The free gift of God is already yours!

No matter what Christians tell you it will cost, salvation is free and already yours; religion can't write you a bill , Christ has already made the payment.

Horse and Bull Shit! Mankind is just a smarter ape. When they die they die. People who fall for that resurrection and meeting in heaven bullshit are perfect game for a carnival barker. Back up a few hundred years and there were dozens of gods who were supposed to provide that nonsense.
No matter what Christians tell you it will cost, salvation is free and already yours; religion can't write you a bill , Christ has already made the payment.

Horse and Bull Shit! Mankind is just a smarter ape. When they die they die. People who fall for that resurrection and meeting in heaven bullshit are perfect game for a carnival barker. Back up a few hundred years and there were dozens of gods who were supposed to provide that nonsense.

Why should I pay attention to someone who can speak a sentence without abusing the human language?
No matter what Christians tell you it will cost, salvation is free and already yours; religion can't write you a bill , Christ has already made the payment.

Horse and Bull Shit! Mankind is just a smarter ape. When they die they die. People who fall for that resurrection and meeting in heaven bullshit are perfect game for a carnival barker. Back up a few hundred years and there were dozens of gods who were supposed to provide that nonsense.

Why should I pay attention to someone who can speak a sentence without abusing the human language?

I don't give a rats ass whether you pay attention or not. You believe a fairy tale.......that's all I need to know.
We are alive, we exist , we were created to live with God! Life is a gift. I know there are some who actually believe that life is the result of extra ordinary circumstances that literally created themselves. They think every outstanding step in life, took those steps on its own; they think the universe crawled out from nothing and each star and planet decided on its own , to bring itself into existence. Of course then they just had the ability to align themselves in space and mass produce a stunning universe with an invisible mind like purpose. And earth just got beside itself and made itself pregnant with all kinds of self creating life. Well I don't subscribe to such incredible denial!

I view life as a result of life - and that mother source is what I call God. And God created all life freely! And humanity was given life as a gift! We don't have to pay for it. We don't have to go through all those religious obstacle courses. We are not bound by the Christian demands on the unbeliever. In Romans 5:18 , " Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life!"

This means because of Adam , we all faced condemnation , because the serpent got the best of humanity ; that one man messed it up for us all! Does not seem fair does it. This one joker messed us all up. But by that same Godly math, one man came along and made ALL this right with God ; one man gave us all the FREE gift of being justified , being totally forgiven, being set free from all the religious requirements , all unbelievers are free from all the Christian teachings that condemn them.

The free Gift of God is already yours!
Life is a torturous existence. Life is hell. Fuck you!
No matter what Christians tell you it will cost, salvation is free and already yours; religion can't write you a bill , Christ has already made the payment.

Horse and Bull Shit! Mankind is just a smarter ape. When they die they die. People who fall for that resurrection and meeting in heaven bullshit are perfect game for a carnival barker. Back up a few hundred years and there were dozens of gods who were supposed to provide that nonsense.

Why should I pay attention to someone who can speak a sentence without abusing the human language?

I don't give a rats ass whether you pay attention or not. You believe a fairy tale.......that's all I need to know.

Eh yo, cursing is loss of cool and foolish childish conjecture. Your distasteful language is worse than a fairy tale, and a bad example for children.
We are alive, we exist , we were created to live with God! Life is a gift. I know there are some who actually believe that life is the result of extra ordinary circumstances that literally created themselves. They think every outstanding step in life, took those steps on its own; they think the universe crawled out from nothing and each star and planet decided on its own , to bring itself into existence. Of course then they just had the ability to align themselves in space and mass produce a stunning universe with an invisible mind like purpose. And earth just got beside itself and made itself pregnant with all kinds of self creating life. Well I don't subscribe to such incredible denial!

I view life as a result of life - and that mother source is what I call God. And God created all life freely! And humanity was given life as a gift! We don't have to pay for it. We don't have to go through all those religious obstacle courses. We are not bound by the Christian demands on the unbeliever. In Romans 5:18 , " Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life!"

This means because of Adam , we all faced condemnation , because the serpent got the best of humanity ; that one man messed it up for us all! Does not seem fair does it. This one joker messed us all up. But by that same Godly math, one man came along and made ALL this right with God ; one man gave us all the FREE gift of being justified , being totally forgiven, being set free from all the religious requirements , all unbelievers are free from all the Christian teachings that condemn them.

The free Gift of God is already yours!
Life is a torturous existence. Life is hell. Fuck you!

Your language is very bad taste; I wonder why you don't seem to care about that?
No matter what Christians tell you it will cost, salvation is free and already yours; religion can't write you a bill , Christ has already made the payment.

