The "Elections have Consequences" list.

Then we just tax the employers at a confiscatory rate... and create government agencies that do the same thing.. probably better.

Works for me.


You're serious?

You just announced to the forum that you're a communist.

Tell us, when did the government ever do anything better or more efficiently than a private company? Those cars that Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union built were quality machines, weren't they?

You forget why Plutocrats hate Democracy so much... because there are ALWAYS more of us than them.

True, there's never any shortage of numskulls in the world.

Sorry that message didn't get through last Tuesday.

If the Plutocrats had a LICK of sense, they'd remedy their bad relationships with consumers and workers.

Instead, they put the nastiest plutocrat they could find on the ballot and wondered why he lost so badly.

How would they "remedy their bad relationships with consumers and workers," by handing over everything they own to looters and moochers?
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Then we just tax the employers at a confiscatory rate... and create government agencies that do the same thing.. probably better.

Works for me.


You're serious?

You just announced to the forum that you're a communist.

Tell us, when did the government ever do anything better or more efficiently than a private company? Those cars that Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union built were quality machines, weren't they?

I realize you are a crazy person and about 10 minutes from going the other crazies on my ignore list...

But to the point.

Volkswagon started out as government run company. It literally translats as "People's Car." The Japanese companies are heavily subsidized by their government.

MEANWHILE- the large reason why the US Auto Industry has been flounderingis because it is the worse examples of Capitalism. SHort term gain vs. long term planning.

You forget why Plutocrats hate Democracy so much... because there are ALWAYS more of us than them.

True, there's never any shortage of numskulls in the world.

The numbskulls are the ones who keep voting for the wealthy to exploit the rest of us because the GOP is right with Jesus or they just hate "them welfare people". Romney blew those dog-whistles as loud as he could, and he still lost. If I believed in a God, I'd thank him.

Sorry that message didn't get through last Tuesday.

If the Plutocrats had a LICK of sense, they'd remedy their bad relationships with consumers and workers.

Instead, they put the nastiest plutocrat they could find on the ballot and wondered why he lost so badly.

How would they "remedy their bad relationships with consumers and workers," by handing over everything they own to looters and moochers?

Exactly who do you define as a "looter and moocher"?

Most of these folks who voted for Obama have jobs, pay their taxes (more than the 11% Romney pays) and work hard.

If they are too friendly to government, it is because the Plutocrats have driven down their wages and benefits, and they are going to the government for help.

You all are doing this to yourselves.
I'm pretty sure Morgan Spurlock already tried this approach to life.

Spoiler alert: it's rough going.

I guess this is an attempt at humor but I have no idea who that guy(?) is. And I don't care enough to look it up. Sorry.

He's the guy who ate fast food three times a day for a month, and he got fat and his blood pressure went up.

That guy.

Movie was called "Supersize me".

But to the point, it seems that these guys say, "I'm going to screw over my employees because I didn't like the way an election turned out", and you want to reward them?


What would Jesus do?

Would Jesus eat at Papa John's after John reduced everyone's hours so he wouldn't have to cover them?

[ame=]If Jesus was a Conservative - YouTube[/ame]

I never ask myself what Jesus would do. Thanks for playing. Here's your parting gift::321:
Ok, so tomorrow I start my day off at Denny's for breakfast. Next, I go to Dunkin Donuts for a coffee to drink on my way to Walmart for some shopping. Then it's lunch at Applebee's, and back to Walmart to finish up my Christmas list. Next is dinner at Olive Garden, dessert at Coldstone Creamery, and lots of drinks at Bahama Breeze. Later, after last call I'll hit up Waffle House because I'll have a serious case of the munchies.

Starting Tuesday and on to the rest of the week I'll get to Chik-Fil-A, Red Lobster, Longhorn Steakhouse, and Papa John's.

Hopefully you wacky libs will find some more places to boycott so I can have a little more variety. I also need another store to shop besides Walmart. Check your Butthurt List libs and see what you can come up with.

'preciate it. :thup:

Oh, so on top of everything else wrong with you, you're gay too.

So it's wrong? It's some kind of personality fault to be gay? Why do you hate gays?
Ok, so tomorrow I start my day off at Denny's for breakfast. Next, I go to Dunkin Donuts for a coffee to drink on my way to Walmart for some shopping. Then it's lunch at Applebee's, and back to Walmart to finish up my Christmas list. Next is dinner at Olive Garden, dessert at Coldstone Creamery, and lots of drinks at Bahama Breeze. Later, after last call I'll hit up Waffle House because I'll have a serious case of the munchies.

Starting Tuesday and on to the rest of the week I'll get to Chik-Fil-A, Red Lobster, Longhorn Steakhouse, and Papa John's.

Hopefully you wacky libs will find some more places to boycott so I can have a little more variety. I also need another store to shop besides Walmart. Check your Butthurt List libs and see what you can come up with.

'preciate it.

Does anyone else notice that all the restaurants listed make crap food? You can have those mediocre to terrible chain restaurant meals. I'll go eat at a local restaurant run by someone who lives and works in my community.

You do realize that the people who work in those chains live in your community right? probably the people who own or manage those chain restaurants also live in your community. Try thinking, you'll appear less stupid that way.
It's like a Denny's civil war.

