one disgusting human being.
Josh's father knew about the molestations for years before divulging them.

oh so according to you on the left. No One can repent or EVER be forgiving?

Just like you people went after Duck Dynasty. If it's a hit show with good Christian people in it. it NEED TO BE DESTROYED
No they can't, after the harsh laws the fundies were able to pass in the 1980's and early 1990's, there is no redemption for anyone that has sinned against society...sorry, it's the hard ass position...
Christians sin too

True, but the entire Duggar family "legend" is a complete fucking lie. The buried his acts of child molestation in order to make sure they could make it to fame and fortune.

That sucks.
Let's take a look at what YOU the OP and idiot just did. You painted NINETEEN people for the actions of ONE. And YOU base YOUR broad brush idiot bigoted approach of "one guilty ALL guilty".

You do of course realize what you are saying is CLASSIC bigotry right? Granted you are a total retard but it IS rather apparent that you have done that.

So YOUR logic IS if ONE Duggar is guilty ALL are guilty. Do you have ANY idea of just how many layers of stupid that is? What's up with all this hate and bigotry you have?

Do you truly despise people so much in general that you NEED to do that? When a child of whatever age goes wrong you don't harm the family you retard.

You are truly one disgusting human being.
Josh's father knew about the molestations for years before divulging them.

oh so according to you on the left. No One can repent or EVER be forgiving?

Just like you people went after Duck Dynasty. If it's a hit show with good Christian people in it. it NEED TO BE DESTROYED. Liberals are the most Intolerant of all people in this country.

Exactly. Josh Duggars isn't intolerant at all. He can tolerate things that few can. Like fingering his little sisters while they sleep. That's impressive tolerance.

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