The free gift of God is already yours!

it is what it is.

Is this some attempt at deflection?

I'm assuming you're responding to me, but I'm not sure here.

It is what it is, I can't define life being finite, so I sure can't define it being infinite. That's not deflection , its called being for real.

Being for real is this: You don't know, I don't know. You shouldn't pretend you do and I shouldn't either. It's quite simple. How can you say there is a God when you don't know? That's being real.

I can step outside and look at a bird and know there is a God. That I can do, now what I cannot do is show you what I see. We can only be conscious of , those things we are conscious of.

But you don't "know", you've just decided this is the case. It's like me walking out of my door, see a bird and "know" that today is Friday. You said "its called being real" and then you turn around and don't do real.

How are you conscious of there being a god when you see a bird? You're not. It's merely you've decided this is the case and will stick to it no matter what. This isn't real. You're perfectly free to do this, but to then tell me that you're talking about reality... well....
Horse and Bull Shit! Mankind is just a smarter ape. When they die they die. People who fall for that resurrection and meeting in heaven bullshit are perfect game for a carnival barker. Back up a few hundred years and there were dozens of gods who were supposed to provide that nonsense.

Why should I pay attention to someone who can speak a sentence without abusing the human language?

I don't give a rats ass whether you pay attention or not. You believe a fairy tale.......that's all I need to know.

Eh yo, cursing is loss of cool and foolish childish conjecture. Your distasteful language is worse than a fairy tale, and a bad example for children.[/QUOTE

Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Jesus ar

I have three children, eight grandchilden and two great grandchildren. Two were missing when everyone gathered for Christmas this year. None of them thinks their Daddy...granddaddy is anything but the best. By the way....if you believe my name has anything to do with "Campbell" you're not very smart. I've been in online chat rooms, forums and discussion groups since I retired in the spring of 1994 and not once have I ever used my real name. Yeah.....I know about the ISP but so far I've not had any trouble. Are you gonna "Hack" me?
Horse and Bull Shit! Mankind is just a smarter ape. When they die they die. People who fall for that resurrection and meeting in heaven bullshit are perfect game for a carnival barker. Back up a few hundred years and there were dozens of gods who were supposed to provide that nonsense.

Why should I pay attention to someone who can speak a sentence without abusing the human language?

I don't give a rats ass whether you pay attention or not. You believe a fairy tale.......that's all I need to know.

Suggested reading for your fairy tale

Is God Real?

One mans ending is another mans beginning ; one persons fairy tale is another persons fairy truth with saber tooth tact.

You know what you can do with your ancient "God Tale!" Let somebody re-write it again like Constantine did in the fourth century. That tale and others just like it have been around for thousands of years:

10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus - Listverse

Interesting real figures , I wonder why none of them had the real effect on history and reality that Jesus did? Could you explain that?

Was it Jesus who had the impact, or was it the people who used Jesus for their own political goals that had the impact?
We are alive, we exist , we were created to live with God! Life is a gift. I know there are some who actually believe that life is the result of extra ordinary circumstances that literally created themselves. They think every outstanding step in life, took those steps on its own; they think the universe crawled out from nothing and each star and planet decided on its own , to bring itself into existence. Of course then they just had the ability to align themselves in space and mass produce a stunning universe with an invisible mind like purpose. And earth just got beside itself and made itself pregnant with all kinds of self creating life. Well I don't subscribe to such incredible denial!

I view life as a result of life - and that mother source is what I call God. And God created all life freely! And humanity was given life as a gift! We don't have to pay for it. We don't have to go through all those religious obstacle courses. We are not bound by the Christian demands on the unbeliever. In Romans 5:18 , " Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life!"

This means because of Adam , we all faced condemnation , because the serpent got the best of humanity ; that one man messed it up for us all! Does not seem fair does it. This one joker messed us all up. But by that same Godly math, one man came along and made ALL this right with God ; one man gave us all the FREE gift of being justified , being totally forgiven, being set free from all the religious requirements , all unbelievers are free from all the Christian teachings that condemn them.

The free Gift of God is already yours!
Life is a torturous existence. Life is hell. Fuck you!

Oh haven't you figured it out? The holy rollers never do anything wrong and if they do all they have to do is ask the master score keeper in the sky to forgive them. They are destined for a set of golden gates and the rest of us can suck wind. It's absolutely amazing what a bunch of otherwise intelligent people will fall for. P T Barnum said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute!" The suckers are the ones who dress in their finest and drive their SUV's to a meeting on Sunday and willingly hand 10% of their wealth to a useless bunch of bastards who should search for a way to make an honest living. Look at a couple of samples of where the country's wealth is!!


it is what it is.

