The Evil Fireman: TrumpUSA Dropout


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a TrumpUSA crime-story vignette about anti-federalism paranoia, which IMO symbolizes a new age pedestrian angst regarding 'civics cynicism.'



Georges worked for years at the Chicago fire department but was so frustrated with Trump Administration related funding cuts to civil servicemen that he decided to become a terrorist, stalking the city streets at night with a silencer-pistol and wearing his fireman's uniform every Halloween Eve. Georges wanted to turn urban dialogue in America into a nightmare. The press called him the Chicago Hellraiser after he shot three policemen and killed four civilians (all adults).

Tracking Georges was a special FBI agent assigned and hand-picked by President Trump himself, a former track-star turned cop who studied at West Point named Evans. Evans believed Georges was a new age 'Charles Manson,' wanting to use urban unrest to his advantage and use bureaucracy claustrophobia as an excuse to exercise mayhem and murder. Evans did not, however, understand how to prove Georges was initially interested only in civics criticism.

Evans arrested Georges in two years but not before the 'Chicago Hellraiser' killer seventeen people in all (including five policemen). Evans interviewed the Chicago Hellraiser for the press personally, and he discovered that the psycho-fireman was a secret anarchist and all-around denouncer of the Trump Administration, and their conversation would prove crucial in the analysis of anti-social behavior related domestic terrorism and serial murder in America.

EVANS: Why did you lose faith in the Chicago Fire Department (CFD)?
GEORGES: I realized America (and Chicago) was corruptly 'multi-headed.'
EVANS: What do you mean 'multi-headed'; are you referring to 'bureaucracy congestion'?
GEORGES: Sure, but more specifically, I'm talking about deception and two-faced civics talk...
EVANS: You were angry with the Trump Administration's decision to cut funding for civil services.
GEORGES: If President Trump doesn't care about civilians, why should servicemen care?
EVANS: Do you feel America elected a 'bad president'?
GEORGES: Americans are patriotic enough not to demonize assassins (e.g., Oswald, Booth, etc.).
EVANS: Are unversed in the lessons of civics enlightenment from U.S. history (e.g., Sacco & Vanzetti)?
GEORGES: I seriously doubt the American press's interest in objectively evaluating pedestrian culture...
EVANS: You're 'loosely' referring to incidents of anarchy in America (e.g., 1992 Los Angeles Race Riots).
GEORGES: Listen, 'Mr. FBI,' do you actually believe 'Planet Hollywood' will create idealism?
EVANS: I don't want to 'destroy' Starbucks, Georges, as if I'm plain psycho...
GEORGES: I'm not a psycho, Mr. Evans. I'm simply trying to prove that 'TrumpUSA' is comic.
EVANS: By adding 'fuel to the fire,' literally(!), you've turned Chicago into a drive-in theater.
GEORGES: I wouldn't be shocked if there were 'copycats' who were inspired by my 'anti-capitalism deeds.'
EVANS: Georges, attacking pedestrians for flaws in capitalism simply suggests you're a 'Cheeseburglar'...
I will be a celebrity, Evans, and it will be Trump's fault!



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