Comments from an owner of multiple franchises including Denny's regarding his plans to offset the expected costs associated with the Affordable Care Act received considerable media attention in the last 24 hours. While we respect the decision of an independent business owner to speak out on this or other topics and express their personal views, his statements do not capture the respect by Denny's, the Denny's Franchisee Association or our franchise community at large for our hardworking employees or for our valued customers.

Unfortunately, the comments of this franchisee, who represents less than 1% of our system and who owns restaurants in other concepts, has been portrayed as reflective of the entire Denny's Brand. I am confident his perspective is not shared by the company or hundreds of franchisees/small business owners who make up the majority of the Denny's community. Specifically, his comments suggesting that guests might reduce the customary tip provided to their server as an offset to his proposed surcharge are inconsistent with our values and approach to business throughout our Brand. Our restaurant team members work tirelessly day in and day out to create a pleasant dining experience for our guests and we believe they should be rewarded for providing the good service we are known for rather than penalized due to legislation. He has since revised his earlier position.

Interesting, thanks. I'll be taking Denny's off the list.
For some reason I cannot edit the OP.

Here's the updated list:

Papa John's
Olive Garden
Dana Holding Corp
Waffle House
Coldstone Creamery
Dunkin Donuts
Red Lobster
Longhorn Steakhouse
Bahama Breeze

Any others?
You sure you want Papa John's on that list?

John Schnatter: The Real Scoop on Papa John's and Obamacare

Many in the media reported that I said Papa John's is going to close stores and cut jobs because of Obamacare. I never said that. The fact is we are going to open over hundreds of stores this year and next and increase employment by over 5,000 jobs worldwide. And, we have no plans to cut team hours as a result of the Affordable Care Act.

During that same interview, talking about Obamacare I said, though it wasn't widely reported:

  • "The good news is 100% of the population (full-time workers) is going to get health insurance. I'm cool with that."
  • "We're all going to pay for it. There's nothing for free."
  • "And this way I get to provide health insurance and I'm not at a competitive disadvantage ... our competitors are going to have to do the same thing."

Papa John's, like most businesses, is still researching what the Affordable Care Act means to our operations. Regardless of the conclusion of our analysis, we will honor this law, as we do all laws, and continue to offer 100% of Papa John's corporate employees and workers in company-owned stores health insurance as we have since the company was founded in 1984.
Removing Papa John's since they are tripping all over themselves to deny it.
I definately will not be eating Papa John's again, ever.

Here's the updated list:

Olive Garden
Dana Holding Corp
Waffle House
Coldstone Creamery
Dunkin Donuts
Red Lobster
Longhorn Steakhouse
Bahama Breeze

Any others?
You sure you want Papa John's on that list?

John Schnatter: The Real Scoop on Papa John's and Obamacare

Many in the media reported that I said Papa John's is going to close stores and cut jobs because of Obamacare. I never said that. The fact is we are going to open over hundreds of stores this year and next and increase employment by over 5,000 jobs worldwide. And, we have no plans to cut team hours as a result of the Affordable Care Act.

During that same interview, talking about Obamacare I said, though it wasn't widely reported:

  • "The good news is 100% of the population (full-time workers) is going to get health insurance. I'm cool with that."
  • "We're all going to pay for it. There's nothing for free."
  • "And this way I get to provide health insurance and I'm not at a competitive disadvantage ... our competitors are going to have to do the same thing."

Papa John's, like most businesses, is still researching what the Affordable Care Act means to our operations. Regardless of the conclusion of our analysis, we will honor this law, as we do all laws, and continue to offer 100% of Papa John's corporate employees and workers in company-owned stores health insurance as we have since the company was founded in 1984.

Actually I saw that in another thread. Thanks.
We hired 18 people in the last 3 months. Scoreboard.

I am in charge of cedentialing for the system.

I don't credential people until they are being considered for a job offer (meaning they've been interviewed and have made it at least to the round where placement is discussed). HR just brought me 27 files to credential so we're about to offer 27 more jobs at least. Not all new hires have to go through a credentialing process.

And we're opening up some new campuses in the upcoming years as well.

Sorry but we're not crashing and burning. Happy Thanksgiving.
You do realize that the people who work in those chains live in your community right? probably the people who own or manage those chain restaurants also live in your community. Try thinking, you'll appear less stupid that way.

Yes, they do. However, the douches that run those companies DON'T. I don't see local restauranteurs (who make a lot less in profit) throwing their employees under the bus like that and gloating about it. Those McCorporations are the companies that can afford to pay for basic health care insurance for the poor slobs that work for them (and the CEO would still be a rich douche). They'd rather give away 2 million free pizzas...

Those douches are the ones receiving the lion's share of dollars spent at their establishments.

According to you corporatists, my boycott won't mean anything anyway, so why so emotional? Hmmm?
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A lot of guys said they would never watch ESPN again after they fired Rush Limbaugh. Funny how the outrage dies after a few beers.

Find out who said that and ask them if they have changed. I never said that, though I don't watch much ESPN.

You point again is what?

Different message board long ago. Not that interested in the viewing habits of conservative whackjobs. I realize you didn't make the comment but others did. Since then ESPN has only expanded...someone is still watching them. Maybe their ratings over sample democrats?

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