Is this some attempt at deflection?

I'm assuming you're responding to me, but I'm not sure here.

It is what it is, I can't define life being finite, so I sure can't define it being infinite. That's not deflection , its called being for real.

Being for real is this: You don't know, I don't know. You shouldn't pretend you do and I shouldn't either. It's quite simple. How can you say there is a God when you don't know? That's being real.

I can step outside and look at a bird and know there is a God. That I can do, now what I cannot do is show you what I see. We can only be conscious of , those things we are conscious of.

But you don't "know", you've just decided this is the case. It's like me walking out of my door, see a bird and "know" that today is Friday. You said "its called being real" and then you turn around and don't do real.

How are you conscious of there being a god when you see a bird? You're not. It's merely you've decided this is the case and will stick to it no matter what. This isn't real. You're perfectly free to do this, but to then tell me that you're talking about reality... well....

I cannot reason God to a mind that is unreasonable about God. You don't get it , because your not supposed to. I see there being a God because I am supposed to. I am a man because I am supposed to be one. You are not conscious of God because your not supposed to be.

I"Know" there is a God because in my mind I was deliberately convinced. If you walk down a street and see a dime on the ground you think nothing of it , you go further and see 3 dimes on the ground, now you suspect something , you go further and see 100 dimes on the ground in rows of ten, and each dime perfectly standing on their edges, now you can " Know" that this was " Deliberately done." I see birds , the earth , the universe, and in my conscious mind I know it was deliberate , it exist because its supposed to exist , and I am comfortable knowing it was deliberately done.

And I am satisfied that I hold no need to convince you of it.
We are alive, we exist , we were created to live with God! Life is a gift. I know there are some who actually believe that life is the result of extra ordinary circumstances that literally created themselves. They think every outstanding step in life, took those steps on its own; they think the universe crawled out from nothing and each star and planet decided on its own , to bring itself into existence. Of course then they just had the ability to align themselves in space and mass produce a stunning universe with an invisible mind like purpose. And earth just got beside itself and made itself pregnant with all kinds of self creating life. Well I don't subscribe to such incredible denial!

I view life as a result of life - and that mother source is what I call God. And God created all life freely! And humanity was given life as a gift! We don't have to pay for it. We don't have to go through all those religious obstacle courses. We are not bound by the Christian demands on the unbeliever. In Romans 5:18 , " Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life!"

This means because of Adam , we all faced condemnation , because the serpent got the best of humanity ; that one man messed it up for us all! Does not seem fair does it. This one joker messed us all up. But by that same Godly math, one man came along and made ALL this right with God ; one man gave us all the FREE gift of being justified , being totally forgiven, being set free from all the religious requirements , all unbelievers are free from all the Christian teachings that condemn them.

The free Gift of God is already yours!
Life is a torturous existence. Life is hell. Fuck you!

Oh haven't you figured it out? The holy rollers never do anything wrong and if they do all they have to do is ask the master score keeper in the sky to forgive them. They are destined for a set of golden gates and the rest of us can suck wind. It's absolutely amazing what a bunch of otherwise intelligent people will fall for. P T Barnum said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute!" The suckers are the ones who dress in their finest and drive their SUV's to a meeting on Sunday and willingly hand 10% of their wealth to a useless bunch of bastards who should search for a way to make an honest living. Look at a couple of samples of where the country's wealth is!!


We are alive, we exist , we were created to live with God! Life is a gift. I know there are some who actually believe that life is the result of extra ordinary circumstances that literally created themselves. They think every outstanding step in life, took those steps on its own; they think the universe crawled out from nothing and each star and planet decided on its own , to bring itself into existence. Of course then they just had the ability to align themselves in space and mass produce a stunning universe with an invisible mind like purpose. And earth just got beside itself and made itself pregnant with all kinds of self creating life. Well I don't subscribe to such incredible denial!

I view life as a result of life - and that mother source is what I call God. And God created all life freely! And humanity was given life as a gift! We don't have to pay for it. We don't have to go through all those religious obstacle courses. We are not bound by the Christian demands on the unbeliever. In Romans 5:18 , " Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life!"

This means because of Adam , we all faced condemnation , because the serpent got the best of humanity ; that one man messed it up for us all! Does not seem fair does it. This one joker messed us all up. But by that same Godly math, one man came along and made ALL this right with God ; one man gave us all the FREE gift of being justified , being totally forgiven, being set free from all the religious requirements , all unbelievers are free from all the Christian teachings that condemn them.

