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The end of the rabid right and the tea partiers?

If I am not mistaken there was a tea party scheduled for noon on the capital steps today. I just got home so haven't checked.. But no, I don't think the tea party people are done.
You're right...they're getting more shrill.

I really didn't doubt that they would.

They call it 'freedom of speech' - it's a tradition in the United States of America. They speak boldly, without fear but they do have to be quite loud.... to be heard over the whining of the lunatic left.
Are you vying with si modo for the title of queen of non?
You're right...they're getting more shrill.

I really didn't doubt that they would.

They call it 'freedom of speech' - it's a tradition in the United States of America. They speak boldly, without fear but they do have to be quite loud.... to be heard over the whining of the lunatic left.
Are you vying with si modo for the title of queen of non?

Neither I or modo can compete with you, Ravi. That crown is yours and yours alone.
Thanks Save. Lock and load is right.

Gotta agree Cali. The teaparties ain't done and won't be done till those clowns in DC smarten up and start listening to what we the people have to say. Hell, I could be in my eighties by the time that miracle happens.
So, since today sees a tea party right in the face of our congresscritters, I'm gonna go out on a limb and answer the OP -'is it the end of the rabid right and the tea partiers' with a big, fat, resounding...


In fact, they're just getting started. Enjoy.

Health-care protest at Capitol draws thousands - washingtonpost.com

Thanks for that, DD. I liked the words of one TEA partier..... "We love the Constitution of the United States that has given us the greatest country in the world. The principles of our founding are being eroded very quickly." Which part of that is hard for liberals to comprehend?
Does the election in NY mean that the Republicans will look in their party and realize that right wing loons such as Palin, Beck and Rush are doing serious damage?

Or does it mean that the right wing loons will become more shrill?

Actually, you can't keep mobilizing folks over the same issues without some kind of carrot to keep them coming. For instance, Michelle Bachman has lett out a call for people to come and protest in D.C. against the Dem's Healthcare Bill. Once that goes through congress, what will they call on the Fanatical Right to do next.

Too bad that right-wingers refuse to read "rules for Radicals"--because they would realize that they are exhausting their foot soldiers and wasting their time. But at least they get to have some fun in the process.
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If I am not mistaken there was a tea party scheduled for noon on the capital steps today. I just got home so haven't checked.. But no, I don't think the tea party people are done.
You're right...they're getting more shrill.

I really didn't doubt that they would.

They call it 'freedom of speech' - it's a tradition in the United States of America. They speak boldly, without fear but they do have to be quite loud.... to be heard over the whining of the lunatic left.

If your numbers are few,speak loudly to give the imprssion that you have numbers on your side.

From Rules for Radical--just got through talking about that Book.

What is Rules for Radicals really about--this should explain it:

"What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away."

Now let us ask --Who are the "Haves"? Who currently have the power? Who is now the establishment--Democrats and Crazy Liberal/Socialists!!

Who Are the Have nots---who want this nation Back and trying to seize Power? Republicans and fanatical Right-wing and conservatives.

Now should you take alook at rules for radicals, use that book against the leftists, or should you continue to booble around yelling "Cut my taxes" after Cap and trade passes?

It is good to learn ---Even from the enemy!!
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So, since today sees a tea party right in the face of our congresscritters, I'm gonna go out on a limb and answer the OP -'is it the end of the rabid right and the tea partiers' with a big, fat, resounding...


In fact, they're just getting started. Enjoy.

Health-care protest at Capitol draws thousands - washingtonpost.com

Thanks for that, DD. I liked the words of one TEA partier..... "We love the Constitution of the United States that has given us the greatest country in the world. The principles of our founding are being eroded very quickly." Which part of that is hard for liberals to comprehend?

I don't see the word entitlement or tax the rich anywhere in there. You totally lost them California Girl.
Does the election in NY mean that the Republicans will look in their party and realize that right wing loons such as Palin, Beck and Rush are doing serious damage?

Or does it mean that the right wing loons will become more shrill?

Actually, you can't keep mobilizing folks over the same issues without some kind of carrot to keep them coming. For instance, Michelle Bachman has lett out a call for people to come and protest in D.C. against the Dem's Healthcare Bill. Once that goes through congress, what will they call on the Fanatical Right to do next.

Too bad that right-wingers refuse to read "rules for Radicals"--because they would realize that they are exhausting their foot soldiers and wasting their time. But at least they get to have some fun in the process.

They are reading it.

This may be difficult for the left wing droolers but sometimes it is worthwhile to fight, even if the odds are against you.... That is what Americans do.... if we didn't, we wouldn't be the country we are. We fight, we lose, we fight on, we lose, we fight on... eventually we win. The left struggle with this concept because it is hard, it requires commitment and character. These are traits unknown in the liberals.

They are vanilla.... we are Rocky Road.
Thanks Save. Lock and load is right.

Gotta agree Cali. The teaparties ain't done and won't be done till those clowns in DC smarten up and start listening to what we the people have to say. Hell, I could be in my eighties by the time that miracle happens.

