The FDR speech in 1936 at the unveiling of the magnificent Robert E Lee memorial statue.

Then asking you why you have such a maniacal hate for FDR should be easy for you to answer
You really don't know the scumbag's record of offenses against Americans and humans in general? You don't know of his character? You don't realize the ramifications of his economic malfeasance?
You really don't know the scumbag's record of offenses against Americans and humans in general? You don't know of his character? You don't realize the ramifications of his economic malfeasance?
I wanted to hear your personal mispronunciation of history

you know, the bullshit you fill innocent children's heads with
You can't possibly disagree, unless you are a completely irrational, shameless apologist for reb scum who sought to destroy The United States of America.
They had every legal right to leave the union
Let you not forget in 1936 the South was a stronghold of the Democratic Party, without it the Dimbo’s grasp on power was nonexistent. On another note back in 1936 individuals that demonstrated courage and conviction were viewed as honorable, noteworthy, examples of what should be emulated by America’s youth. It is simply the foundation the greatest generation modeled their lives on. The failure of those espousing historical fact is that the context of both social and economic trends of the period are easily swept under the rug.

you know, the bullshit you fill innocent children's heads with
My students make up their own minds. I just provide the facts. Facts like fdr's concentration camps. Facts like fdr turning away the M.S. St. Louis. Facts like his infidelity to his wife. Facts like his well-documented racism. Facts like the way his bumbling with the economy prolonged the Great Depression by 7 years. Facts like the Tuskegee experiments. Facts like his threats at packing the Supreme Court. Facts like putting a klansman on the Supreme Court. Facts like enabling Stalin. Facts like being the only president to break from the tradition of seeking no more than two terms in office established by George Washington.

Which of them do you dispute? Which of them do you find virtuous?
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My students make up their own minds. I just provide the facts. Facts like fdr's concentration camps. Facts like fdr turning away the M.S. St. Louis. Facts like his infidelity to his wife. Facts like his well-documented racism. Facts like the way his bumbling with the economy prolonged the Great Depression by 7 years. Facts like the Tuskegee experiments. Facts like his threats at packing the Supreme Court. Facts like putting a klansman on the Supreme Court. Facts like enabling Stalin. Facts like being the only president to break from the tradition of seeking no more than two terms in office established by George Washington.

Which of them do you dispute? Which of them do you find virtuous?
I will start with the internment camps that you mischaracterize as concentration camps

Pearl Harbor was a VERY traumatic national event

If not for that the japanese would not have been interned

but without internment I wonder how many would have been injured or killed by angry Americans?

we learned a lesson from that experience but dont blame FDR for that
I will start with the internment camps that you mischaracterize as concentration camps

Go buy a dictionary and learn what "concentration camp" means. It is the accurate term, and the one fdr used himself.
...... without internment I wonder how many would have been injured or killed by angry Americans?

Somebody out there may be angry with you. How about we throw your ass in a concentration camp for a few years? Just for your protection. How does that sound to you, champ? Sell your house for almost nothing, quit your job, and uproot your entire family. The soldiers with bayonetted rifles will be by for you in the morning. Enjoy.
Go buy a dictionary and learn what "concentration camp" means. It is the accurate term, and the one fdr used himself.

The japanese were well treated unlike true concentration camps where the unwanted were sent to die

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