The elite are creating an authoritarian beast system and those that dissent could lose everything

Because those repubs. are not repubs they are RHINOS . they are really democrats and not republicans perfect example PAUL RYAN.

I know Lyin Ryan is a DS traitor.

I'm not talking about politicians. I'm talking about regular people who claim to be "Patriots".
Why are they not standing up and making their voices heard? Where are the counter protests?

The Constitution did not say anything about a "well armed militia of Politicians"....

Because they are letting them Democrats sink themselves........
I agree that he is one of them. Just nowhere near the top. They use him and make him rich if he does as told.
so were the Bushs and I'm sure Trump is feeling the heat if he's not already onboard
Trump doesn't have to necessarily onboard...He has surrounded himself with so many of them that any clear thought process gets drowned out by the noise.....A prime example of this is how he got conned into attacking Assad twice....Both of those alleged "gas attacks", which were the impetus for cruise missile stacks, came a mere couple days after Trump announced plans to leave Syria.

Fool me once....
Voters and pundits are irrelevant....Grist for the mill.

And that's why the Constitution specifically empowered the "grist"

They're irrelevant because they're silent.

If they rose up collectively they would no longer be "irrelevant"

Wishful thinking. Apparently, only Egyptians are brave enough or patriotic enough to do such a thing.
Millions of Egyptians take to the streets, demanding Morsi quit

and these were MUSLIMS against RADICAL MUSLIMS.
We can't even get CHRISTIANS to speak up.
Republicans don't even fight back, they have the same solution for everything, "DO NOTHING".

You fight Fascism with Fascism, not with "Nothing".

That's how you know they are fake, you should try blaming both sides one is as guilty as the other when they are for nothing but NWO ding dong.

Liberty is a cute sentiment, but Liberty is inherently weak & impotent.
I know Lyin Ryan is a DS traitor.

I'm not talking about politicians. I'm talking about regular people who claim to be "Patriots".
Why are they not standing up and making their voices heard? Where are the counter protests?

The Constitution did not say anything about a "well armed militia of Politicians"....
Stand up and get your voice heard, and you end up like LaVoy Finicum.

The Constitution is a dead letter...Has been for a century.
Republicans don't even fight back, they have the same solution for everything, "DO NOTHING".

You fight Fascism with Fascism, not with "Nothing".

I'm curious.

Is it my support of liberal ideas like gay rights, a womans right to choose, legal pot, freedom for ALL religions, decent livable wages and affordable health care that makes you want to beat me with a club?
Voters and pundits are irrelevant....Grist for the mill.

And that's why the Constitution specifically empowered the "grist"

They're irrelevant because they're silent.

If they rose up collectively they would no longer be "irrelevant"

Wishful thinking. Apparently, only Egyptians are brave enough or patriotic enough to do such a thing.
Millions of Egyptians take to the streets, demanding Morsi quit

and these were MUSLIMS against RADICAL MUSLIMS.
We can't even get CHRISTIANS to speak up.
LaVoy Fincum stood up...Where's he?

Trump stood up, and look at the cat-5 shit hurricane that surrounds him.

That's not to say we shouldn't stand up, but to point out the fierceness of the forces arrayed against us.
Voters and pundits are irrelevant....Grist for the mill.

And that's why the Constitution specifically empowered the "grist"

They're irrelevant because they're silent.

If they rose up collectively they would no longer be "irrelevant"

Wishful thinking. Apparently, only Egyptians are brave enough or patriotic enough to do such a thing.
Millions of Egyptians take to the streets, demanding Morsi quit

and these were MUSLIMS against RADICAL MUSLIMS.
We can't even get CHRISTIANS to speak up.

This is why Trump is attacked so badly , because all these crooked bastards want the NWO he is trying to stop it and by doing so the lies will spread about Trump hoping the population falls for it all. Luckily a lot of it has backfired and ppl are waking up.

It does seem like the Pro Americans are doing nothing about anything right now but when the time is right you will know it when they rise up and begin the fight.

Hopefully not after all these Hitler laws are passed first........

If you watched infowars more you would know exactly what's going on and why LOL
Republicans don't even fight back, they have the same solution for everything, "DO NOTHING".

You fight Fascism with Fascism, not with "Nothing".

I'm curious.

Is it my support of liberal ideas like gay rights, a womans right to choose, legal pot, freedom for ALL religions, decent livable wages and affordable health care that makes you want to beat me with a club?

