The Elephant in the Room: Black Violence, Illegitimacy, and Educational Failure


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2011
The media has actively ignored and censored literally thousands of news reports of racial violence perpetrated at the hands of black youth (Should race play a role in how the media reports crime? - Charleston Charleston Conservative | I could post story after story of black mobs attacking white victims, some left brain damaged and permanently handicapped, but I already know the predictable reaction to this fact is, so instead of posting those stories I would rather anyone post a story of white mobs selectively targeting blacks to batter, assault, and rob. Just one.

In Atlanta an entire county lost their accreditation, that’s right all public schools in a district upwards of 80% black lost their accreditation—and another Atlanta county, Dekalb, is on the verge of the same. Atlanta’s city schools, again predominately black, committed the largest cheating scandal in American history, swindling tens of millions of federal dollars. Atlanta is graduating high school students that are reading at a sixth grade level. In New York City 80% of high school graduates are functionally illiterate. (80% of NYC High School Grads Not Illiterate -- Daily Intelligencer) One more fact, all of these predominately black school districts are run by black democrats that are incapable or unwilling to do anything to reform these failing systems. Every single teacher and administrator that was implicated in the cheating scandal is black.

The statistics behind the effects of illegitimacy are staggering and undeniable. Yet, the media has praised single-motherhood in the black community for decades. 72% of black children are born out of wedlock and the profound effects of this are resonating throughout society. Absent this one statistic, crime levels between blacks and whites disappears. This is the driving force behind black poverty. There are political forces that have been actively eroding and destroying the black family since the passage of the Civil Rights Act.

“It's the courage to raise a child that makes you a father.” – President Obama

No it isn’t courageous to raise your child, it only makes you not an asshole. It is depressing that the president is so incredibly naïve.

Obama has done nothing to rectify the many problems plaguing the black community, in fact under his watch things have only gotten worse. Higher black unemployment, lower black national test scores, higher blacks on food stamps and other government assistance, ect, ect.
The problems of the black community will persist until its leaders stop playing the perpetual victim, actually admit there is a problem and look at the root causes—which is not lack of welfare, or any other public policy.
Obama has done nothing to rectify the many problems plaguing the black community, in fact under his watch things have only gotten worse. Higher black unemployment, lower black national test scores, higher blacks on food stamps and other government assistance, ect, ect.

All that stuff got worse under Ronald Reagan, except for the "higher blacks on food stamps and other government assistance." because the welfare system was reduced homelessness increased.

Our economy is evolving in ways that punish people with low IQs. In his book Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 Charles Murray documents that social pathology is increasing among white blue collar workers too.

When repeated effort leads to repeated failure people stop trying. When they conclude that they have nothing to look forward to they live for satisfactions of the moment.
In Atlanta an entire county lost their accreditation, that’s right all public schools in a district upwards of 80% black lost their accreditation—and another Atlanta county, Dekalb, is on the verge of the same. Atlanta’s city schools, again predominately black, committed the largest cheating scandal in American history, swindling tens of millions of federal dollars. Atlanta is graduating high school students that are reading at a sixth grade level. In New York City 80% of high school graduates are functionally illiterate. (80% of NYC High School Grads Not Illiterate -- Daily Intelligencer) One more fact, all of these predominately black school districts are run by black democrats that are incapable or unwilling to do anything to reform these failing systems. Every single teacher and administrator that was implicated in the cheating scandal is black.

I bet the real literacy rate among adult blacks is on the order of 30%. When the govt compiles literacy stats they just assume a HS graduate is literate and that's a very false assumption. The real reason for AA is that without it blacks cannot get good jobs because most can't even read.

BTW - i hope people noticed how the media ignored the black school cheating scandal. They know the truth - blacks are mentally inferior - but they won't say it.
Obama has done nothing to rectify the many problems plaguing the black community, in fact under his watch things have only gotten worse. Higher black unemployment, lower black national test scores, higher blacks on food stamps and other government assistance, ect, ect.

Obozo wants people on welfare cause he knows they'll then vote dem the rest of their lives.
Obama has done nothing to rectify the many problems plaguing the black community, in fact under his watch things have only gotten worse. Higher black unemployment, lower black national test scores, higher blacks on food stamps and other government assistance, ect, ect.

Obozo wants people on welfare cause he knows they'll then vote dem the rest of their lives.