Horse and Bull Shit! Mankind is just a smarter ape. When they die they die. People who fall for that resurrection and meeting in heaven bullshit are perfect game for a carnival barker. Back up a few hundred years and there were dozens of gods who were supposed to provide that nonsense.

Why should I pay attention to someone who can speak a sentence without abusing the human language?

I don't give a rats ass whether you pay attention or not. You believe a fairy tale.......that's all I need to know.

Suggested reading for your fairy tale

Is God Real?

One mans ending is another mans beginning ; one persons fairy tale is another persons fairy truth with saber tooth tact.
No matter what Christians tell you it will cost, salvation is free and already yours; religion can't write you a bill , Christ has already made the payment.

Horse and Bull Shit! Mankind is just a smarter ape. When they die they die. People who fall for that resurrection and meeting in heaven bullshit are perfect game for a carnival barker. Back up a few hundred years and there were dozens of gods who were supposed to provide that nonsense.

Why should I pay attention to someone who can speak a sentence without abusing the human language?

I don't give a rats ass whether you pay attention or not. You believe a fairy tale.......that's all I need to know.

Eh yo, cursing is loss of cool and foolish childish conjecture. Your distasteful language is worse than a fairy tale, and a bad example for children.[/QUOTE

Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Jesus ar

I have three children, eight grandchilden and two great grandchildren. Two were missing when everyone gathered for Christmas this year. None of them thinks their Daddy...granddaddy is anything but the best. By the way....if you believe my name has anything to do with "Campbell" you're not very smart. I've been in online chat rooms, forums and discussion groups since I retired in the spring of 1994 and not once have I ever used my real name. Yeah.....I know about the ISP but so far I've not had any trouble. Are you gonna "Hack" me?
No matter what Christians tell you it will cost, salvation is free and already yours; religion can't write you a bill , Christ has already made the payment.

Horse and Bull Shit! Mankind is just a smarter ape. When they die they die. People who fall for that resurrection and meeting in heaven bullshit are perfect game for a carnival barker. Back up a few hundred years and there were dozens of gods who were supposed to provide that nonsense.

Why should I pay attention to someone who can speak a sentence without abusing the human language?

I don't give a rats ass whether you pay attention or not. You believe a fairy tale.......that's all I need to know.

Suggested reading for your fairy tale

Is God Real?

One mans ending is another mans beginning ; one persons fairy tale is another persons fairy truth with saber tooth tact.

You know what you can do with your ancient "God Tale!" Let somebody re-write it again like Constantine did in the fourth century. That tale and others just like it have been around for thousands of years:

10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus - Listverse
We are alive, we exist , we were created to live with God! Life is a gift. I know there are some who actually believe that life is the result of extra ordinary circumstances that literally created themselves. They think every outstanding step in life, took those steps on its own; they think the universe crawled out from nothing and each star and planet decided on its own , to bring itself into existence. Of course then they just had the ability to align themselves in space and mass produce a stunning universe with an invisible mind like purpose. And earth just got beside itself and made itself pregnant with all kinds of self creating life. Well I don't subscribe to such incredible denial!

I view life as a result of life - and that mother source is what I call God. And God created all life freely! And humanity was given life as a gift! We don't have to pay for it. We don't have to go through all those religious obstacle courses. We are not bound by the Christian demands on the unbeliever. In Romans 5:18 , " Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life!"

This means because of Adam , we all faced condemnation , because the serpent got the best of humanity ; that one man messed it up for us all! Does not seem fair does it. This one joker messed us all up. But by that same Godly math, one man came along and made ALL this right with God ; one man gave us all the FREE gift of being justified , being totally forgiven, being set free from all the religious requirements , all unbelievers are free from all the Christian teachings that condemn them.

The free Gift of God is already yours!
The Catholic and Protestant (and Eastern Orthodox) interpretation of the Jewish notion of original guilt does not sit well with me.

I believe it is an institutional invention.

I also reject the philosophical metaphysical notion that God needs nothing from us.

I think He/She/They need our company.

That's why we are here.

It is a quid pro quo.

For those who develop poor or no ethics, there is a tit for tat called Hell.
it is what it is.

Is this some attempt at deflection?

I'm assuming you're responding to me, but I'm not sure here.

It is what it is, I can't define life being finite, so I sure can't define it being infinite. That's not deflection , its called being for real.

Being for real is this: You don't know, I don't know. You shouldn't pretend you do and I shouldn't either. It's quite simple. How can you say there is a God when you don't know? That's being real.
it is what it is.

Is this some attempt at deflection?

I'm assuming you're responding to me, but I'm not sure here.
it is what it is.

Is this some attempt at deflection?

I'm assuming you're responding to me, but I'm not sure here.

