The Elephant in the Room

Mrs. M.

Man Feed Guest Writer
Nov 2, 2015
Is there no one willing to address the Elephant in the room?

ISIS is Islam.

Muslims throughout the world read the same Koran. Some take it more seriously than others. There is only one Islam. ISIS is not an aberration of Islam but rather its “poster child.” While Muslims may vary in their level of commitment, the goal of Islam is universally the same. Sharia law is to be established throughout the earth and Islam is to dominate the world. Islam is in conflict with our Constitution and the American way of life.

With that in mind, is it not insanity that authorities had to discuss whether or not 15 pipe bombs, 4500 rounds of ammunition carried by Muslims dressed in camouflage, wearing body armor and brandishing rifles was a terrorist attack? Was there ever any doubt?

Why does the media waste our time pretending to investigate the motive behind the attack when the motive is already known? Does the media believe that Americans are stupid? That we are incapable of understanding the reason behind why Muslims attack civilian targets that are unarmed at locations where their victims will be most vulnerable? Do they think we don't know that Muslim immigrants are perjuring themselves while taking the oath to uphold the Constitution (instead of the Koran) and become naturalized as US citizens?

Our Constitution is under attack right now and pretending that it isn't will not change that fact one iota.

Brigitte Gabrielle shared a story about her life in Lebanon. She said that she grew up next door to a Muslim family and her parents invited their neighbors over to dinner quite often. She grew up playing with their children and the families became close friends. Yet the day that Lebanon was taken over the friendship of this Muslim family suddenly turned to hatred. Yes, the same family who befriended Brigitte and her family were now trying to murder them.

What happened? Brigitte says that their neighbors had befriended them in order to deceive them. She said their intention all along had been to overtake their country and murder the infidels (non Muslims).

In America, the same scenario is playing out. Americans are bending over backwards to prove themselves tolerant of the Muslim immigrants who have moved here. We assume that because they are immigrants they are looking for a better life and future for their children. That their desire is for freedom and the American dream.

The man who cut off the head of his co-worker in front of horrified employees didn't come here for the American dream. The Islam adherent couple who waged jihad in California didn't come here for freedom. The Trojan horse of Islam is inside the gates of America.

Expressing outrage over reporters photographing the apartment of Muslim jihadists is a case of misplaced anger. Where is the outrage for their victims and the families?

While it is not a problem for Americans to have Muslim neighbors it is a problem for Muslims. Islam will not be at peace until Islam dominates the world. Truth is not hate speech. The sky won't fall if you speak up for America and protest this Islamic invasion Obama has approved. Don't be fooled.

The truth is the Muslims living here won't trust you no matter how compliant you are. It's not about what you say. Its about who you are.

It's time to address the elephant in the room.
Before it tramples us all to death.
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But not all Muslims are radical. And many live amongst us.
I do believe there are radical imams in mosques here, and believe them to be potential threats, if not themselves, then their teachings. I lived down the block from one in north Texas, and their message does spread. I've always felt women that wear a full burka are of such sects, thus their men as well.
But not all Muslims are radical. And many live amongst us.
I do believe there are radical imams in mosques here, and believe them to be potential threats, if not themselves, then their teachings. I lived down the block from one in north Texas, and their message does spread. I've always felt women that wear a full burka are of such sects, thus their men as well.
Just remember, everyone is a model citizen, until they are not. It does not matter a person's social status, wealth, political affiliation, or creed. NOONE is exempt from the possibility of radicalization. Noone, not me, not you, and not your neighbor.

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