The FBI shut down no less than 4 investigations into the Clintons

This is the point where the nation crossed the Rubicon, IMO. . .

Criticism of investigation​

"In addition to partisan complaints from Republicans, columnists Charles Krauthammer, William Safire, and Morton Kondracke, as well as a number of FBI agents, suggested the investigations into the fundraising controversies were willfully impeded.[62][63][64]

FBI agent Ivian Smith wrote a letter to FBI Director Freeh that expressed "a lack of confidence" in the Justice Department's attorneys regarding the fundraising investigation. He wrote: "I am convinced the team at... [the Department of Justice] leading this investigation is, at best, simply not up to the task... The impression left is the emphasis on how not to prosecute matters, not how to aggressively conduct investigations leading to prosecutions." Smith and three other FBI agents later testified before Congress in late 1999 that Justice Department prosecutors impeded their inquiry. FBI agent Daniel Wehr told Congress that the first head U.S. attorney in the investigation, Laura Ingersoll, told the agents they should "not pursue any matter related to solicitation of funds for access to the president. The reason given was, 'That's the way the American political process works.' I was scandalized by that," Wehr said. The four FBI agents also said that Ingersoll prevented them from executing search warrants to stop destruction of evidence and micromanaged the case beyond all reason.[65]

FBI agents were also denied the opportunity to ask President Clinton and Vice President Gore questions during Justice Department interviews in 1997 and 1998 and were only allowed to take notes. During the interviews, neither Clinton nor Gore were asked any questions about fund-raisers John Huang and James Riady, nor the Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple fundraising event led by Maria Hsia and attended by Huang and Ted Sioeng.
[66]. ."
Joe is what you call a true believer.

Cult member #1.

Nothing the DNC ever does can be wrong.

I'll criticize them when they do stupid shit.
This just one of them. Condi Rice and Colin Powell did the same thing. They conducted State business on their personal email accounts.
I'll criticize them when they do stupid shit.
This just one of them. Condi Rice and Colin Powell did the same thing. They conducted State business on their personal email accounts.
Stupid shit?

Like what?
This is the point where the nation crossed the Rubicon, IMO. . .

Criticism of investigation​

"In addition to partisan complaints from Republicans, columnists Charles Krauthammer, William Safire, and Morton Kondracke, as well as a number of FBI agents, suggested the investigations into the fundraising controversies were willfully impeded.[62][63][64]

FBI agent Ivian Smith wrote a letter to FBI Director Freeh that expressed "a lack of confidence" in the Justice Department's attorneys regarding the fundraising investigation. He wrote: "I am convinced the team at... [the Department of Justice] leading this investigation is, at best, simply not up to the task... The impression left is the emphasis on how not to prosecute matters, not how to aggressively conduct investigations leading to prosecutions." Smith and three other FBI agents later testified before Congress in late 1999 that Justice Department prosecutors impeded their inquiry. FBI agent Daniel Wehr told Congress that the first head U.S. attorney in the investigation, Laura Ingersoll, told the agents they should "not pursue any matter related to solicitation of funds for access to the president. The reason given was, 'That's the way the American political process works.' I was scandalized by that," Wehr said. The four FBI agents also said that Ingersoll prevented them from executing search warrants to stop destruction of evidence and micromanaged the case beyond all reason.[65]

FBI agents were also denied the opportunity to ask President Clinton and Vice President Gore questions during Justice Department interviews in 1997 and 1998 and were only allowed to take notes. During the interviews, neither Clinton nor Gore were asked any questions about fund-raisers John Huang and James Riady, nor the Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple fundraising event led by Maria Hsia and attended by Huang and Ted Sioeng.
[66]. ."

On, noes, not scary Chinese people!
Stupid shit?

Like what?

I thought Obama's escalation of Afghanistan was pretty stupid, as was letting the French talk us into overthrowing Qadafi.

I think Biden letting the Fed run amok with higher interest rates trying to tame inflation is a little silly. Talk about people fighting the last war.
On, noes, not scary Chinese people!

IMO? Selling the Chinese tech secrets for campaign cash, and then being protected by the DoJ from the FBI, is far more corrupt & illegal, and a threat to the state of the nation, than an Out-going POTUS trying to hustle some phony electors and send his flying monkeys rioting in the capitol (which everyone knew, never stood a chance in hell). . .