For life to have a continuum and an origin that is reasonable, there must be a God that is eternal. No matter how far we go back, to avoid infinite regression, there must be an infinite being of great power, from whom all things began. No matter when life began, it had to come from an existing life. And I certainly cannot explain how God is eternal.

So your argument is that infinite can't exist, so infinite must exist in order have infinite not exist?

Tell me it's not just me who finds this concept extremely bizarre.

So you can't explain how God is eternal, yet you can say he is. How's that?
We are alive, we exist , we were created to live with God! Life is a gift. I know there are some who actually believe that life is the result of extra ordinary circumstances that literally created themselves. They think every outstanding step in life, took those steps on its own; they think the universe crawled out from nothing and each star and planet decided on its own , to bring itself into existence. Of course then they just had the ability to align themselves in space and mass produce a stunning universe with an invisible mind like purpose. And earth just got beside itself and made itself pregnant with all kinds of self creating life. Well I don't subscribe to such incredible denial!

I view life as a result of life - and that mother source is what I call God. And God created all life freely! And humanity was given life as a gift! We don't have to pay for it. We don't have to go through all those religious obstacle courses. We are not bound by the Christian demands on the unbeliever. In Romans 5:18 , " Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life!"

This means because of Adam , we all faced condemnation , because the serpent got the best of humanity ; that one man messed it up for us all! Does not seem fair does it. This one joker messed us all up. But by that same Godly math, one man came along and made ALL this right with God ; one man gave us all the FREE gift of being justified , being totally forgiven, being set free from all the religious requirements , all unbelievers are free from all the Christian teachings that condemn them.

The free Gift of God is already yours!
I agree with most of this. No one knows if life was the result of a creative act of God or a process put in place by God, but I do know that we are here because of Him. The literal reading of the fall of man is a mistake in my opinion. Our purpose is for creatures to become sons. It is a process that requires conscious decisions, but He did not leave us our own devices. He has given us a Helper and if we are paying attention, we can see how we are being guided, yet still required to make that conscious choice. Religion being comprised of flawed men and women will make mistakes but that doesn't mean we should throw the baby out with the bathwater. It is much better to just drain the dirty water.
If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe? :dunno:
it is what it is.

Is this some attempt at deflection?

I'm assuming you're responding to me, but I'm not sure here.

It is what it is, I can't define life being finite, so I sure can't define it being infinite. That's not deflection , its called being for real.

Being for real is this: You don't know, I don't know. You shouldn't pretend you do and I shouldn't either. It's quite simple. How can you say there is a God when you don't know? That's being real.

I can step outside and look at a bird and know there is a God. That I can do, now what I cannot do is show you what I see. We can only be conscious of , those things we are conscious of.
No matter what Christians tell you it will cost, salvation is free and already yours; religion can't write you a bill , Christ has already made the payment.

Horse and Bull Shit! Mankind is just a smarter ape. When they die they die. People who fall for that resurrection and meeting in heaven bullshit are perfect game for a carnival barker. Back up a few hundred years and there were dozens of gods who were supposed to provide that nonsense.

Why should I pay attention to someone who can speak a sentence without abusing the human language?

I don't give a rats ass whether you pay attention or not. You believe a fairy tale.......that's all I need to know.

Eh yo, cursing is loss of cool and foolish childish conjecture. Your distasteful language is worse than a fairy tale, and a bad example for children.[/QUOTE

Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Jesus ar

I have three children, eight grandchilden and two great grandchildren. Two were missing when everyone gathered for Christmas this year. None of them thinks their Daddy...granddaddy is anything but the best. By the way....if you believe my name has anything to do with "Campbell" you're not very smart. I've been in online chat rooms, forums and discussion groups since I retired in the spring of 1994 and not once have I ever used my real name. Yeah.....I know about the ISP but so far I've not had any trouble. Are you gonna "Hack" me?
No matter what Christians tell you it will cost, salvation is free and already yours; religion can't write you a bill , Christ has already made the payment.

Horse and Bull Shit! Mankind is just a smarter ape. When they die they die. People who fall for that resurrection and meeting in heaven bullshit are perfect game for a carnival barker. Back up a few hundred years and there were dozens of gods who were supposed to provide that nonsense.

Why should I pay attention to someone who can speak a sentence without abusing the human language?

I don't give a rats ass whether you pay attention or not. You believe a fairy tale.......that's all I need to know.

Suggested reading for your fairy tale

Is God Real?

One mans ending is another mans beginning ; one persons fairy tale is another persons fairy truth with saber tooth tact.

You know what you can do with your ancient "God Tale!" Let somebody re-write it again like Constantine did in the fourth century. That tale and others just like it have been around for thousands of years:

10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus - Listverse

Interesting real figures , I wonder why none of them had the real effect on history and reality that Jesus did? Could you explain that?

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