The ESPN the World wide leader in woke has been gaming the system for 30 years to win emmys


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
The left can't even tell the truth in its sports reporting

ESPN has been using fake names for 30 years to win emmy awards
The world wide leader in woke in giagantic fraud scheme. College game day benefited the most


ESPN apologizes for nearly 30-year scheme to defraud Sports Emmys: 'Some members of our team were clearly wrong'

The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences discovered the fraud through an investigation, which led to ESPN doing its own probe.

ESPN apologizes for nearly 30-year scheme to defraud Sports Emmys: 'Some members of our team were clearly wrong'


ESPN Secured Emmys With Years-Long Fake-Name Scheme

ESPN has had to return dozens of Emmy awards after it was discovered the company obtained them using fake names in entries
ESPN Secured Emmys With Years-Long Fake-Name Scheme
The Athletic, which broke the story on the scheme Thursday, reported that over the years when ESPN was given the prestigious awards using the fictitious names, the broadcaster had them re-engraved and then handed them out to the personalities who had been ineligible to receive them.
If there is a way to fuck up sports coverage, ESPN will find it..and they won't quit until they do.

I don't get it.

Just broadcast the damn games. If someone wants to give you an award for it, let them. This isn't 100% ESPN's fault I guess--I could apply for an Emmy nomination as well I suppose and if the voters want to give me one, that's on them." So there is some blame to go around with NATAS on this. But c'mon's easy. Send a crew, cover the event...move on to the next one. As for the studio shows, interview the players, the coaches, report the scores. Easy.

I had a TV back then...when this came on:

But even then I could tell that the ESPN Sportscenter I used to watch most nights was gone... "movies to music".... PASS.

I don't have TV service now so I haven't seen Sportscenter in probably a year or so. I don't know whats on. But I do know this...I don't miss it.

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