Someday you might get it

Did I miss something? When did this become about race?

Who do you think Wry Catcher is referring to as "Herders" ?
That's how it came across. Either as whites or Christians.

It's early and I haven't had my coffee yet.
If I missed it please feel free to educate me.

I couldn't tell you who is the herder in the poem. Trump maybe? Assuming whites or Christians just seems like an odd leap. :dunno:
Republicans don't even fight back, they have the same solution for everything, "DO NOTHING".

You fight Fascism with Fascism, not with "Nothing".

I'm curious.

Is it my support of liberal ideas like gay rights, a womans right to choose, legal pot, freedom for ALL religions, decent livable wages and affordable health care that makes you want to beat me with a club?

Capitalists love Liberalism, as they profit off of selling Abortion, Porn, Pot, Gangster Rap music, Gay wedding merchandise, Media & Hollywood degenerate & Liberal values.
This is why Trump is attacked so badly , because all these crooked bastards want the NWO he is trying to stop it and by doing so the lies will spread about Trump hoping the population falls for it all. Luckily a lot of it has backfired and ppl are waking up.

It does seem like the Pro Americans are doing nothing about anything right now but when the time is right you will know it when they rise up and begin the fight.

Hopefully not after all these Hitler laws are passed first........

If you watched infowars more you would know exactly what's going on and why LOL
I don't need to watch Infowars...I've been studying this for years since before Jones turned.

As for Trump, I can't figure out whether he's truly in over his head or he's a Judas goat.
Capitalists love Liberalism, as they profit off of selling Abortion, Porn, Pot, Gangster Rap music, Gay wedding merchandise, Media & Hollywood degenerate & Liberal values.
Those are faux "capitalists"...Far closer to mercantilists than anything else.

I'm curious.

Is it my support of liberal ideas like gay rights, a womans right to choose, legal pot, freedom for ALL religions, decent livable wages and affordable health care that makes you want to beat me with a club?
Aside form legal pot, what is it about those issues that makes you feel you need to beat us all with a club (The State and its laws are in fact nothing more than brute force) to get what you want?
LaVoy Fincum stood up...Where's he?
Trump stood up, and look at the cat-5 shit hurricane that surrounds him.
That's not to say we shouldn't stand up, but to point out the fierceness of the forces arrayed against us.

So it's FEAR?

Freedom was NEVER "Free".
"The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with the blood of tyrants and patriots".....
Thomas Jefferson

"Give me Liberty or give me death".....
Patrick Henry from a speech he made to the Second Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775

The People of North Korea "FEAR" their leader.
The People of China "FEAR" their new dictator Xi

Fear among the oppressed has never been a solution to tyranny
I couldn't tell you who is the herder in the poem. Trump maybe? Assuming whites or Christians just seems like an odd leap. :dunno:

Maybe. It just came across that way from my interpretation.

Maybe Wry Catcher should try to be more specific and lay off the hyperbole.
So it's FEAR?

Freedom was NEVER "Free".

The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed with the blood of tyrants and patriots.....
Thomas Jefferson

The People of North Korea "FEAR" their leader.
The People of China "FEAR" their new dictator Xi

Fear among the oppressed has never been a solution to tyranny
After brute force, fear is their only useful weapon....And both teams wield it quite effectively.

That and you have to make people fat, dumb, exhausted, and complacent...For that we have the rat race and pop culture.
Capitalists love Liberalism, as they profit off of selling Abortion, Porn, Pot, Gangster Rap music, Gay wedding merchandise, Media & Hollywood degenerate & Liberal values.

"Many" capitalists love liberalism....but certainly not all.

i think it's more accurate to say LIBERAL CAPITALIST LOVE LIBERALISM

Capitalists I know find liberalism both disgusting and harmful
Maybe. It just came across that way from my interpretation.

Maybe Wry Catcher should try to be more specific and lay off the hyperbole.
He'll never do that...You'd have to be self-aware for that to happen, and he's amongst the least introspective individuals on this forum.
"Many" capitalists love liberalism....but certainly not all.

i think it's more accurate to say LIBERAL CAPITALIST LOVE LIBERALISM

Capitalists I know find liberalism both disgusting and harmful
Right, but we're talking about crony capitalists here...They foolishly believe that in playing along they will be spared...When in fact it has historically always been they who are the first to be lined up and shot, when everything goes down the drain.

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