The EU wants to close its borders with the United States but not with Canada which is preparing for a second wave?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
Europe also intends to open its borders to the Chinese if not direct directly against Trump all that look like it

French / English translation with a link in French for the second wave in Canada

Canada is preparing for a second wave of coronavirus, which could strike in the fall, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Monday, calling on fellow Canadians to remain vigilant. "We are preparing for a second wave, which could hit very hard," warned the Prime Minister, referring to investments in protective equipment and screening tests in order to "react quickly and firmly if ever there is an outbreak in the months. to come up".

"Even if so, we are reopening the economy, we will have to continue to take measures, to wear masks when we can not keep our distance of two meters, pay attention to contacts with others ", He explained during his almost daily press briefing since the start of the pandemic. "If we do not want to lose all the progress we have made in recent months, we will have to continue to be vigilant even in this new phase of the pandemic," he continued. There are still hot spots in Canada, but across the country, the number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths is declining, "he said.

Coronavirus: these convicts on the road who cross the border between Canada and the United States every day
In mid-June, Justin Trudeau announced the launch of a mobile contact tracking application to track the spread of the pandemic, which will be available nationwide in the coming weeks. The application will alert users who have been in contact with a person who tested positive for the virus.

In addition, the border between Canada and the United States, the country most affected by the pandemic, must remain closed until July 21 for all non-essential movements. The longest border in the world has been closed since March 21, except for trade in goods and goods.

Quebec, which has more than half of the 103,000 cases of coronavirus and 8,600 deaths in the country, should announce Tuesday that the mask will be mandatory in public transport in the French-speaking province, according to the public channel Radio-Canada.

Coronavirus: le Canada se prépare pour une deuxième vague
What is odd about this, is that Quebec has been hit very hard, one of the worst hit jurisdictions on earth. It will be interesting to see how the E.U act if Quebec spreads the virus overseas to them.

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