The Escalating War Against Free Speech Steps Up On College Campuses


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This shit is outrageous. Here Ben Shapiro explains how this process works quite well.

Here is an example of leftist tearing down posters they disagree with that have Kate Steinle's picture, and the college responds to the complaints by going after the poster instead of the fascists who tore them down.

Campus Leftists Tear Down Kate Steinle Posters at UC San Diego - Breitbart

Left-wing students at the University of California San Diego were caught on video tearing down posters featuring the late Kate Steinle, the 32-year-old who was killed by an illegal alien in “sanctuary city” San Francisco in 2015.

But instead of punishing them for violating free speech rights, the university’s Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination is reportedly investigating Gregory Lu, the student who put up the posters, for “bias.”
This shit is outrageous. Here Ben Shapiro explains how this process works quite well.

Here is an example of leftist tearing down posters they disagree with that have Kate Steinle's picture, and the college responds to the complaints by going after the poster instead of the fascists who tore them down.

Campus Leftists Tear Down Kate Steinle Posters at UC San Diego - Breitbart

Left-wing students at the University of California San Diego were caught on video tearing down posters featuring the late Kate Steinle, the 32-year-old who was killed by an illegal alien in “sanctuary city” San Francisco in 2015.

But instead of punishing them for violating free speech rights, the university’s Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination is reportedly investigating Gregory Lu, the student who put up the posters, for “bias.”

Quoting your link:

Four days later, an investigator with the Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination emailed Lu asking to meet with him.

“Our office received an online incident report and I would like to schedule a time to speak with you about it. Are you free this week by phone or in person,” the investigator asked in his email, a copy of which was obtained by The College Fix.

Lu, who has since reportedly contacted an attorney, told the College Fix that he was certain the investigation was related to the posters. All of the posters were torn down, apparently, as Lu was followed by students as he put them up.

So your little snowflake- hasn't even responded to the investigator- but he has contacted an attorney- and that he was certain the investigation was related to the posters.
Remember that the Alt Right are the ones who got their asses kicked at Charlottesville.
Kate Steinle is the ultimate racist. She died just to make an illegal alien look bad.

Yeah, the city of San Francisco would have just loved to prosecute her for her insensitivity, but she took the cowards way out and died.
You're crying about a kid ripping down a poster now?

They've really trained you to be the ultimate snowflake.

It was snowflakes like you who back in the 60s pushed for free speech on college campuses only to turn around down the road in their golden years and suppress it just like their fellow fascists before them.
Taz, this has to do with context. The far right and alt right are far greater snowflakes emotionally and physically and mentally than their opponents on the far left. If you don't like this pointed out, I could care less.
Taz, this has to do with context. The far right and alt right are far greater snowflakes emotionally and physically and mentally than their opponents on the far left. If you don't like this pointed out, I could care less.
You could have a point when we designate a day of screaming at the sky, or ask for coloring books.
It was snowflakes like you who back in the 60s pushed for free speech on college campuses only to turn around down the road in their golden years and suppress it just like their fellow fascists before them.

So you _are_ such a snowflake that one dumb kid has sent you into public hysterics here. Such a good sheep. All the other sheep are bleating in fear, and you're bleating along.

You don't see those of us outside of your authoritarian cult acting like that. The reason conservatives get sucked into that authoritarian cult is precisely because they're so easily manipulated by fear.
You're crying about a kid ripping down a poster now?

They've really trained you to be the ultimate snowflake.

It was snowflakes like you who back in the 60s pushed for free speech on college campuses only to turn around down the road in their golden years and suppress it just like their fellow fascists before them.

Hey, I was a free speech pusher back then too, and I am *still* a free speech pusher.

This is not a generational thingy if I read you right.
It was snowflakes like you who back in the 60s pushed for free speech on college campuses only to turn around down the road in their golden years and suppress it just like their fellow fascists before them.

So you _are_ such a snowflake that one dumb kid has sent you into public hysterics here. Such a good sheep. All the other sheep are bleating in fear, and you're bleating along.

You don't see those of us outside of your authoritarian cult acting like that. The reason conservatives get sucked into that authoritarian cult is precisely because they're so easily manipulated by fear.

It’s not one dumb kid, ass clown. It’s a pattern of behavior being replicated at college campuses all across the country which you would know if you weren’t so full of ignorance and proud of it
The alt right runs around as if their hair is on fire. Then Taz makes a statement he can't possibly quantify. A poster? One poster?

Silly goofs.
You don't see those of us outside of your authoritarian cult acting like that. The reason conservatives get sucked into that authoritarian cult is precisely because they're so easily manipulated by fear.

It’s not one dumb kid, ass clown. It’s a pattern of behavior being replicated at college campuses all across the country which you would know if you weren’t so full of ignorance and proud of it

Sssshhhh, Dont let facts distract you into thinking that silencing all opposition is fascist or anything.

Trust the goobermint and its pencil heads.

What could go wrong?


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