The first group of French military personnel, has already arrived in Ukraine

Looks like French Pansies arrived and have gone back in body bags .

Serious French losses at Sloviansk .
The onslaught continues

It was first reported by Asia Times few days ago. As I previously suggested, France opted to send foreign troops to Ukraine in order to avoid triggering NATO's Article 5, which was a wise move by Macron. They will get French citizenship after serving in the Foreign Legion for three years. There are many migrants in both Russia and France, who are desperate enough to sign a military contract to gain citizenship.

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We can send Ukraine all the US politicians supporting the Southern Border invasion then all the invaders.

Win Win
It was first reported by Asia Times

AT is a tool of 🇷🇺 Moscow disinformation , + The regiment mentioned is in Guyane, near the Brazilian border, Single source, no evidence whatsoever...
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Are they still alive? Or did Macron already kill them?
It was first reported by Asia Times few days ago. As I previously suggested, France opted to send foreign troops to Ukraine in order to avoid triggering NATO's Article 5, which was a wise move by Macron. They will get French citizenship after serving in the Foreign Legion for three years. There are many migrants in both Russia and France, who are desperate enough to sign a military contract to gain citizenship.

It was probably for training purposes and a morale boost.


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