Teaparties will gain as much relevance as 9-11 truther rallies. A couple of crack pots screaming when the cameras start rolling.

Teabaggers worst nightmare is that the economy is improving. Jobs will start returning next year, market is up, homesales and prices recovering.

I guess they will have to find something else to attack Obama with. But I'm sure Glenn Beck will come up with something to be outraged with
Nothing wrong with teaparties or marchs on DC. Of course liberals like to believe its just the crazy right wing of the GOP. Kinda funny, all the marchs I saw included Dems, Reps and Independents if all the newscasters were to be believed. Just good ol'Americans exercising their civil rights to protest and try to save some of their hard earned money. Don't worry, as much as the liberals bitch about the right wing of the GOP, their left wiing does the exact same thing. Of course its not covered by our oh so great news media in quite the same way.

As for the GOP, they need to get it together and give the Dems a run for their money in 2010. I'm an Independent myself and alreay know who I will be voting for and it sure ain't gonna be anyone who supports that wingnut in the whithouse and his looney agenda. Guaranteed.

Oh yeah, this part of your post simply EXUDES an Independent mindset...:cuckoo:

An independent is a person that hate being called a Moderate or Centrists.

I am a Centrists
Thanks Save. Lock and load is right.

Gotta agree Cali. The teaparties ain't done and won't be done till those clowns in DC smarten up and start listening to what we the people have to say. Hell, I could be in my eighties by the time that miracle happens.

Teaparties will gain as much relevance as 9-11 truther rallies. A couple of crack pots screaming when the cameras start rolling.

Teabaggers worst nightmare is that the economy is improving. Jobs will start returning next year, market is up, homesales and prices recovering.

I guess they will have to find something else to attack Obama with. But I'm sure Glenn Beck will come up with something to be outraged with

The name calling is comical. It is such because it shows your politically insecure in your own beliefs.

In regard to Tea Parties, Town Hall Meetings and anything of the such, you do open the door to one very important point, IMO. That is that they are most needed and important when things are going well.

The American people getting comfortable and accepting the norm is partly what got us here. Both sides, all sides should be questioned and challenged fairly. That is why it is good to see the diversity which is made up in the Tea Parties.

Of course there is the other plan of action, which you so delightfully demonstrate and that is keeping the masses separated with childish name calling and labels.

When the republicans controlled the house and senate they failed at honoring their convictions and lead the nation down the wrong path. Now the democrats are in control and we are yet another bad path. The problem is not centered at any one party, unlike your empty rhetoric!

The sooner more people move past the intolerance and foolishness the likes of you demonstrate, the sooner change, real change can take place, because the citizen demands it across the board.

Try maturing beyond mere political ideology!

Tea Parties get media attention, but no one likes them. Race riots get lots of media attention, but no one likes them. Crime gets lots of media attention: And still no one likes them. That even includes the producers, directors, and owners of the media, who provide all the all the coverage(?).

Fortunately, everyone else is sane(?).

Sarah Palin even became a Perfected Huntress. She can field dress a Labrador Retriever, and even what is left after a few mortar rounds. NRA knows what true hunters and huntresses, want--including the Pefected ones, who do not overwhelmingly support Israel--or its supporters.

Conservative hunting is different from liberal hunting. Liberals call it a sport. Therefore, so do Sarah Palin Conservatives(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Likely Bo Derek did the more Liberal kind of hunting, for which Jane Fonda is not famous! They did both appear in movies, semi-naked, however. The Conservative Learning Curve is still a bit slow, on some matters, despite the best efforts of GOP U. S. Senator(s), who made porn flicks!)
Thanks Save. Lock and load is right.

Gotta agree Cali. The teaparties ain't done and won't be done till those clowns in DC smarten up and start listening to what we the people have to say. Hell, I could be in my eighties by the time that miracle happens.

Teaparties will gain as much relevance as 9-11 truther rallies. A couple of crack pots screaming when the cameras start rolling.

Teabaggers worst nightmare is that the economy is improving. Jobs will start returning next year, market is up, homesales and prices recovering.

I guess they will have to find something else to attack Obama with. But I'm sure Glenn Beck will come up with something to be outraged with

How is being against the growth of government power and defecit spending anything like a conpsiracy theory?

Don't be dishonest. That is WHAT WE WANT!!!!. We dont care who it happens under as long as it happens. We will continue to teabag these republicans, democrats, and the president until they start behaving in ways we feel will fascilitate a real lasting recovery

More dishonest hackery. You know full well that we have healthcare to be upset over....both the democrat and the republican bills suck and wont fix the problems we have. YOu know this, I know this, the people in washington knows this but it seems us teaparty types are the only ones who actually care. The rest of you just want your agenda pushed forward.

And yes the insults were necessary when someone tells a straight up lie about me.
When the republicans controlled the house and senate they failed at honoring their convictions and lead the nation down the wrong path. Now the democrats are in control and we are yet another bad path. The problem is not centered at any one party, unlike your empty rhetoric!