Yes....that is what is known as the democratic plantation....aka.....keep them dependent on the gubmint so they keep voting democratic. In essence democrat congressman steal money from the white working class via payroll deduction to support all those programs for blacks to keep them in the democrat party.. stamps, affirmative action, welfare. student grants for blacks to go to college who are not even qualified to be in college. etc.etc. and so on and so forth. Wake Up Americuh!!!
White people have been the rime recipient of government money since the USA started. Don't restart threads that died 5 yeas ago post up your dumb ass racist drivel.
White people have been the rime recipient of government money since the USA started. Don't restart threads that died 5 yeas ago post up your dumb ass racist drivel.
You should know a racist when you see them seeing as how you are a BIG TIME racist.
White people have been the rime recipient of government money since the USA started. Don't restart threads that died 5 yeas ago post up your dumb ass racist drivel.
You should know a racist when you see them seeing as how you are a BIG TIME racist.

Post evidence of my racism according to the definition of the word racism.
This OP is nothing but drivel. Even assuming that black Americans and white Americans are different groups instead of just plain Americans, why the obsession with what the "other" community is doing? Instead of pointing out the perceived faults of the "black community," the "white community" need to focus on its own faults, like divorces (sometimes multiple divorces), domestic violence, lack of education and the desire for it, drug addiction, the preference for writing a check in lieu of actually raising a child hands-on and deeply involved as a parent, attitudes of superiority between the couple who have produced a child together, the belief among some whites (and blacks and everybody else) that marriage should not stand in the way of actually living the single life. With the advent of the internet, I have been absolutely astonished at the incredible lack of education and knowledge among "white" folks of even the most basic things.

Don't try to tend your neighbor's garden when your own is overgrown with weeds.
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This OP is nothing but drivel. Even assuming that black Americans and white Americans are different groups instead of just plain Americans, why the obsession with what the "other" community is doing? Instead of pointing out the perceived faults of the "black community," the "white community" need to focus on its own faults, like divorces (sometimes multiple divorces), domestic violence, lack of education and the desire for it, drug addiction, the preference for writing a check in lieu of actually raising a child hands-on and deeply involved as a parent, attitudes of superiority between the couple who have produced a child together, the belief among some whites (and blacks and everybody else) that marriage should not stand in the way of actually living the single life. With the advent of the internet, I have been absolutely astonished at the incredible lack of education and knowledge among "white" folks of even the most basic things.

Don't try to tend your neighbor's garden when your own is overgrown with weeds.

This OP is nothing but drivel. Even assuming that black Americans and white Americans are different groups instead of just plain Americans, why the obsession with what the "other" community is doing? Instead of pointing out the perceived faults of the "black community," the "white community" need to focus on its own faults, like divorces (sometimes multiple divorces), domestic violence, lack of education and the desire for it, drug addiction, the preference for writing a check in lieu of actually raising a child hands-on and deeply involved as a parent, attitudes of superiority between the couple who have produced a child together, the belief among some whites (and blacks and everybody else) that marriage should not stand in the way of actually living the single life. With the advent of the internet, I have been absolutely astonished at the incredible lack of education and knowledge among "white" folks of even the most basic things.

Don't try to tend your neighbor's garden when your own is overgrown with weeds.


White folks do not depend on blacks to support them.......but blacks depend on whites to support them...thus the whites should have a say in black behavior ....particuarly the black behavior that enables them to use taxpayer funds for their problems....aka their dependency on welfare, affirmative action, food stamps etc. not even to mention our jails are overflowing with black prisoners which costs the taxpayes billions and billions of dollars.......can anyone say parasites?
White people have been the rime recipient of government money since the USA started. Don't restart threads that died 5 yeas ago post up your dumb ass racist drivel.
You should know a racist when you see them seeing as how you are a BIG TIME racist.

Post evidence of my racism according to the definition of the word racism.

Racism is not the problem. Race is the problem. The term racism is nothing more than a artificial construct used for political purposes or to make excuses for personal failure. Blacks are hyper racially conscious...for them everything comes down to race...hence their proclivity to hate whites....whom they blame for all their problems.....forgetting how whites have supported them from the time they arrived here and all the social programs geared to try and bring blacks up to speed costs billions and billions of dollars and accomplished nothing and is still not accomplishing anyithing....essentially it is just keep the blacks from rioting etc. We will never get out of debt until we can end all these useless programs that amount to nothing more than subsidizing parasites.
This OP is nothing but drivel. Even assuming that black Americans and white Americans are different groups instead of just plain Americans, why the obsession with what the "other" community is doing? Instead of pointing out the perceived faults of the "black community," the "white community" need to focus on its own faults, like divorces (sometimes multiple divorces), domestic violence, lack of education and the desire for it, drug addiction, the preference for writing a check in lieu of actually raising a child hands-on and deeply involved as a parent, attitudes of superiority between the couple who have produced a child together, the belief among some whites (and blacks and everybody else) that marriage should not stand in the way of actually living the single life. With the advent of the internet, I have been absolutely astonished at the incredible lack of education and knowledge among "white" folks of even the most basic things.

