The FBI shut down no less than 4 investigations into the Clintons

The Clintons are dirty and everyone knows it.

They are like the Harvey Weinstein of the Swamp.

This would be the same Durham that only brought two criminal cases, both of which he lost, badly. Why are we listening to him?

Maybe the FBI was reluctant to investigate the Clintons because they remember the 1990's, when they chased down every bullshit scandal and ended up testing a dress for jizz stains because that was a productive use of their time.
This would be the same Durham that only brought two criminal cases, both of which he lost, badly. Why are we listening to him?

Maybe the FBI was reluctant to investigate the Clintons because they remember the 1990's, when they chased down every bullshit scandal and ended up testing a dress for jizz stains because that was a productive use of their time.
I dunno there buddy, you might be on to something

I dunno there buddy, you might be on to something

Here's what I'm onto.

Your side has been accusing the Clintons of stuff all the way back to 1992. And you've spent hundreds of millions of dollars looking into things that were kind of petty.

And the only things you've been able to prove in all that time was the Mrs. Clinton got some documents she shouldn't have gotten on her private account, and Bill lied about getting a blow job from a chubby intern.

But the way you carry on, you'd think Hillary was the combination of Professor Moriarity and Keyser Soze.

I am reminded of the story of the Boy who Cried Wolf.
This would be the same Durham that only brought two criminal cases, both of which he lost, badly. Why are we listening to him?

Maybe the FBI was reluctant to investigate the Clintons because they remember the 1990's, when they chased down every bullshit scandal and ended up testing a dress for jizz stains because that was a productive use of their time.

It's outrageous!
Hillary was the best cattle futures trader in history.
She read the Wall Street Journal.
No dirty money there.

It's outrageous!
Hillary was the best cattle futures trader in history.
She read the Wall Street Journal.
No dirty money there.

Except Ken Star spent 70 million dollars investigating all things Clinton, and found nothing illegal.

The Clintons amass a $2 BILLION dollar "foundation" from "donations" across the globe. The donations dry up overnight after Hillary loses. Nothing to see here, move along.
You mean after they retired and stopped raising money?
Except Ken Star spent 70 million dollars investigating all things Clinton, and found nothing illegal.

You mean after they retired and stopped raising money?

Except Ken Star spent 70 million dollars investigating all things Clinton, and found nothing illegal.

He found lots of illegal stuff. Hard to prove in court.

You mean after they retired and stopped raising money?

Do you ever really retire from saving the world?
Harder to do when you can no longer sell access.
Except Ken Star spent 70 million dollars investigating all things Clinton, and found nothing illegal.

He found lots of illegal stuff. Hard to prove in court.

Actually, he stated in front of Congress that he found no criminal conduct on behalf of the Clintons in Whitewater, the FBI Files, Vince Foster's suicide, the Travel Office Firings.

You mean after they retired and stopped raising money?

Do you ever really retire from saving the world?
Harder to do when you can no longer sell access.

Sure you do, when you are in your seventies.
Actually, he stated in front of Congress that he found no criminal conduct on behalf of the Clintons in Whitewater, the FBI Files, Vince Foster's suicide, the Travel Office Firings.

Sure you do, when you are in your seventies.

Bill was 70 when Hillary lost to another amateur.

Less need for a slush fund when no one is running for office, eh?

Less demand to buy influence from a two-time loser.
Bill was 70 when Hillary lost to another amateur.

Less need for a slush fund when no one is running for office, eh?

Less demand to buy influence from a two-time loser.

Or they just decided they don't need this anymore.

I don't plan to still be working in my 70's.... do you?
Or they just decided they don't need this anymore.

I don't plan to still be working in my 70's.... do you?
Listen to the clip I provided with both Hillary and Comey

Listen to all her lies

It only takes one lie to the FBI to put you in jail, something they tried to do with General Flynn with just one lie told, but something they have no interest doing to Hillary.

So as we see, the crimes are there, its just that no one wants to see them.
Listen to the clip I provided with both Hillary and Comey

Listen to all her lies

It only takes one lie to the FBI to put you in jail, something they tried to do with General Flynn with just one lie told, but something they have no interest doing to Hillary.

So as we see, the crimes are there, its just that no one wants to see them.

Yawn, I just can't get worked up that Hillary got a classified document on her private email. It's just not a big deal.

Especially after Trump took boxloads of classified documents home with him and showed them to Kid Rock.

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