The Failure Of Evolution Theory . . . in a nutshell, information

Information is precisely where the physical universe came from. Earth and what has occurred here is, of course, part of that. Evolution is a fair name for it, but we could pick another. Insisting it is the hand of some consciousness, however, begs questions about the steadiness of that "hand". To our eyes, it seems to have done a great deal of unnecessary things and countless errors. In addition, it has to be admitted that things are much more complicated and time consuming than they could have been. Why is there death? Why do creatures have to eat one another? That defies human concepts of 'intelligent design'.
Evolution is 100 percent fact
I could give many examples ..I am not
Denying evolution only means you’re either a religious nut or science illiterate
Only two things are facts, dying and taxes
Denying evolution is utter stupidity
I think you mean micro evolution, who knows we could have been planted here by an alien race
I don’t think an Alien race is going to travel millions of light years to start life
Very illogical and zero evidence

You are very closely related to all primates
You are with dna closely related to a banana. I think we are getting close to finding out the truth about aliens, little by little the government is admitting it.
The universe is so vast that you have trillions of planets and earth is one of billions with life
There is zero evidence of any aliens ever being here and the odds are close to zero
There is zero evidence of any aliens ever being here and the odds are close to zero
So far, also zero evidence of extraterrestrial life. It seems likely there would be, but none seen as of this time.
Only because our capacity is very primitive.
Believe me , there are many very advanced forms of life out there
But mutations, which are copying errors, cause the loss of, or corrupt, existing genetic information. Small-scale changes due to mutations are insufficient to cause evolution, and various experiments have shown that large-scale changes are harmful and lead to the early deaths of organisms.
100% wishful thinking and what a crock!
Information is precisely where the physical universe came from.
The ultimate non sequitur?
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Evolution is 100 percent fact
I could give many examples ..I am not
Denying evolution only means you’re either a religious nut or science illiterate
Evolution is NOT a theory.
Time, basic elements, and energy is all life needs to start.
But seeding from asteroids, meteors etc from other planets bringing basic life to planets such is ours is suspected of jumpstarting life here.
Evolution is 100 percent fact
I could give many examples ..I am not
Denying evolution only means you’re either a religious nut or science illiterate
Evolution is NOT a theory.
Time, basic elements, and energy is all life needs to start.
But seeding from asteroids, meteors etc from other planets bringing basic life to planets such is ours is suspected of jumpstarting life here.
It’s a fact !! Not theory
A good theory is string theory
Evolution is established science
How evolutionary science itself evolves:
Looking across all 32 cancer types studied, the researchers estimate that 66 percent of cancer mutations result from copying errors, 29 percent can be attributed to lifestyle or environmental factors, and the remaining 5 percent are inherited.

The scientists say their approach is akin to attempts to sort out why "typos" occur when typing a 20-volume book: being tired while typing, which represents environmental exposures; a stuck or missing key in the keyboard, which represent inherited factors; and other typographical errors that randomly occur, which represent DNA copying errors. "You can reduce your chance of typographical errors by making sure you're not drowsy while typing and that your keyboard isn't missing some keys," says Vogelstein. "But typos will still occur because no one can type perfectly. Similarly, mutations will occur, no matter what your environment is, but you can take steps to minimize those mutations by limiting your exposure to hazardous substances and unhealthy lifestyles."
Notably absent (again) is any consideration of potential benefit. We fear change because good things tend to take a relatively long (a godawful amount of) time to get established ("selected") as a new norm. Historically, the enormous timescale differences have obviously made beneficial "mutations" possible (wings, opposable thumbs, big brains, etc.). So we program ourselves not to recognize them as such because, oh noes, CHANGE! MUTATION! CANCER! :omg:
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Insisting it is the hand of some consciousness, however, begs questions about the steadiness of that "hand". To our eyes, it seems to have done a great deal of unnecessary things and countless errors. In addition, it has to be admitted that things are much more complicated and time consuming than they could have been.
Indubitably :p

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