- The Fall - { 2013 }


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Only halfway thru this monstrosity of Juvenile
displacement where a couple teen adventure mountain
climbers get Way Too Bold for their shoes.
Using old world { now popularized } Converse ALL
Star sneakers { now expensive } for a risky adventure.
I chalk it ALL up to peer pressure.The mounting Liberal
now Marxist agenda as ... You Can Do This.
Like what BLM and Antifa have been pressured to believe.
Toss out all common sense,reason and yes,displacement.
The capacity to actually accomplishment stuff with tested
Thinking.The Gift God awarded us with Reason.The Only
living example on Earth with such brain power.
Of course now being displaced as if mere poppycock.
Where Life and Death hold no more serious thinking
than consuming a Mars Bar { Think the movie - Hud - }.
Tragic and historic undevelopment of being a Grown Adult.
Where Wisdom was once considered Golden.
Is it true today :
" We are ensnared by the wisdom of the serpent;
we are set free by the foolishness of God. "
Saint Augustine
The Obvious { how could it not be } overall thrust of
the Movie is the ability to use Devices { latest cell phones |
to make " selfies ". Not much different from today's
use of the MSM to make use of constant Mocking of
all things Trump and of course MAGA.
So this was in the making for an entire decade.
That Cell Phones and of course Facebook, Twitter and
Elections could be weaned exclusively for sheer Manipulation.
Like cocky teenager rock climbers who share a boldness
untold from our past generations.Not boldness of thought
or a better way to make inroads.But just the ability to push.
Like in the Twilight Zone episode :
- A Stop at Willoughby - { 1960 }
" This is a push business,Williams.A push push push
business.Push and drive!But personally you don't delegate
responsibilities to little boys.You should know it better than
anyone else,Wlliams.It's push push push,all the way,all the
time.Right on down the line. "
Furthermore " Like all elites,we use language and mores as
tools to recognize one another and exclude others.
Meanwhile,members of the less educated class
have to walk on eggshells,because they never know when
we've Changed the usage rules,so that something that was
sayable five years ago is now fireable. "
David Brooks { weeniefied N.Y.Times }

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