The FBI shut down no less than 4 investigations into the Clintons

Largest? Hardly.

There is little reason for this sort of speculation. China is already the world’s largest economy, its economy is more than 20 percent larger than the US economy, according to the IMF. Furthermore, it is growing considerably more rapidly (assuming they don’t continue their zero COVID-19 policy forever), so it is projected to be more than a third larger than the US economy by the end of the decade.

There is little reason for this sort of speculation. China is already the world’s largest economy, its economy is more than 20 percent larger than the US economy, according to the IMF. Furthermore, it is growing considerably more rapidly (assuming they don’t continue their zero COVID-19 policy forever), so it is projected to be more than a third larger than the US economy by the end of the decade.

I'm not surprised that the same people who think commies are more innovative
also believe commie government numbers.

I wonder if they'll crush people with tanks when their real estate bubble pops.
"Commies"? The 1950's called, they want their McCarthyism back.

I'm not so sure. Now, I'm married to a Chinese woman, so maybe I have a bit of bias. But I look at how they've gone from being a backwards country to a real economic power in less than 50 years
Of course after 40 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich, this is not going great here in the United States worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever by far anywhere in the modern world. We are now rated a flawed democracy because of all the people that don't believe in our elections based on nothing. China is going to have to start paying their workers and they're getting ideas everywhere in China....
Of course after 40 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich, this is not going great here in the United States worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever by far anywhere in the modern world. We are now rated a flawed democracy because of all the people that don't believe in our elections based on nothing. China is going to have to start paying their workers and they're getting ideas everywhere in China....

Of course after 40 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich,

Don't forget the 18 years of demtwat failure.
I'm not surprised that the same people who think commies are more innovative
also believe commie government numbers.

I wonder if they'll crush people with tanks when their real estate bubble pops.

Unlikely... Wasn't that supposed to have happened last year? Then we stopped hearing about it.
Unlikely... Wasn't that supposed to have happened last year? Then we stopped hearing about it.

But the picture emerging from property agents and private data providers is far more dire.

These figures show existing-home prices falling at least 15% in prime neighborhoods of major metropolitan areas like Shanghai and Shenzhen, as well as in more than half of China’s tier-2 and tier-3 cities. Existing homes near Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.’s headquarters in Hangzhou have dropped about 25% from late 2021 highs, according to local agents.

While it’s difficult to make apples-to-apples comparisons, industry insiders and economists say China’s official home-price indexes are likely understating the depth of the downturn, in part because of longstanding methodologies that struggle to capture market turning points.

China’s bursting housing bubble is doing more damage than official data suggest
You actually believe she traded those futures, you clueless moron.
It's a conspiracy!!! Everything you know is garbage conspiracy, Super Duper. Ever consider your lying corrupt party is screwing you and everyone you know for years now while you go on about this crap....
It's a conspiracy!!! Everything you know is garbage conspiracy, Super Duper. Ever consider your lying corrupt party is screwing you and everyone you know for years now while you go on about this crap....

A cattle conspiracy?

You can tell me; did she really trade those contracts?

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