‘No way out without bloodshed’: the right believe the US is under threat and are mobilizing

MAGA is in Chicago, too!
John Edgar Slow Mind: “You’re a MAGA! You’re a MAGA! You’re a MAGA! Everybody is a MAGA!!!” 😂

fetishizes "liberty" (defined in almost purely negative terms, as freedom from external interference of any kind)
Imagine being such a devout fascists and subservient government boot-licker in life that you actually use the phrase “fetishizes liberty”.

The default state for any normal person is to literally have a deep desire for - and highest reverence for - liberty.

But to the fascists “enslave me harder, daddy” left, they actually view liberty (and those who revere it), with disgust. They mock it - and the Constitution that they loathe for limiting power.

Its disturbing for a denocratic country to have a fringe group promoting this. Even more disturbing to have the party leader at the centre of it.

America is lucky that they have never had a Civil War with hundreds of thousands of dead people.

This trump maina is beyond a joke now. Th first civil war was to end slavery. The second will be to stop being mean to an obese grifting celebrity.. These halfwits will kill your kids and trump doesnt give a shit

Load your muskets indeed .
Really? Have you never heard of Abraham Lincoln, the Confederacy, or the American Civil War? I think our casualties far exceeded those of yours between Cromwell and Charles I. 1,269,000 versus 84,000. That’s not counting non-combat military and civilian deaths in either war.
Nobody does. Not even low-IQ leftists such as yourself shows up unarmed to “overthrow” the most powerful government in the history of the planet :lmao:
It's only because you're so low IQ that you don't realize that's exactly what's happening. Who needs guns when birthright citizenship let's us legally replace you? You're the ones who need the guns you're just too stupid or soft to realize it. :laugh:
Imagine being such a devout fascists and subservient government boot-licker in life that you actually use the phrase “fetishizes liberty”.

The default state for any normal person is to literally have a deep desire for - and highest reverence for - liberty.

But to the fascists “enslave me harder, daddy” left, they actually view liberty (and those who revere it), with disgust. They mock it - and the Constitution that they loathe for limiting power.
Imagine taking a few words written about Timmy McVey and pretending that those words described not Timmy's point of view of liberty but somehow pretend it is the view of the Democrats. You're either just a lying Trumpist or you're just that stupid.
“Salon.com” 😂

It’s no wonder you are “blind”. A millions websites you could turn to for information and you pick the most extreme alt-left propaganda site 🤦‍♂️
Yes attacking the source rather that address the facts is a surrender. I accept yours.
Only one side has been responsible for 100% of all violence in the U.S. in the past 25 years and it sure as hell isn’t the right. Certainly never saw anyone on the right call for America to harass elected Democrats 🤷‍♂️

Hahaha sure sure.....

It’s hilarious how the left will admit that “MAGA” isn’t a threat when they want to project power. But once they feel that power slipping away, they will scream hyperbole that “MAGA” is a “threat” to democracy in a state of hysterics 😂
Stop gaslighting. Look at the OP. We won't put up with violence this time.
They were 100 yards from overthrowing the government. DURR
The real plot to fraudulently overturn the EC votes in several states by Benedict Donald's psychophants wasn't the riot. Like the MOBS of the original fascist, ll Duce, they were just there for the intimidation factor. The fake electors scheme was the real multi-state fraud attempt in the 2020 election.
The real plot to fraudulently overturn the EC votes in several states by Benedict Donald's psychophants wasn't the riot. Like the MOBS of the original fascist, ll Duce, they were just there for the intimidation factor. The fake electors scheme was the real multi-state fraud attempt in the 2020 election.

they were just there for the intimidation factor.

When they were walking between the ropes inside the capitol, they were very intimidating.
they were just there for the intimidation factor.

When they were walking between the ropes inside the capitol, they were very intimidating.
What ropes were these guy walking between?

Not that what you claim didn't happen.


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