Don't try to tend your neighbor's garden when your own is overgrown with weeds.


America does not need and cannot afford to keep supporting a class of parasites whose main focus is how to rip off the system.
White people have been the rime recipient of government money since the USA started. Don't restart threads that died 5 yeas ago post up your dumb ass racist drivel.
You should know a racist when you see them seeing as how you are a BIG TIME racist.

Post evidence of my racism according to the definition of the word racism.

Racism is a useless word....people are tired of hearing losers blame all their problems on the myth of racism.
White people have been the rime recipient of government money since the USA started. Don't restart threads that died 5 yeas ago post up your dumb ass racist drivel.

I have no problem with whites supporting whites.....but let the blacks learn to support themselves. What even makes it worse is that they bite the hand that feeds them. White folk need to wake up to the fact that a certain parasitic minority does not deserve their tax monies. If the white working class knew how much of their hard earned dollar goes to support the parasites....they would march on Washington tomorrow.
White people have been the rime recipient of government money since the USA started. Don't restart threads that died 5 yeas ago post up your dumb ass racist drivel.
You should know a racist when you see them seeing as how you are a BIG TIME racist.

Racism is a useless word and it is a waste of time trying to discuss it. What it comes down to is blacks always want more free stuff...and they expect whites to pay for it. Whyi? because they feel entitled because of their skin color....they think jus because dey b black white folk must help them. B.S. Time to shake off that ignorant policy....let them support themselves.....aka either work or starve...we cannot afford slackers and a whole class of parasites that drain the economy. Time to get past all that. We should be worrying about how we are going to compete with china...we cannot do that and at the same time support a whole race of people who for whatever reason seem to think physical labor is beneath them. They want to live in the mansion on the hill but they do not want to work for it. They think stupid white folks should just give them that mansion on the hill.......well why not....they learned in school they are equal to all other folks. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
IMHO, you could take black out of the OP. All of this is poverty. All of the same stuff - from violence, to the opioid epidemic, to the high suicide rate in over 55 white males - is occurring all across this country.

And, of course, families in America took a big hit under Reagan - particularly as the CIA trafficked drugs to poor America to fund their wars in Central America. As they say, slavery could not destroy the black families, but drugs could.

The connection here is simply that blacks, as a group, suffer greater poverty.
IMHO, you could take black out of the OP. All of this is poverty. All of the same stuff - from violence, to the opioid epidemic, to the high suicide rate in over 55 white males - is occurring all across this country.

And, of course, families in America took a big hit under Reagan - particularly as the CIA trafficked drugs to poor America to fund their wars in Central America. As they say, slavery could not destroy the black families, but drugs could.

The connection here is simply that blacks, as a group, suffer greater poverty.

That is their problem not cannot expect to sit home watching t.v. and eating government food and not expect to be poor. Any advanced civilization must have a servant class.....why do you think so much work is being done to perfect robots....because we must have cheap labor....that need for society goes back to the beginning....someone has to do the dirty work ....someone must be available to take the low paying jobs.....traditionally of course the blacks were our servant the illegal mexicans are. Why? because he mexicans are willing to take the dirty take the low paying jobs .
How much do we spend on bussing kids to schools which could be avoided if we still had neighborhood schools wherein the kids could walk or bicycle to school like most of us did back in the day...........The United States spends $17.5 billion per year on school bus transportation at an average cost of $692 per student transported. 17 Billion dollars could be better spent on other things aka teacher salaries, sports programs, feeding the kids, etc. Bussing kids to school is a waste of money...I say bring back the neighborhood schools...if the inner city blacks desperately want to go to a white school...take a taxi....hehheh that would eliminate dat problem bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wait some of them do...but guess who pays for it. How could America have gotten so stupid? Let me be clear...i do not blame the poor is not their fault.....I blame the stupid whites and we all know who dat b.
About a servant class.

Wow, this thinking is an economic disaster, "Any advanced civilization must have a servant class." The economic thinking here is, we must have a group of people that we can screw over, force to live in poverty; possibly go without healthcare and food.

No such country can call themselves a Christian nation.

News flash, we do not have to do as we do now - force society to follow the dictates of the economy, which includes the desire for some to have a poor class. We could do it the other way around and force the economy to meet the needs of the people in the society, which our current system certainly does not do.

PS: I should point out, the reason for always having a servant class is "advanced civilizations" have only had experience with three economic systems: slavery, the feudal system of lords and serfs, and capitalism. A servant class in the first two systems is obvious! Our current experience demonstrated it is true for capitalism.

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