The Elizabeth Warren plan...


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2015
Go after money that is not even there, only fools would believe anything Pocahontas says... lol

That's the cost of her Medicare for all.

She's out of her communist mind, as all democrats are.

Democrats are the party of trash.

That's the cost of her Medicare for all.

She's out of her communist mind, as all democrats are.

Democrats are the party of trash.
Like I’ve always said all progressives are fucked in the head
I'm no Betsy Warren fan, or a fan of socialized medicine in any form, but it seems to me that "Medicare for All" could be funded rather painlessly.

The VAST majority of Americans are paying - either directly, indirectly, or a combination - a shit-load of money for the combination of health insurance and health care (co-pays and deductibles).

"Medicare for All" would pay for basic healthcare for everyone, and "we" would simply have to either accept that as our entire coverage, or purchase a supplement, like we old bastards do now. Therefore, all the billions and billions that people and their employers are paying now could be re-directed into a tax that would, at least in theory, pay for the basic coverage of the plan. It would be a little bit messy because health insurance is a non-taxable benefit now, but that's what accountants are for. I can see a situation where the current health insurance is removed, and replaced by a Medicare Tax, and the NET result would be a wash.

And even if it were a slightly higher amount, deal with it.

There are a lot reasons why this is a bad idea (putting hundreds of thousands of health insurance people out of work), but I don't think funding it is all that much of a challenge. Senator Warren seems bound and determined to tell everyone that it won't cost them anything - someone ELSE will be paying for it - but for most people I think it could be paid for with little more expense than people experience now. It would just shift from an employee benefit to a payroll tax, with no change in net pay.
This would not be addressed if it were not a financial problem. We are a sick people. More so then most in the world. No one abuses things like us Prog people have already made their feelings known about medical for citizens. From no medical care after age 74 to each person having a certain economic limit and then the care stops. And there are more.
Ah yes the great Warren plan. Millions lose their jobs, no big deal. Lower healthcare standards, no big deal. Lower personal paychecks because you now recieve a medical benefit, no big deal. The fact most countiries that have state run healthcare are failing or rationing heathcare, no big deal. Through no rational, magical way it will be paid for by someone else.

At least Bernie and others are straightforward enough to admit that it will cost everyone and you will get less.

Warrens great idea of taxing the wealthy and large corporations will only reduce the amount of scholarships, new hospital wings, additions to libraries, feeding and sheltering the homeless and other philanthropy.
Make all healthcare expenses on the consumer “tax free”. Incentivize, reward saving for healthcare.
The simple fact seems to be that as Americans see a need for something a need they can't afford, o do by themselves they turn to government.
After all they figure it is their government created by the people to be used by the people to make their lives better.
Go after money that is not even there, only fools would believe anything Pocahontas says... lol

I personally think she is very smart lady who has more brains, common sense, and is more rational and realistic then most republicans.

I personally love her plan I think it's brillant, she is brilliant ! She brings hope to the economically depressed and those who don't have access to or can't afford healthcare.
Go after money that is not even there, only fools would believe anything Pocahontas says... lol

I personally think she is very smart lady who has more brains, common sense, and is more rational and realistic then most republicans.

I personally love her plan I think it's brillant, she is brilliant ! She brings hope to the economically depressed and those who don't have access to or can't afford healthcare.

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