The FBI continues to lawlessly use counterintelligence powers against American citizens.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
The politicized FBI is becoming more like the KGB everyday.

Not even to mention they have a long history dating back to J.Edgar himself of corruption and political involvement and persecution of American Citizens via entrapment...their standard operating procedure.

The politicized FBI is becoming more like the KGB everyday.
All it will take is for a brave attorney to take a case to the supreme court and challenge their authority....
That won't do any good, because the supremes are just as politicized to the left as the FBI is. It's the same political party from the dormitories and frat houses of elite Ivy League law schools.
Not even to mention they have a long history dating back to J.Edgar himself of corruption and political involvement and persecution of American Citizens via entrapment...their standard operating procedure.
They have to entrap us with no way out, because there's no other way for them to force us to be guilty of the crimes for which they want to pick us up and railroad us through their labor-union collective-bargaining forced-confession federal plea-agreement court system.
The FBI is more of a terrorist organization these days than anything
All thanks to Obama
They must be disbanded
Do you want the extreme leftists on the U.S. Marshal Service, Homeland Security, the National Guard, etc. to take over the duties of the FBI? Do you want a "working cop's investigation" on the beat instead of what the FBI does or is supposed to do? There's no good way out of this buttfuckery because you're fucked under their system, and guilty of buttfuckery because you're fucked and that's the law because you're fucked, and you've been fucked in a court of law, and there's no way out of being fucked.
USA looking more and more like the USSR
Don’t worry the FBI won’t touch me as I am a “ little tiny fish “
USA looking more and more like the USSR
Don’t worry the FBI won’t touch me as I am a “ little tiny fish “
And they don't want to spend the money and out their agents and "human assets" for a little fish. But if they can get away with killing or assassination, now, there are other government agencies to help them in that regard. I can only say because that's the shitty rotten way I've been treated by our crooked corrupt democrat federal government all along.
If I was a big fish ..I am sure the fbi would be monitoring all my posts
CIA and FBI must be 200 percent terminated and rebuilt
CIA and FBI must be 200 percent terminated and rebuilt
Along with the NSA and ATF, that makes 400%, and there are plenty of other politicized agencies of the federal government.
--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
So somewhere down the line the people in our nation will decide to split up the Union and we end up as several different nations.

The democrats love their corruption and the republicans are in reality not much better. The Swamp will eventually turn into a giant cess pool and its stink will lead to the demise and split up of our nation much as what happened to the USSR.

We used to be able to overturn bad government through our election system but it looks like the Democratic Party and the Deep State has figured out how to rig elections so that alternative is likely lost.

I can only hope this breakup will be peaceful and not bloody. Still if mandatory gun confiscation becomes law it might be wise to realize that an armed man is a citizen but a disarmed man is a subject.
So somewhere down the line the people in our nation will decide to split up the Union and we end up as several different nations.

The democrats love their corruption and the republicans are in reality not much better. The Swamp will eventually turn into a giant cess pool and its stink will lead to the demise and split up of our nation much as what happened to the USSR.

We used to be able to overturn bad government through our election system but it looks like the Democratic Party and the Deep State has figured out how to rig elections so that alternative is likely lost.

I can only hope this breakup will be peaceful and not bloody. Still if mandatory gun confiscation becomes law it might be wise to realize that an armed man is a citizen but a disarmed man is a subject.
I am 100 percent for total breakup !
The real enemy of western civilization is the demonrat party then China
So somewhere down the line the people in our nation will decide to split up the Union and we end up as several different nations.

The democrats love their corruption and the republicans are in reality not much better. The Swamp will eventually turn into a giant cess pool and its stink will lead to the demise and split up of our nation much as what happened to the USSR.

We used to be able to overturn bad government through our election system but it looks like the Democratic Party and the Deep State has figured out how to rig elections so that alternative is likely lost.

I can only hope this breakup will be peaceful and not bloody. Still if mandatory gun confiscation becomes law it might be wise to realize that an armed man is a citizen but a disarmed man is a subject.
I am 100 percent for total breakup !
I am wondering how a peaceful breakup would effect my Social Security, pension and investments. I imagine a Civil War or uprising would cause a negative effect.

