The Fix Is In

Bloomberg is just as dangerous as Bernie
Too funny. Little Mike is an establishmentarian. He is for the 1%. Bernie isn’t.

Why do some many Americans vote for the 1% and against their own self interest?
Bloomie IS all about taking your guns away and phone and penning whatever he can.....try to keep up......
Too funny. That is exactly what the establishment wants. Try to keep up.
Riighhtttt…..cause Bernie re[resents the about funny
Bloomberg is just as dangerous as Bernie
Too funny. Little Mike is an establishmentarian. He is for the 1%. Bernie isn’t.

Why do some many Americans vote for the 1% and against their own self interest?
Bloomie IS all about taking your guns away and phone and penning whatever he can.....try to keep up......
Too funny. That is exactly what the establishment wants. Try to keep up.
Riighhtttt…..cause Bernie re[resents the about funny
It’s pretty simple and abundantly evident.

We have a government of for and by the extreme rich. This government is a criminal enterprise, since it violates the law of the land (Constitution) every day. This same government spends trillions on all sorts of shit that does nothing for 90% of Americans.

If we must suffer under this criminal government, why not elect a potus who will do something for the 90%?
Bloomberg is just as dangerous as Bernie
Too funny. Little Mike is an establishmentarian. He is for the 1%. Bernie isn’t.

Why do some many Americans vote for the 1% and against their own self interest?
Bloomie IS all about taking your guns away and phone and penning whatever he can.....try to keep up......
Too funny. That is exactly what the establishment wants. Try to keep up.
Riighhtttt…..cause Bernie re[resents the about funny
It’s pretty simple and abundantly evident.

We have a government of for and by the extreme rich. This government is a criminal enterprise, since it violates the law of the land (Constitution) every day. This same government spends trillions on all sorts of shit that does nothing for 90% of Americans.

If we must suffer under this criminal government, why not elect a potus who will do something for the 90%?
And that's Bloomie? or to for sure....not for you
Why do some many Americans vote for the 1% and against their own self interest?
I thought being part of the 1% and a businessman was part of the Trump appeal. Why is wealthy Trump good and wealthy Bloomberg bad?
And still, only crazy trump supporters seem to see a problem. If there was much of a scandal, at least a couple Democratic party members would show some concern. Why do you think that is happening?
Sadly, it’s because most Ds have been brainwashed to think only a centrist can beat Donnie. That’s laughable and a recipe for a second term for Don.

Secondly the msm where most Ds get their news, is controlled by a few billionaires. They don’t like Bernie naturally, so the constant drumbeat is Bernie’s a commie, his policies suck, and he’s too old.

BTW, a very accurate analysis.

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