Oh really? Me thinks though does protest too much!

Where were the teabaggers when Bush ran up $5 trillion in debt? Where were they when he started two wars and cut taxes to pay for them?

When do they show up?

Two weeks after Obama takes office

Glenn Beck is proud of you
They are getting seriously shrill. A sign from today's rally.

This quote, "We love the Constitution of the United States that has given us the greatest country in the world" is something I'd like to talk about for a second.

It's only anecdotal, but my personal experience is that the people who say that the most, haven't actually been to very much of the world, or often to any country outside of North America.

I've traveled in, or lived in, more than 30 countries so far, on every inhabited continent (I'm only missing Antarctica, and I've got that planned for 2011). One of the funniest moments of my travel (from a political point of view) was in Australia, on the gold coast, just south of Brisbane.

I was watching the "Outback Spectacular" show (basically a giant indoor rodeo, with great horse-back riding tricks, roping calves, all while you're eating a giant, Aussie steak - great food), and talking to an older Australian guy next to me. He asked me how the show was compared to the shows in America, and I asked him if he'd ever been to the U.S. His answer? "Hell no, I've never left Australia - it's the greatest country in the world". I jokingly (well, not really jokingly) told him, "You'd make a great American, you know!"

America really is a an amazing country - but to claim it's the "greatest country on Earth"? I dunno. The most powerful, sure, but we're not the richest on a per-person basis, we don't live the longest, we're not the most "free" (in terms of individual liberties), we don't have the lowest suicide rate, and we spend more time at war than most other countries outside of Africa. Places like Thailand, Bali (in Indonesia), Peru, Costa Rica, southern India (Kerala, and Goa), and more, are all more relaxed, more tolerant and seem to have generally friendlier, happier inhabitants than much of what I see in the U.S. (and I've been to 48 of the 50 states so far).

So - I'm not so much saying that America isn't the greatest country on Earth, but that to claim that is to sort of show that you probably haven't traveled much, and that you seem to think your personal opinion is some sort of "dogma" of the tea-partiers.

Okay - moving on!

The tea-party protests aren't going to fizzle out yet, and probably will keep simmering at least, until Obama leaves office, probably in 2016. Some of them honestly believe they're protesting for smaller government, less spending, etc., but as somebody pointed out - during eight years of Bush's massive borrowing, and massive growth of government - there was no "tea party" movement.

That leaves a lot of us who might agree with the message with the suspicion that this is just some anti-Obama group. The comparisons of the Democrats' health-plan to that of the Nazis is just... well, it's as bad as the far-left's depiction of Bush as Hitler, which sadly happened at some protests when he was in power. Comparing any American politician or group to the Nazis or Hitler is a sure-fire way to lose your argument (I'm not even going to invoke Godwin's law, here).

I could actually be on board with a legitimate group that was trying to pressure the government into balancing taxes and spending. But the tea-party people seem to be egged on by the clearly-partisan Fox News channel, Beck in particular. Some of the tea-party protesters are constantly invoking the Nazis, or comparing Obama to Stalin, or other things that have nothing to do with their alleged "cause", but really just turn off a lot of us. Any "movement" founded on hate of one guy (and even some of you IN the tea-party movement have to admit that some of the members seem to simply hate Obama) is bound to fail. See, "Kerry's supporers, 2004 Election".

In 2004, the Democrats basically ran on "We hate Bush", and lost. And the tea-party crowd is hurting their own cause - by the ugly nature of their personal attacks, they lose a LOT of support from people who really do want to see balanced budgets, and restrained Federal government.

Sadly, the tea-party crowd is probably going to sabotage the GOP's chances of re-taking the house in 2010, thus ensuring single-party rule through 2012 (or more likely, 2014, since Obama's voters will be at the polls again in 2012).

And that's bad - the Democrats need some kind of sanity-based check on their power (rather than a "Hannity-based" one, ha ha). Every good government needs a potent opposition, but Beck's minions are busy dismantling the current one.
Thanks Save. Lock and load is right.

Gotta agree Cali. The teaparties ain't done and won't be done till those clowns in DC smarten up and start listening to what we the people have to say. Hell, I could be in my eighties by the time that miracle happens.

Teaparties will gain as much relevance as 9-11 truther rallies. A couple of crack pots screaming when the cameras start rolling.

Teabaggers worst nightmare is that the economy is improving. Jobs will start returning next year, market is up, homesales and prices recovering.

I guess they will have to find something else to attack Obama with. But I'm sure Glenn Beck will come up with something to be outraged with

It would be good if, just occassionally, you could get something right. The TEA parties are about government spending - and a variety of other issues. They are based on fact, not speculuation or conspiracy theories. You make yourself look an ass with this comment.

Their worst nightmare is a bad recovery - that based on false and unsustainable jobs. Their worst nightmare is having the country stolen by assholes in Washington. You make yourself look an ass with this comment too.

They aren't attacking Obama - they are exercising their God given right to protest their government.

Do you actually know anything or do you just make shit up?

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