‘No way out without bloodshed’: the right believe the US is under threat and are mobilizing

It’s hilarious how the left will admit that “MAGA” isn’t a threat when they want to project power. But once they feel that power slipping away, they will scream hyperbole that “MAGA” is a “threat” to democracy in a state of hysterics 😂
To really want sanity to return to our nation is not a projection of power.
The Capitol was closed during the Joint Session and they mostly had to use brute force to overwhelm the Capitol Police to gain entry. Are you pretending there was no violence that day and all the protesters acted between the ropes?
Don't bother. Todderino checked out when Trump announced for 2024.
To really want sanity to return to our nation is not a projection of power.
If you want “sanity” you wouldn’t support a party that claims anyone with a penis and testicles is a “real woman”, that had cocaine in the White House, that invited LGBT deviants taking their clothes off on the White House lawn, that had an LGBT deviant videoing himself being sodomized in the U.S. Capitol, that literally “sold” access to the Vice President to both Ukraine and China, that eliminated the 1st Amendment, eliminated the 2nd Amendment, eliminated the 4th Amendment, and is desperate to eliminate all liberty.

That’s the polar opposite of “sanity”. That’s what you support. And it’s so disturbing, you’re forced to lie about it due to the shame.
That never happened, of course.
In the wake of the killing of two law enforcement officers in Northern California, more attention is being directed to the “boogaloo” movement, a far-right fringe group that has been tied to violence around the country.

On Tuesday, federal law enforcement officials announced they were charging Air Force Sgt. Steven Carrillo, 32, and suspected accomplice Robert A. Justus Jr., 30, in the May 29 shooting death of a federal security officer in Oakland.

Carrillo also faces state charges in the June 6 killing of a Santa Cruz sheriff’s deputy.
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

They were unarmed, you drama queen. Stop with your hysteria and hyperbole because you know the liberal ideology has absolutely nothing to offer the American people.
Has your BigLie campaign gotten any of your violent fascist shithuman pals out of prison?


Sucks to be you, loser.

The Best part? Ashli is still freezing in Hell, and you'll eventually join her.
They were within feet of the VP and the nuclear football. Had they gotten within sight I imagine the SS would have just started machine gunning them to protect the nuclear codes.
In other words then, there was absolutely 0 risk.

The hyperbole of you drama queens is astounding.

No, 200 unarmed citizens were not going to overthrow the most powerful government in world history, kill all of the Secret Service, and steal the nuclear football (which the VP doesn’t even fucking carry - that’s carried by a military aid, you buffoon 🤦‍♂️ )
Has your BigLie campaign gotten any of your violent fascist shithuman pals out of prison?
  1. I’ve proven multiple times here that you lie every time you post (like your post here about me “lying”)
  2. Fascism is left-wing. You’re the one’s who eliminated the 1st Amendment, eliminated the 2nd Amendment, and eliminated the 4th Amendment. Receipts are there. Ask a grown adult to read (and explain them) to you.
Sucks to be you, loser.
Mammaries always sounds like a 13 year old junior high girl 😂

The 1980’s called - they want their lingo back, snowflake.
The Best part? Ashli is still freezing in Hell, and you'll eventually join her.
How does one “freeze” in a lake of fire? If you want proof that Mammaries is a low-IQ imbecile, look no further than this post right here 🤣
In other words then, there was absolutely 0 risk.

The hyperbole of you drama queens is astounding.

No, 200 unarmed citizens were not going to overthrow the most powerful government in world history, kill all of the Secret Service, and steal the nuclear football (which the VP doesn’t even fucking carry - that’s carried by a military aid, you buffoon 🤦‍♂️ )
They should have let Dotard march to The Capital. Maybe then the mob would have mistaken him for an orange subhuman ape & turned on HIM.
In the wake of the killing of two law enforcement officers in Northern California, more attention is being directed to the “boogaloo” movement, a far-right fringe group that has been tied to violence around the country.
Literally not a single word about this tying into “BLM” like you claimed.
  1. I’ve proven multiple times here that you lie every time you post (like your post here about me “lying”)
Suuuuuuuure you have. Good job with that. Now here comes the nice orderly with your meds. And a pudding cup! Lucky you.

  1. Fascism is left-wing.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, any actual leftists with the Nazis were murdered in the Night of Long Knives period in 1934. Nazism/fascism was totally hard-right after that.

But that's just actual history, so of course you don't know it. Your anti-reality bubble is functioning as your cult masters want it to function.

How does one “freeze” in a lake of fire?🤣
Ah, a cultural illiterate. Don't worry, that's expected of a Trump cultist.

It's from Dante's "Inferno", dumbass. Traitors end up in the frigid ninth plane of hell, eternally frozen into the ice, with their faces eternally exposed to the freezing wind.

Sure, it's not biblical, but most of our lore about Hell isn't biblical. It's cultural, and Dante is a large part of that.

Its disturbing for a denocratic country to have a fringe group promoting this. Even more disturbing to have the party leader at the centre of it.

America is lucky that they have never had a Civil War with hundreds of thousands of dead people.

This trump maina is beyond a joke now. Th first civil war was to end slavery. The second will be to stop being mean to an obese grifting celebrity.. These halfwits will kill your kids and trump doesnt give a shit

Load your muskets indeed .

Well, agree about Trump. But there is no other solution to save a tidbit of traditional America than a divorce. Just look at Europe, England and Ireland. All shitholes ruined by the liberals.

You don't wish that on us...do you Taint?

trump general.png
Well, agree about Trump. But there is no other solution to save a tidbit of traditional America than a divorce. Just look at Europe, England and Ireland. All shitholes ruined by the liberals.

You don't wish that on us...do you Taint?

View attachment 959680
I would love the UK to break up. And then I would want Wales to join Europe..
The lesson here is that some unions are toxic and some are good.
But the main thing here is that all od it should be decided by the ballot box. Trump and his ooons cant suppor that because it doesnt work for them.

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