But do the Chi-coms now have technological military parity? YUP!

IMO? Selling the Chinese tech secrets for campaign cash, and then being protected by the DoJ from the FBI, is far more corrupt & illegal, and a threat to the state of the nation, than an Out-going POTUS trying to hustle some phony electors and send his flying monkeys rioting in the capitol (which everyone knew, never stood a chance in hell). . .

But do the Chi-coms now have technological military parity? YUP!


Hey, me, I'm happy we gave the Chinese that technology because now we can all get cheap satellite services. That's why it was done, and frankly, we are all better off for it. It wasn't the Chinese pushing for it, it was our own telecommunications companies that had a demand for satellites and no way to get them into space after the Challenger disaster turned the Space Shuttle into an expensive novelty.

On the other hand, what Trump tried to do was overturn an election... far, far worse than that.

The Clintons are dirty and everyone knows it.

They are like the Harvey Weinstein of the Swamp.

The Clintons are not even "yesterday's news"...

They're the dim-and-distant past...

Why are we even talking about them?

Do you have anything beyond an Op-Ed piece in Breitbart to corroborate Durham's accusations?

Maybe this thread ought to be moved to some new Ancient History forum within the board system?
Hey, me, I'm happy we gave the Chinese that technology because now we can all get cheap satellite services. That's why it was done, and frankly, we are all better off for it. It wasn't the Chinese pushing for it, it was our own telecommunications companies that had a demand for satellites and no way to get them into space after the Challenger disaster turned the Space Shuttle into an expensive novelty.

On the other hand, what Trump tried to do was overturn an election... far, far worse than that.
Hey, me, I'm we gave the British troop movements, intelligence and Benedict Arnold sold out the nation's secrets to the British. . . it stabilized the currency, and made the economy run better. It was good for all the tories and the loyalists. . .

This is the point where the nation crossed the Rubicon, IMO. . .

Criticism of investigation​

"In addition to partisan complaints from Republicans, columnists Charles Krauthammer, William Safire, and Morton Kondracke, as well as a number of FBI agents, suggested the investigations into the fundraising controversies were willfully impeded.[62][63][64]

FBI agent Ivian Smith wrote a letter to FBI Director Freeh that expressed "a lack of confidence" in the Justice Department's attorneys regarding the fundraising investigation. He wrote: "I am convinced the team at... [the Department of Justice] leading this investigation is, at best, simply not up to the task... The impression left is the emphasis on how not to prosecute matters, not how to aggressively conduct investigations leading to prosecutions." Smith and three other FBI agents later testified before Congress in late 1999 that Justice Department prosecutors impeded their inquiry. FBI agent Daniel Wehr told Congress that the first head U.S. attorney in the investigation, Laura Ingersoll, told the agents they should "not pursue any matter related to solicitation of funds for access to the president. The reason given was, 'That's the way the American political process works.' I was scandalized by that," Wehr said. The four FBI agents also said that Ingersoll prevented them from executing search warrants to stop destruction of evidence and micromanaged the case beyond all reason.[65]

FBI agents were also denied the opportunity to ask President Clinton and Vice President Gore questions during Justice Department interviews in 1997 and 1998 and were only allowed to take notes. During the interviews, neither Clinton nor Gore were asked any questions about fund-raisers John Huang and James Riady, nor the Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple fundraising event led by Maria Hsia and attended by Huang and Ted Sioeng.
[66]. ."

Wikipedia is NOT a source.

This whole thread is bullshit.

Everything Clinton was investigated for 6 1/2 years by Ken Starr. He found a lie about a blow job.
Wikipedia is NOT a source.

This whole thread is bullshit.

Everything Clinton was investigated for 6 1/2 years by Ken Starr. He found a lie about a blow job.

FBI agents criticize Justice Department​


Justice's Clinton, Gore inquiry criticized​


The campaign finance scandal affected all of corporate America, Joe is correct, the powers that be, the entire establishment, WANTED China to have that tech, so that America could pay poor peasant worker in China peanuts, and off shore American jobs, while gutting mid America, and pocketing the profits.