Hopefully we will find our way through this potential crisis like we have in the past.
So somewhere down the line the people in our nation will decide to split up the Union and we end up as several different nations.

The democrats love their corruption and the republicans are in reality not much better. The Swamp will eventually turn into a giant cess pool and its stink will lead to the demise and split up of our nation much as what happened to the USSR.

We used to be able to overturn bad government through our election system but it looks like the Democratic Party and the Deep State has figured out how to rig elections so that alternative is likely lost.

I can only hope this breakup will be peaceful and not bloody. Still if mandatory gun confiscation becomes law it might be wise to realize that an armed man is a citizen but a disarmed man is a subject.
I am 100 percent for total breakup !
I am wondering how a peaceful breakup would effect my Social Security, pension and investments. I imagine a Civil War or uprising would cause a negative effect.

Hopefully we will find our way through this potential crisis like we have in the past.
USA had become the USSR 2.0 and Dems are taking us all over the cliff into the abyss
USA looking more and more like the USSR
Don’t worry the FBI won’t touch me as I am a “ little tiny fish “
I'll warn them.

I still think you are FAKE news.
You don't really own a business in Vegas. You Don't.
Your posts are very inconsistent. have one employee, maybe 2, and you fire them weekly.

No business can run like this. Therefore, you are a liar.
So somewhere down the line the people in our nation will decide to split up the Union and we end up as several different nations.
There's oil in Alaska, but the population is not really enough for sovereignty and freedom on its own. The whole state would then become a company town, in effect, beholden to the same democrat labor unions of big oil.
The democrats love their corruption and the republicans are in reality not much better. The Swamp will eventually turn into a giant cess pool and its stink will lead to the demise and split up of our nation much as what happened to the USSR.
That's the problem. Democrats are sinners, and some of Jesus' disciples were publicans, but raising taxes is not the way to salvation. A swamp is a swamp.
We used to be able to overturn bad government through our election system but it looks like the Democratic Party and the Deep State has figured out how to rig elections so that alternative is likely lost.
Mob bosses have taken over the elections with a wink and a nod to dishonest election workers who will only count ballots if they are in favor of the Democratic Party.
I can only hope this breakup will be peaceful and not bloody. Still if mandatory gun confiscation becomes law it might be wise to realize that an armed man is a citizen but a disarmed man is a subject.
Mandatory gun confiscation is already law, plus whatever else of ours the democrat "working cops on the beat" can grab or revoke our rights to possess, or dispossess us of in any other way.
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The politicized FBI is becoming more like the KGB everyday.
All it will take is for a brave attorney to take a case to the supreme court and challenge their authority....
That won't do any good, because the supremes are just as politicized to the left as the FBI is. It's the same political party from the dormitories and frat houses of elite Ivy League law schools.
Not even to mention they have a long history dating back to J.Edgar himself of corruption and political involvement and persecution of American Citizens via entrapment...their standard operating procedure.
They have to entrap us with no way out, because there's no other way for them to force us to be guilty of the crimes for which they want to pick us up and railroad us through their labor-union collective-bargaining forced-confession federal plea-agreement court system.
There are fewer than 20K agents in the U.S. Once their blatant hypocrisy and double standards become increasingly common knowledge, their greatest strength will crumble. There are about 330 million people in America and once respect for the rule of law is gone, they will play hell cowering those on the Right. These fools in DC seem to have lost their grip on reality. We'll see them try to selectively go after citizens who have the temerity to speak the truth about their crimes. The media will work with them by demonizing anyone they decide to arrest and prosecute.
Hell, they may even "go big" by trying to round up large numbers of citizens with "wrong-think" but as they clamp down and we hear the media screaming about domestic terrorists, more and more Americans WILL be red-pilled.
A tide of peaceful resistance will essentially make them look like the fecking Schutzstaffel they've chosen to become.
The FBI is more of a terrorist organization these days than anything
All thanks to Obama
They must be disbanded

Nonsense. The powers they abused under Obama they abused under Bush. The powers they abused under Bush were abused before. Long before.

Hoover had agents break and enter residences and businesses. They were called Black Bag Jobs. Hoover blackmailed politicians and prominent figures.

You just didn’t notice it before Obama. That is your failure. But take heart. You were not alone.

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