The Fed has $48T in Secret Repos in 2020

Well, I'm at a loss for words here

If this is correct, well, these things never end well....

"“How many repos are we talking [about]?” the author of the report asks. “According to term-adjusted cumulative totals, the Fed extended $19.87 trillion in repo loans to the trading arms of Wall Street and foreign megabanks in Q4 of 2019 alone. And then, the Fed pumped another $28.06 trillion more repo loans in Q1 of 2020. That comes to a mind-boggling, astronomical $47.93 trillion in repo bailouts,” the Occupy the Fed researcher’s report adds.:

Report: Fed’s Secret Repo Loans to Megabanks in 2020 Eclipsed 2008 Bailouts, Data Dump Shows $48 Trillion in Stealth Funding – Bitcoin News
Frank, could you plz give us the cliff notes version ???? ~S~
This went on during Trump, wake the fuck up.
I'm wide awake. Biden is killing this country. We want Trump back. What was going on during his watch was affordable gas, food and heat. No shortages, no empty shelves. No Russian invasions, no Russian collusion, no Ukraine collusion, no China collusion, no gifts to Iran. We had low unemployment, good jobs, and a rising GDP. Tax cuts gave us an extra 5,200 in our pockets under Trump. Obiden's handler wants to tax us to death.

My university groomed daughter just bought a house and entered the real world. She wasn't counting on her bills tripling, or gas and food going through the roof when she voted last time. She "woke" up alright, and will be voting differently this time around...
I am convinced that only one poster in this thread so far understands what the repo market is. The fed does these short term overnight loans quite regularly these days. $48T in a single quarter is nothing. It has been known to loan a couple trillion overnight in a single day.
The Federal Reserve loaned Trillions of dollars to banks and didn't bother telling anybody about it
Seems private industry loaned private industry our tax dollars for private industry all over the globe, because they all are into gambling on private industry failures Frank

Seems private industry loaned private industry our tax dollars for private industry all over the globe, because they all are into gambling on private industry failures Frank

Public risks, private profits to the nth power this time
Seems private industry loaned private industry our tax dollars for private industry all over the globe, because they all are into gambling on private industry failures Frank


The Fed is not private. The Fed doesn't lend our tax dollars.

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