Gore and Clinton just made bank in campaign corruption for themselves. . . by betraying the nation.

All of them, and the left and the right, they are all thieves, crooks, and perverts, aided and abetted by the TEE VEE propagandists, who purposely distracted the masses with that silly sex scandal, which was of little to no consequence by comparison. Everyone in D.C. knew it. That was just a compromise. They could have impeached 'ol Billy Boy on any number of his sexcapades to distract the masses from this scandal. .. .

This shit? IS a fact, not conjecture. Hell, the NYT even covered it, and the Chi-Coms have an identical military now. . . what the hell else for proof do you need that the Clintons betrayed the nation? :dunno:

That was the whole reason that the establishment press concentrated so much on that Lewsinky scandal, because, yes, both sides were selling the nation out.. . .

"Already done & done. China has already reverse engineered our 5th generation fighters, they don't need to even bother with the 4th gen anymore.
(previous post.)
The whole thing was done by the CFR press, and the CFR republicans, to distract the public from the very real, and very consequential campaign finance scandal. That scandal? Amounted to essentially treason, but the deep state, and corporate elites, which buy off pols in both parties, wanted that type of corruption to continue, and did not want the electorate to focus on it.

It was a snow job, and a distraction, a bone thrown to partisans, for the TRUE CRIME, the treasonous corruption that the Trilaterals were engaged in, the same bullshit they have been doing with that Covid GoF and the WEF.


The technology transfers started back in the seventies. . . .

It really went full tilt when they used that Lewinsky trial as a distraction to cover for Chinagate. Then they had the US fund that GoF research, which funded the virus. . . and, well, that covered for the whole purposeful controlled demolition of the global economy and subversion of the American civil institutions.

Why do you think American oligarchs have been selling China all the technology they need for a confrontation with America for the past forty years?



Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China

China's American Arsenal

For instance, here's the Shenyang J-31, China's fifth generation stealth fighter:

And here's the good ol' Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II:

Or compare the Chinese Lijian Sharp Sword Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle:

To the Northrop Grumman X-47B Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle:

Or take the Sunward SVU-200 Flying Tiger unmanned helo:

And play a game of "spot the similarities" with Northrop Grumman's very own MQ-8 Fire Scout unmanned helo:

View attachment 827803

FBI agents criticize Justice Department​

View attachment 827804

Justice's Clinton, Gore inquiry criticized​

View attachment 827805

The campaign finance scandal affected all of corporate America, Joe is correct, the powers that be, the entire establishment, WANTED China to have that tech, so that America could pay poor peasant worker in China peanuts, and off shore American jobs, while gutting mid America, and pocketing the profits.

Gore and Clinton just made bank in campaign corruption for themselves. . . by betraying the nation.

All of them, and the left and the right, they are all thieves, crooks, and perverts, aided and abetted by the TEE VEE propagandists, who purposely distracted the masses with that silly sex scandal, which was of little to no consequence by comparison. Everyone in D.C. knew it. That was just a compromise. They could have impeached 'ol Billy Boy on any number of his sexcapades to distract the masses from this scandal. .. .

This shit? IS a fact, not conjecture. Hell, the NYT even covered it, and the Chi-Coms have an identical military now. . . what the hell else for proof do you need that the Clintons betrayed the nation? :dunno:

That was the whole reason that the establishment press concentrated so much on that Lewsinky scandal, because, yes, both sides were selling the nation out.. . .

"Already done & done. China has already reverse engineered our 5th generation fighters, they don't need to even bother with the 4th gen anymore.
(previous post.)
The whole thing was done by the CFR press, and the CFR republicans, to distract the public from the very real, and very consequential campaign finance scandal. That scandal? Amounted to essentially treason, but the deep state, and corporate elites, which buy off pols in both parties, wanted that type of corruption to continue, and did not want the electorate to focus on it.

It was a snow job, and a distraction, a bone thrown to partisans, for the TRUE CRIME, the treasonous corruption that the Trilaterals were engaged in, the same bullshit they have been doing with that Covid GoF and the WEF.


The technology transfers started back in the seventies. . . .

It really went full tilt when they used that Lewinsky trial as a distraction to cover for Chinagate. Then they had the US fund that GoF research, which funded the virus. . . and, well, that covered for the whole purposeful controlled demolition of the global economy and subversion of the American civil institutions.

