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The end of the rabid right and the tea partiers?

that's what kieth Overbite said last April :lol:

Keith Overbite? OH--Mark Levins reference to Keith Ober something.

He really said that? Tell--in which context did he use it in?---I am using it as in terms that they are becoming more popular..

I bet you thought that I was attacking them, you rabid Mark Levin follower, didn't you!!:lol:

last April. he said it. the teabaggers are finiished. since then he's ate 1 shit sandwich after another.

"Tea and cake party" or "end of the tea party"?.

There is a major differnec in my approach and his.
Tea Party members are standing up for the Constitution among other things. While they may find the sign in question objectionable, free speech is what it is. The rally isn't about the sign, unless you can't defend against what the Tea Party really stands for. Then you have to find the spin to try and win.

What is so telling is the rant about Tea Parties being unimportant. I don't spend a lot of time on unimportant things. Seems like it is quite the threat based on the amount of time opponents spend on it.

Standing up for the constitution?? As they showed yesterday, they haven't even read it outside of the second amendment

Yes, free speech is what it is. However, free speech does not say that you will not be judged by what you say. And what that sign was saying is horrific. Teabaggers should be ashamed

What was their recourse? The person is holding a sign on public property. As others have mentioned, it could be a plant by Obama nation. Nazi references and the like are more typically a liberal tactic.
Tea Party members are standing up for the Constitution among other things. While they may find the sign in question objectionable, free speech is what it is. The rally isn't about the sign, unless you can't defend against what the Tea Party really stands for. Then you have to find the spin to try and win.

What is so telling is the rant about Tea Parties being unimportant. I don't spend a lot of time on unimportant things. Seems like it is quite the threat based on the amount of time opponents spend on it.

Standing up for the constitution?? As they showed yesterday, they haven't even read it outside of the second amendment

Yes, free speech is what it is. However, free speech does not say that you will not be judged by what you say. And what that sign was saying is horrific. Teabaggers should be ashamed

What was their recourse? The person is holding a sign on public property. As others have mentioned, it could be a plant by Obama nation. Nazi references and the like are more typically a liberal tactic.

Your recourse is to grow a set of balls. See how John McCain handles it, he will not allow his personal reputation be besmirched by these loonies.

First off, Boehner is minority leader of the House and supposedly a major player in the republican party. If the crowd you are about to address is holding up offensive material, you refuse to address them.......PERIOD

Once you start to address these loonies you are complicit in their actions
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Standing up for the constitution?? As they showed yesterday, they haven't even read it outside of the second amendment

Yes, free speech is what it is. However, free speech does not say that you will not be judged by what you say. And what that sign was saying is horrific. Teabaggers should be ashamed

What was their recourse? The person is holding a sign on public property. As others have mentioned, it could be a plant by Obama nation. Nazi references and the like are more typically a liberal tactic.

Your recourse is to grow a set of balls. See how John McCain handles it, he will not allow his personal reputation be besmirched by these loonies.

First off, Boehner in minority leader of the House and supposedly a major player in the republican party. If the crowd you are about to address is holding up offensive material, you refuse to address them.......PERIOD

Once you start to address these loonies you are complicit in their actions

Make up your mind. First you say the Tea Party people are supposed to police the crowd. Now you say Republican speakers are to blame for not stopping it. To you they are loonies with no impact. Why all the outrage? Me thinks you protest too much. All of this coming from someone who can't even state the groups name without making a derogatory statement. Clean up your act first pal.
Keith Overbite? OH--Mark Levins reference to Keith Ober something.

He really said that? Tell--in which context did he use it in?---I am using it as in terms that they are becoming more popular..

I bet you thought that I was attacking them, you rabid Mark Levin follower, didn't you!!:lol:

last April. he said it. the teabaggers are finiished. since then he's ate 1 shit sandwich after another.

"Tea and cake party" or "end of the tea party"?.

There is a major differnec in my approach and his.

"end of the tea party"
Seriously CalliGurl....

Your attempt at "Those aren't "our" signs, they are planted by Liberals" is worthy of Glenn Beck. I thought you were a serious poster up until now.

The fact is, these signs show up repeatedly at the wingnut rallies. The fact is these rallies are populated with a certain element that produce this crap. The fact that as an American, you are not offended, says alot.

Republican leaders who show up at these rallies either need to refuse to speak or call out the offenders. McCain does it all the time. The fact that they choose to ignore the offenders shows tacit complicity

LOL. Yea, I do sound like a Beckite.

Problem is I happen to know that the tactic has been used for decades - certainly since the 60s. Now, if you go back and look at some of the images of the TEA parties during the summer, some of them were very obviously 'set ups'. That is a fact - whether you choose to recognize it or not. If you study the tactics of protesting, the media, etc. (I have because I wrote some stuff on it a while ago) then you would know about it.

That you don't believe me is absolutely fine but it doesn't make what I say not true.

Other than "Glenn Beck said so"

Do you have any proof of these being setups by liberals?

Oh....I forgot.....Right wingnuts don't require proof to make wild accusations

Exactly when did Beck say that? Cuz I hadn't heard it from him. And even if I posted the images and explained them, you would disagree so why would I bother. I have said, you are welcome to believe whatever you feel inclined to. However, I've written on the subject - based on UK academic research on protesting, the media, etc. and that reasearch included the use of this sort of tactic. Its fairly common for groups to infilltrate protests in order to either hijack them or to deliberately make the protests look illigitimate. Whether you agree or not is of no consequence. I'll believe scientific research and you believe whatever your little head tells you.
Does the election in NY mean that the Republicans will look in their party and realize that right wing loons such as Palin, Beck and Rush are doing serious damage?

