The Forgotten 2001 Insurrection

Did they assault 140 cops, spray bear spray, trash the rotunda, etc?

I'm glad you're equating an assault on cops with a "slight action". Shows what a piece of shit you really are.

So own it.
I’m sorry, are you forgetting when thousands of police officers were hospitalized across the nation in 2020 during angry, threatening, murderous riots that were 100 times worse than January 6th and our president and the media, and all the people you proudly vote for and support, made sure to lecture that they weren’t that bad and “mostly peaceful”?

Care to discard them all as “pieces of sh*t” right now? Care to explain why you hold absolutely zero empathy for the thousands of cops in 2020 that faced far worse from your leftist radicals but seemingly oozing with it for the hundred on January 6? Can you explain this inconsistency?

I’m all ears… go
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what anti-Trump riots in 2016, people are asking
If you claim to follow the news …. which By the plethora of posts you have on this form shows that you do …then by your above response you’re either a troll or you need help.

Your side is the same who says “what BLM riots?” When there was a whole summer full of them in 2020 including 25 murdered and hundreds assaulted by BLM rioters. and all you guys ever constantly talk about is January 6 when nobody was killed.
I’m sorry, are you forgetting when thousands of police officers were hospitalized across the nation in 2020 during angry, threatening, murderous riots that were 100 times worse than January 6th and our president and the media, and all the people you proudly vote for and support, made sure to lecture that they weren’t that bad and “mostly peaceful”?

Care to discard them all as “pieces of sh*t” right now? Care to explain why you hold absolutely zero empathy for the thousands of cops in 2020 that faced far worse from your leftist radicals but seemingly oozing with it for the hundred on January 6? Can you explain this inconsistency?

I’m all ears… go
You’re dealing with people who are liars, who are willingly racist against white people. That’s why they simply don’t care about the hundreds of different events over the summer of 2020 that BLM was responsible for including billions of dollars of damage, 25 murders, hundreds perhaps thousands of assaults.

The far left they are sick and they need help…. that’s the only way to explain how they almost never talk about BLM riots at all always talk about January 6 and Donald Trump. Unfortunately the far left has judges, jury members and even politicians on their side which explains how in some cities across the United States millions of dollars has been paid out to Black Lives Matter rioters for no good reason….these were rioters who were harassing cops who are throwing objects at cops and yet they get all that money when otoh there are black and white American starving on the streets homeless some of them ex military people.

Who would’ve ever thought that democrats on the US message board would be celebrating anti-American politicians who hate America, who openly hate white people who say racist things about white people like Democrats do almost all the time. …That’s the Democrat party of today they are fine with a man going into a woman’s locker room, they completely disregard the Black Lives Matter violence which was brutal in 2016 and 2020. All they ever talk about is Donald Trump and January 6, anti-Americanism, “systemic racism “ notice That the Democrats in the US message board never have a legit response they only call their opponents fascists, racists neofascist but they never actually talk about the context of the issues because they can’t, they don’t have anything to back up their views …

I don’t let the far left get me worked up about these issues. It’s just comes down to common sense and facts. The far lefties in this thread are either trolls, on drugs all the time or they are racist against white people and against American history.
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I’m sorry, are you forgetting when thousands of police officers were hospitalized across the nation in 2020 during angry, threatening, murderous riots that were 100 times worse than January 6th and our president and the media, and all the people you proudly vote for and support, made sure to lecture that they weren’t that bad and “mostly peaceful”?

Care to discard them all as “pieces of sh*t” right now?
Care to explain why you hold absolutely zero empathy for the thousands of cops in 2020 that faced far worse from your leftist radicals but seemingly oozing with it for the hundred on January 6? Can you explain this inconsistency?
Of course you haven't read what I wrote about that...Care to read it and tell me what I said? I'm all ears--go!
I’m all ears… go
Were those political protests? I didn't see the banners with someone's name on them.

Those were riots where hoodlums and knuckleheads rioted. You guys tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power.

Was the Tulsa massacre an insurrection too? Really...your debate skills are comical, your mind is weak, and you probably smell bad.

As for what I wrote at the is a sampling:
I think that is the reasons for demonstrations.
The riots and looting are just thugs being thugs.

As we saw in Charlottesville, thugish behavior doesn't subscribe to a color.

The looting is thugs being thugs; taking an opportunity to be thugs. It has nothing to do with anything other than animals taking advantage of a situation.

Their violence doesn't disavow conservative pining for violence.
Their hate doesn't disavow conservative hate
One is no different than the other.

He should have never been fired in the first place. The man who was killed--Brooks--pointed a taser at the officer. You don't get to do that.

Another win for the good guys.
The silence of leading democrats to condemn the violence is shameful.
When asked if I think they should be arrested (the rioters)
Hell yes. Enhanced charges. I don't know why they are not. But make sure you get the riorters; not demonstrators.

So you don't know anything.
306>232...truth never goes out of style.
Truth doesn't but that is not the truth. The truth is the election was stolen. It becomes more obvious as time goes by. Again. all you have the words of known liars as back up. They never proved anything just denied the overwhelming evidence the swing states were stolen.
Truth doesn't but that is not the truth. The truth is the election was stolen. It becomes more obvious as time goes by. Again. all you have the words of known liars as back up. They never proved anything just denied the overwhelming evidence the swing states were stolen.
306>232...Pure American Truth.

Yes it is different. If ever we should have stormed the Capitol it should have been 2000 because Bush actually did steal the election. The Supreme Court gave it to Bush. The right leaning court. And what was their explanation for why? It was complete horse shit. Jeb, Madam Butterfly and Katherine Harris stole Florida for GW.