Why do you think American oligarchs have been selling China all the technology they need for a confrontation with America for the past forty years?



Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China

China's American Arsenal

For instance, here's the Shenyang J-31, China's fifth generation stealth fighter:

And here's the good ol' Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II:

Or compare the Chinese Lijian Sharp Sword Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle:

To the Northrop Grumman X-47B Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle:

Or take the Sunward SVU-200 Flying Tiger unmanned helo:

And play a game of "spot the similarities" with Northrop Grumman's very own MQ-8 Fire Scout unmanned helo:

I didn't read your bullshit the first time you posted it, and I'm certainly not going to waste my time reading it because you posted it again.

Ancient history, full of disinformation and right wing propaganda.

If Republicans aren't lying about Democrats, they're not saying anything at all.
Or they just decided they don't need this anymore.

I don't plan to still be working in my 70's.... do you?

They don't need foreign governments handing them billions of dollars to save the world?
It's not like Hillary was flying to Haiti to hand out supplies.
Hey, me, I'm happy we gave the Chinese that technology because now we can all get cheap satellite services. That's why it was done, and frankly, we are all better off for it. It wasn't the Chinese pushing for it, it was our own telecommunications companies that had a demand for satellites and no way to get them into space after the Challenger disaster turned the Space Shuttle into an expensive novelty.

On the other hand, what Trump tried to do was overturn an election... far, far worse than that.

Hey, me, I'm happy we gave the Chinese that technology because now we can all get cheap satellite services.

And if that means China can now MIRV their nukes, no biggie, eh comrade?
I didn't read your bullshit the first time you posted it, and I'm certainly not going to waste my time reading it because you posted it again.

Ancient history, full of disinformation and right wing propaganda.

If Republicans aren't lying about Democrats, they're not saying anything at all.
You are right, the Clintons are ancient history.

. . . and I am glad you have basically the same opinion of the NYT as I do.


You are right, the Clintons are ancient history.

. . . and I am glad you have basically the same opinion of the NYT as I do.



I'm not a fan of the NYT at all. There have been too many slips in their "journalistic standards" in verification and fact checking for my taste. On shit that should never have happened too.
They don't need foreign governments handing them billions of dollars to save the world?
It's not like Hillary was flying to Haiti to hand out supplies.

No but it's quite likely that the Clinton Foundation will go in quietly and help residents rebuild, just like they have in Houston and in other areas facing disasters in the USA.


The Clintons are dirty and everyone knows it.

They are like the Harvey Weinstein of the Swamp.

Here is President Trump bragging about how HIS FBI broke up the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot

President Donald Trump repeatedly attacked Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer during a rally in Lansing, at one point taking credit for the FBI thwarting a plot to kidnap her and then immediately downplaying the actual threat that had been posed to Whitmer.

“Your governor, I don’t thinks she likes me too much,” Trump joked, prompting a loud reaction from the crowd.

“Hey, hey, hey hey,” he told the audience, “I’m the one, it was our people that helped her out with her problem.”

“I mean, we’ll have to see if it’s a problem. Right? People are entitled to say maybe it was a problem, maybe it wasn’t,” he added. “It was our people – my people, our people that helped her out. And then she blamed me for it. She blamed me and it was our people that helped her. I don’t get it.

When he says "our people" he means the FBI.

The alleged domestic terrorism scheme included plans to overthrow several state governments that the suspects “believe are violating the US Constitution,”

The extremists who tried to kidnap whitmer are part of a radical right wing network of nuts who don't know what constitutional means much less be able to spell it.
No but it's quite likely that the Clinton Foundation will go in quietly and help residents rebuild, just like they have in Houston and in other areas facing disasters in the USA.

Go on quietly for sure.
Now that they have no access to sell, guess how much money they raised last year?
The year before?

Go on quietly for sure.
Now that they have no access to sell, guess how much money they raised last year?
The year before?

But they were never shut down like Trump's foundation. We would have thought you'd never utter the words Clinton Foundation after we all found out the Trump Foundation was found GUILTY of what you accused the Clinton Foundation of doing.

You have no shame and no credibility.

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