Or does it mean that the right wing loons will become more shrill?

Actually, it means that the conservatives, the fiscal conservatives, of whom 40% of Americans say they are are going to take this country back in one year and you will witness this country go red from sea to shining sea.

" How's that hopey changey stuff workin out for ya? Got a job?:lol:

10.2% unemployment and rising, yet Obama promised it would not go over 8% with his no stimulus stimulus plan and his " Flood the basement," economics plan. I think he needs to go back to his freshman year in college and re-take econ 101. He seems to be lacking something here.:lol:

The great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After the humiliating democratic loses in the New Jersey and Virginia elections, and today's jobs report, there's not a snow ball's chance in hell of passing that massive health care takeover and the Cap and Trade is dead on arrival in the senate.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Pelosi was supposed to have a vote on the health care today, it was postponed to tomorrow, then postponed to Sunday, now sometime next week.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Her buds are sneaking out the back door on her and Obama care, saying " my hamster died and I have to be at home for the funeral." This is going to get funnier and more entertaining as the days wane on, and more and more of those congressional Obama cheerleaders get the hell out of dodge.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: SHE DOES NOT HAVE THE VOTES TO PASS THIS POS LEGISLATION.

Adios amigos- Obama care and Cap and Trade dead, burned and buried..:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
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Remember Cali the modern day liberal is a closed minded individual. Anyone who disagrees with their platform is a shrill, ignorant, idiotic, nazi, redneck, teabagging, astroturf, racist, fool.

At least that is the image that many liberals online and in the media portray.

The liberals I know in real life dont seem this bad though.
:lol: Commenting that someone will probably become more shrill has nothing to do with freedom of speech, I'm not surprised that CG thinks it does but I am surprised that you think it does.

My prediction was correct. The asshole Randall Terry was at the event yesterday. Right wing loons getting together and acting like right wing loons.

Carry on.

Carrying on :lol:

The freedom to assemble and the freedom of speech are both part of the constitution....just saying ;).
Where did I say it wasn't? I certainly don't want them to stop...they can keep getting shriller and shriller and holding up all the stupid signs they want. I think it's great.
:lol: Commenting that someone will probably become more shrill has nothing to do with freedom of speech, I'm not surprised that CG thinks it does but I am surprised that you think it does.

My prediction was correct. The asshole Randall Terry was at the event yesterday. Right wing loons getting together and acting like right wing loons.

Carry on.

Carrying on :lol:

The freedom to assemble and the freedom of speech are both part of the constitution....just saying ;).
Where did I say it wasn't? I certainly don't want them to stop...they can keep getting shriller and shriller and holding up all the stupid signs they want. I think it's great.
Signs? Do you have another image for yesterday that you can steal and post without proper reference?

Pelosi was ready for a vote on health care for Saurday and it was going to be at least 218 in favor. This was late last week. The only changes I have seen during that period are an election and a Tea Party in DC. Liberals would have us these mean nothing. Okay, what else happened?
:lol: Commenting that someone will probably become more shrill has nothing to do with freedom of speech, I'm not surprised that CG thinks it does but I am surprised that you think it does.

My prediction was correct. The asshole Randall Terry was at the event yesterday. Right wing loons getting together and acting like right wing loons.

Carry on.

Carrying on :lol:

The freedom to assemble and the freedom of speech are both part of the constitution....just saying ;).
Where did I say it wasn't? I certainly don't want them to stop...they can keep getting shriller and shriller and holding up all the stupid signs they want. I think it's great.

I was just saying, dont get :cuckoo: :D
You are right, si modo, you certainly don't get it.

Oh, by the by, don't ask for evidence, if you won't give it yourself, huh? Take a look in one of the other threads, hmmm?
This week showed that teabaggers are a millstone around the republicans neck.

Democrats just ridicule and laugh at them and use them to portray republicans as radical wingnuts out of touch with mainstream America

republicans have to listen to these Bozo's. republican power brokers like Steele and Boehner cower befor the teabaggers.

The Tea Party movement will lead to a larger margin of victory for Democrats in 2010 and 2012
This week showed that teabaggers are a millstone around the republicans neck.

Democrats just ridicule and laugh at them and use them to portray republicans as radical wingnuts out of touch with mainstream America

republicans have to listen to these Bozo's. republican power brokers like Steele and Boehner cower befor the teabaggers.

The Tea Party movement will lead to a larger margin of victory for Democrats in 2010 and 2012

Rightwinger....I know your not that stupid, have you been smoking some whacky tabacky?
This week showed that teabaggers are a millstone around the republicans neck.

Democrats just ridicule and laugh at them and use them to portray republicans as radical wingnuts out of touch with mainstream America

republicans have to listen to these Bozo's. republican power brokers like Steele and Boehner cower befor the teabaggers.

The Tea Party movement will lead to a larger margin of victory for Democrats in 2010 and 2012

Rightwinger....I know your not that stupid, have you been smoking some whacky tabacky?

Tea Baggers do more harm to republicans than they do to Democrats. look at the NY23 results. They forced out a perfectly electable republican for an unelectable conservative. The result was a Democratic win

Democrats use teabaggers and their wild rants as evidence that the right wingnuts are out of touch with mainstream America. Teabaggers claim they are mainstream America, but most Americans don't want those whacko's speaking for them
This week showed that teabaggers are a millstone around the republicans neck.

Democrats just ridicule and laugh at them and use them to portray republicans as radical wingnuts out of touch with mainstream America

republicans have to listen to these Bozo's. republican power brokers like Steele and Boehner cower befor the teabaggers.

The Tea Party movement will lead to a larger margin of victory for Democrats in 2010 and 2012

there will be no more dums after 10. political suicide. and you are the minority now.

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