The end of the rabid right and the tea partiers?

Sorry Si. VaYank. She seems like such an open minded person. Not.
Sorry Si. VaYank. She seems like such an open minded person. Not.
:cool: Thanks for clarifying. Actually, although Yank definitely leans left, Yank can think quite well for himself. I believe him when he says that he did vote for candidates in both parties yesterday. Please keep an open mind on the Virginia Yankee. He's one of the good guys on the board - a leftie who can honestly discuss. Just my opinion, though.
Does working for law enforcement constitute working for the Govt????
Apologies VAYank. Thought you were a lady.

Thanks for the info Si. I will keep your opinion in mind. Its always good to know the good guys anywhere.
Sorry Si. VaYank. She seems like such an open minded person. Not.
:cool: Thanks for clarifying. Actually, although Yank definitely leans left, Yank can think quite well for himself. I believe him when he says that he did vote for candidates in both parties yesterday. Please keep an open mind on the Virginia Yankee. He's one of the good guys on the board - a leftie who can honestly discuss. Just my opinion, though.

I agree with your assessment Si
Does working for law enforcement constitute working for the Govt????

Yes it is working for the government. It appeared to me that your response did not clarify whether you were questioning Si or Yank. Government double speak in play, hence my comment. I have many friends in law enforcement, thanks for your service.
If I am not mistaken there was a tea party scheduled for noon on the capital steps today. I just got home so haven't checked.. But no, I don't think the tea party people are done.
If I am not mistaken there was a tea party scheduled for noon on the capital steps today. I just got home so haven't checked.. But no, I don't think the tea party people are done.

I hope they are not finished. IMO, they were just getting started and much more needs to be done. The same with the Town Hall meetings. Well that is if you can get any reps in Washington to show up or schedule one!

Tea Party on the steps as we speak. Cool. They said the pledge of allegiance just to annoy the liberals. I like it.
Tea Partyers, stick a fork in them:

Tea Party Patriots: November 2009 | TPMMuckraker

"Declaring that "this is our battle of Trenton," Tea Party activists are gearing up for a last stand against the health-care reform effort they see as putting the country on a glide-path to socialism."

The New Tea Party and Revolution (see additionally scheduled events)

Michelle Bachmann, (Rep. R-MN)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Capital Steps
Washington, DC

Somebody better tell them. :lol:
If I am not mistaken there was a tea party scheduled for noon on the capital steps today. I just got home so haven't checked.. But no, I don't think the tea party people are done.

I hope they are not finished. IMO, they were just getting started and much more needs to be done. The same with the Town Hall meetings. Well that is if you can get any reps in Washington to show up or schedule one!


our chickenshit demoncwat canceled his. :lol: We partied without hymn!
[ame=]YouTube - House Call[/ame]


oops people are protesting in D.C. right now :eusa_whistle:
I just hope the Tea Partiers can shed the folks like Armey, Palin, Bachman, etc ...
If they don't, they are in big trouble.
Save. I was questioning VAYANK not Si and thanks.

I heard about the teaparty today in DC last night. They were interviewing a Rep and she was talking about it. I sure hope they get a good turn out although I think it was a last minute thing. Of course Pelosi and her crew aren't listening to the people anyway. They are bound an determined to pass this peice of crap bill they are working on. Of course none of them have read it but that sure won't stop them from voting on it.

After the elections I heard Pelosi was going to give all her Dems in swing state a pass on voting on this bill. I guess these folks can see the writing on the wall even if Pelosi and Reid can't
I'll put you in the good guy category Claudette. Lock and load.
wow....ravi is so election means the END...especially for people like palin who endorse others...

this of course must mean obama is at an end because the candidate he heavily campaigned for lost.....

ravi, do you ever see other other than through your extreme partisan view?
So, since today sees a tea party right in the face of our congresscritters, I'm gonna go out on a limb and answer the OP -'is it the end of the rabid right and the tea partiers' with a big, fat, resounding...


In fact, they're just getting started. Enjoy.
If I am not mistaken there was a tea party scheduled for noon on the capital steps today. I just got home so haven't checked.. But no, I don't think the tea party people are done.
You're right...they're getting more shrill.

I really didn't doubt that they would.
If I am not mistaken there was a tea party scheduled for noon on the capital steps today. I just got home so haven't checked.. But no, I don't think the tea party people are done.
You're right...they're getting more shrill.

I really didn't doubt that they would.

They call it 'freedom of speech' - it's a tradition in the United States of America. They speak boldly, without fear but they do have to be quite loud.... to be heard over the whining of the lunatic left.
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