The FDR speech in 1936 at the unveiling of the magnificent Robert E Lee memorial statue.

My students make up their own minds. I just provide the facts. Facts like fdr's concentration camps. Facts like fdr turning away the M.S. St. Louis. Facts like his infidelity to his wife. Facts like his well-documented racism. Facts like the way his bumbling with the economy prolonged the Great Depression by 7 years. Facts like the Tuskegee experiments. Facts like his threats at packing the Supreme Court. Facts like putting a klansman on the Supreme Court. Facts like enabling Stalin. Facts like being the only president to break from the tradition of seeking no more than two terms in office established by George Washington.

Which of them do you dispute? Which of them do you find virtuous?
Another would be your blaming the Tuskegee Experiment on FDR

It began before FDR took office and lasted till 1972

who knows if FDR was even aware of it?
My students make up their own minds. I just provide the facts. Facts like fdr's concentration camps. Facts like fdr turning away the M.S. St. Louis. Facts like his infidelity to his wife. Facts like his well-documented racism. Facts like the way his bumbling with the economy prolonged the Great Depression by 7 years. Facts like the Tuskegee experiments. Facts like his threats at packing the Supreme Court. Facts like putting a klansman on the Supreme Court. Facts like enabling Stalin. Facts like being the only president to break from the tradition of seeking no more than two terms in office established by George Washington.

Which of them do you dispute? Which of them do you find virtuous?
You answered your own question, clown. Denying the obvious correct answer to your own question does not discredit it. Stop trying to defend traitors to my great nation.
My students make up their own minds. I just provide the facts. Facts like fdr's concentration camps. Facts like fdr turning away the M.S. St. Louis. Facts like his infidelity to his wife. Facts like his well-documented racism. Facts like the way his bumbling with the economy prolonged the Great Depression by 7 years. Facts like the Tuskegee experiments. Facts like his threats at packing the Supreme Court. Facts like putting a klansman on the Supreme Court. Facts like enabling Stalin. Facts like being the only president to break from the tradition of seeking no more than two terms in office established by George Washington.

Which of them do you dispute? Which of them do you find virtuous?
Cameras in classrooms.

We will get them. You will cry. Fuck off.
Did it take place while he was president? Yes or no will do.
I suppose it did

can you prove he authorized it or knew it was happening?

and on a black university with the consent and cooperation of black public teachers?
My students make up their own minds. I just provide the facts. Facts like fdr's concentration camps. Facts like fdr turning away the M.S. St. Louis. Facts like his infidelity to his wife. Facts like his well-documented racism. Facts like the way his bumbling with the economy prolonged the Great Depression by 7 years. Facts like the Tuskegee experiments. Facts like his threats at packing the Supreme Court. Facts like putting a klansman on the Supreme Court. Facts like enabling Stalin. Facts like being the only president to break from the tradition of seeking no more than two terms in office established by George Washington.

Which of them do you dispute? Which of them do you find virtuous?
Do you tell your students they were concentration camps?

internment camps were established during World War II by President Franklin D.Roosevelt through his Executive Order 9066.

Concentration camps are associate with murdering millions of jews, gays and blacks.

We just locked up all the Japanese people who lived near the east and west coast during WW2. We felt like they would spy for Japan. Who knows? Maybe we did the right thing. That decision could have saved millions of lives.

And we let them go when the war was over.
I dont agree

you have a burr on your ass toward more than just FDR and I think you are infecting your students with your crap
He is obsessed with asian culture so I can see why he is angry with America for what we did to Japanese Americans.

He criticizes blacks for complaining about how they are treated in America. Says they are full of shit. Then I showed him the asian American community says the exact same things and he couldn't get himself to condemn them. Total hypocrite. So yea, he is mad at FDR because he is bias towards asian culture. It's weird.

FDR was a great man.
2nd worst. Tyrant Abe holds the position of 1st :thup:
Lincoln saved the Union. fdr threw Americans into concentration camps, sent a shipload of Jewish people to certain doom, and oversaw a nazi-like medical experiments.
Lincoln saved the Union. fdr threw Americans into concentration camps, sent a shipload of Jewish people to certain doom, and oversaw a nazi-like medical experiments.
at what expense?
Tyranny. Tyranny is the answer.
You arent actually against tyranny. You only dislike it when you dont agree with the end game.
Typical American hacked out dupe.

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