All the shit Trump thinks happened to him in 2020 happened to Gore. Rigged Diebold Voting Machines. Throwing away black votes.
New York Times, January 21, 2001. For your reading pleasure.

posters refused to look at the evidence staring them in the face.
Rudy said he had the proof. Then given the opportunity to present his evidence to the judge, Rudy pussed out and retracted what he was going to present, stating, We have lots of theories, we just don't have the evidence.

Bring me some actual not FAKED evidence to look at.
New York Times, January 21, 2001. For your reading pleasure.

View attachment 799241
Did we break into the Capitol? Shit on Dennis Hastert's desk? We should have. That former Speaker of the House turned out to be an actual pedophile. 3rd in line to be POTUS was a PEDOPHILE and REPUBLICAN.

Yes Democrats were pissed the 2000 election was stolen. I thought we should have done more. Protest. Riot.

And if they actually stole the election from Trump in 2020, I would be defending those traitors today. But the election wasn't stolen from them and if they are dumb enough to believe Trump's lies, they deserve to go to jail. And that one women deserved to be shot. More insurrectionists should have been shot. If they did that again in 2024 I assure you they will be mowed down by Capitol Police this time. As they should be.
This thread is proof that the far left wing and many democrat US message board posters refused to look at the evidence staring them in the face. Or they just don’t care about the BLM riots in 2020 all across the country , the anti-Trump riots in 2016 as well….

Who could ever forget those riots during the initial outbreak of the coronavirus. Of course we all remember the BLM riots during the so-called coronavirus lockdowns when ironically the Democrats here would claim “hey you better stay home put your mask on if you go out”
Two different things. BLM riots and our President trying to hijack our democracy are two different things.

How about Kyle Rittenhouse was allowed to murder BLM protesters. Then a BLM protester legally open carries an assult rifle during a rally and a Trump supporter in a car with a gun sees the guy walking towards his car with a legal gun so he pulls out his gun and shoots him claiming stand your ground. A jury finds him guilty and the Republican governor says he's going to pardon the murderer. Abbott in Texas. So it seems that Republicans can not only take guns to rallies and protests, they can also use them and get off scott free. But if a liberal carries a gun and a con sees him walking towards him, that's all it takes for the con to be "afraid for his life" and justifies murdering the guy legally carrying the gun?

This scares me. Because I know liberals won't let me off if I murder but a con governor or president will pardon a right wing murderer. Scary times in America.
Yes it is different. If ever we should have stormed the Capitol it should have been 2000 because Bush actually did steal the election. The Supreme Court gave it to Bush. The right leaning court. And what was their explanation for why? It was complete horse shit. Jeb, Madam Butterfly and Katherine Harris stole Florida for GW.

All the shit Trump thinks happened to him in 2020 happened to Gore. Rigged Diebold Voting Machines. Throwing away black votes.
Speaking of GWBush This is a long video but worth it. for the record I voted for GWBush for election and reelection. From this video I get it was mostly alot of information not known before about the Iraq War. My favorite Democrat Bob Graham was on top of things I am proud to have voted for him in each time he ran for office. From the video I get it was more incompetence and arrogence than criminal that caused the whole mess. And it caused a lot of good peoples lives. C.I.A folks tried to tell them and they were ingnored and their reports were distorted.

Speaking of GWBush This is a long video but worth it. for the record I voted for GWBush for election and reelection. From this video I get it was mostly alot of information not known before about the Iraq War. My favorite Democrat Bob Graham was on top of things I am proud to have voted for him in each time he ran for office. From the video I get it was more incompetence and arrogence than criminal that caused the whole mess. And it caused a lot of good peoples lives. C.I.A folks tried to tell them and they were ingnored and their reports were distorted.

Remember Gore picked Joe Lieberman? And remember after Gore “lost” to Bush Joe Israel Lieberman was a huge promoter of the iraq war. And I’m SURE Israel at the time didn’t object to us invading iraq. Do you know what PNAC? The bush team planned on invading iraq in the 90s
Speaking of GWBush This is a long video but worth it. for the record I voted for GWBush for election and reelection. From this video I get it was mostly alot of information not known before about the Iraq War. My favorite Democrat Bob Graham was on top of things I am proud to have voted for him in each time he ran for office. From the video I get it was more incompetence and arrogence than criminal that caused the whole mess. And it caused a lot of good peoples lives. C.I.A folks tried to tell them and they were ingnored and their reports were distorted.

And they say we can’t prove it. Or prove bush stole 2000. Impossible they say. But then those same people don’t believe trump tried to steal 20200
Speaking of GWBush This is a long video but worth it. for the record I voted for GWBush for election and reelection. From this video I get it was mostly alot of information not known before about the Iraq War. My favorite Democrat Bob Graham was on top of things I am proud to have voted for him in each time he ran for office. From the video I get it was more incompetence and arrogence than criminal that caused the whole mess. And it caused a lot of good peoples lives. C.I.A folks tried to tell them and they were ingnored and their reports were distorted.

its crazy a Republican can look back on all the facts and then honestly say bush didn’t lie us into iraq, or steal 2000.

But then look at how easily with lies they believed trump when he told them the election was rigged. Even knowing that he was claiming 2016 was rigged until he won.

Trump wasn’t just trying to stay in power 4 more years. If he would hav3 succeeded, who knows. Same for if he wins again.

Anyways, I just think it’s odd they can’t believe bush stole 2000 and won’t believe trump tried to steal 2020.

Republicans don’t give a damn about democracy.

Fucking Gerrymanding mother fuckers.

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