'The Freakishness of Christianity'

Agnosticism isn't a belief. It's a philosophy. Agnosticism builds not a probabilistic continuum between the belief in god and the belief atheism. Agnosticism says something about how we are able to think and how we are not able to think. If someone says "I believe in god" then this is not in conflict with the philosophie agnosticism. If someone says "I know god is not existing" then this is in conflict with the philosophy agnosticism.
Where did you get that steamy pile of shit from?

I don't think you expect any answer on anything what you say to anyone.
You don't have answers, just gobbledegook.

It's not my problem that you grew up without parents, kindergarten and school. Anyway I'm the better barbar - I'm the original and not a cheap copy. There's a big universe of thoughts of the mind and thoughts of the hearts I'm interested in. But I'm not interested in a senseless war of nonsense. I'm only asking myselve how you are able to survive in the real world.
You sound retarded. Videos don't help.

Bye bye

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"What would the American culture wars look like if they were less about “values” and more about Jesus?"

"Giving every man a vote has no more made men wise and free than Christianity has made them good." H. L. Mencken

I've wondered the same. Seems people separate religion from their values in all ways except words and on days of worship. 'Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried,' Gilbert K. Chesterton. And the same is true for Judaism and Islam.

Onward Russell Moore s New Book Is a Case Against the Culture Wars - The Atlantic

"If such a “real America” ever existed in more than Leave It to Beaver re-runs, it certainly doesn’t exist now. Gay marriage is legal. Church attendance is down. Most TV shows are less about happy homes than the hectic, diverse tumble of American family life; the cultural preoccupation with perfectionist conservatism has largely come to an end."

"I do not believe there is a problem in this country or the world today which could not be settled if approached through the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount." Harry S. Truman

The major problem is--Jesus started 1 single religion, unified in love and peace, and thought( 1Cor 1:10) means no division.
The great apostasy( 2Thess 2:3) began then became a divided house--it will not stand( Mark 3:24-26)--they do not teach what Jesus actually taught--they tickle ears with--you are saved or born again, and the followers believe it. Even though it is not truth. It gives them excuse to do anything they want. They throw Jesus away for pride and self. Many have premeditated--return evil for evil.

Which is why the Lord made the promise in rev 14:6-7 and elsewhere in the scriptures that the Church of Jesus Christ would be restored to prepare the world for His coming.

The real word is congregation. Church is a building, the congregation are the inhabitants that needed restoring. Because after the apostles were killed and the followers of Jesus hunted down and thrown to wild animals in the collosium to be killed as a public spectacle, the religion was gone--this stood up in its place-2Thess 2:3--- which breeded a divided house that will not stand( Mark 3:24-26) not until these last days did truth come back-Daniel 12:4--and it has, but just as 99% rejected it back then so to today. 99% are failing to accomplish this important daily task=John 4:22-24

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