The free Gift of God is already yours!
Life is a torturous existence. Life is hell. Fuck you!

Oh haven't you figured it out? The holy rollers never do anything wrong and if they do all they have to do is ask the master score keeper in the sky to forgive them. They are destined for a set of golden gates and the rest of us can suck wind. It's absolutely amazing what a bunch of otherwise intelligent people will fall for. P T Barnum said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute!" The suckers are the ones who dress in their finest and drive their SUV's to a meeting on Sunday and willingly hand 10% of their wealth to a useless bunch of bastards who should search for a way to make an honest living. Look at a couple of samples of where the country's wealth is!!



I like the way the holy rollers have a much better grasp of the human language than you do; they can speak a sentence without cursing ; something simple that you seem to be devoid of. I grow tired of your nasty words.
Is this some attempt at deflection?

I'm assuming you're responding to me, but I'm not sure here.

It is what it is, I can't define life being finite, so I sure can't define it being infinite. That's not deflection , its called being for real.

Being for real is this: You don't know, I don't know. You shouldn't pretend you do and I shouldn't either. It's quite simple. How can you say there is a God when you don't know? That's being real.

I can step outside and look at a bird and know there is a God. That I can do, now what I cannot do is show you what I see. We can only be conscious of , those things we are conscious of.

But you don't "know", you've just decided this is the case. It's like me walking out of my door, see a bird and "know" that today is Friday. You said "its called being real" and then you turn around and don't do real.

How are you conscious of there being a god when you see a bird? You're not. It's merely you've decided this is the case and will stick to it no matter what. This isn't real. You're perfectly free to do this, but to then tell me that you're talking about reality... well....

I cannot reason God to a mind that is unreasonable about God. You don't get it , because your not supposed to. I see there being a God because I am supposed to. I am a man because I am supposed to be one. You are not conscious of God because your not supposed to be.

I"Know" there is a God because in my mind I was deliberately convinced. If you walk down a street and see a dime on the ground you think nothing of it , you go further and see 3 dimes on the ground, now you suspect something , you go further and see 100 dimes on the ground in rows of ten, and each dime perfectly standing on their edges, now you can " Know" that this was " Deliberately done." I see birds , the earth , the universe, and in my conscious mind I know it was deliberate , it exist because its supposed to exist , and I am comfortable knowing it was deliberately done.

And I am satisfied that I hold no need to convince you of it.

Wow, you're a prophet now. The last guy I knew who thought he was a prophet was a whacko.

You "know" there is a God simply because you have decided this is the case. Maybe you've been made to believe there is a God, just like many women are designed to like small things and like having dolls and stuff. That doesn't mean it's proof there is a God. It's just proof that you can decide things that potentially aren't there.

Yes, you can see something like coins in a row and BELIEVE it was deliberately done. You might be wrong, but the chances of something MAN MADE ending up in nice little patterns isn't likely. I can reason this based on the rules of science.

However your logic doesn't pass over to birds. What we know is that these birds have DEVELOPED. They have changed over millions and millions of years. You don't know it was deliberate. And again, if it were deliberate then the thing that made them had to have been made. But you don't have any argument for how that could have happened. So, you're ignoring the bigger picture and focusing on the smaller things and then trying to tell me you just "know".

The reality is you don't know. You BELIEVE, you want to believe, which is fine, but you're then trying to argue the case with people, and you have nothing other than something you've made up. It's like me coming on here and saying that Margret Thatcher is the President of the USA. I don't know it, there's no evidence for it, I just believe it, and if you argue against me, I'll just say that it is so because I know it is so.
It is what it is, I can't define life being finite, so I sure can't define it being infinite. That's not deflection , its called being for real.

Being for real is this: You don't know, I don't know. You shouldn't pretend you do and I shouldn't either. It's quite simple. How can you say there is a God when you don't know? That's being real.

I can step outside and look at a bird and know there is a God. That I can do, now what I cannot do is show you what I see. We can only be conscious of , those things we are conscious of.

But you don't "know", you've just decided this is the case. It's like me walking out of my door, see a bird and "know" that today is Friday. You said "its called being real" and then you turn around and don't do real.

How are you conscious of there being a god when you see a bird? You're not. It's merely you've decided this is the case and will stick to it no matter what. This isn't real. You're perfectly free to do this, but to then tell me that you're talking about reality... well....

I cannot reason God to a mind that is unreasonable about God. You don't get it , because your not supposed to. I see there being a God because I am supposed to. I am a man because I am supposed to be one. You are not conscious of God because your not supposed to be.

I"Know" there is a God because in my mind I was deliberately convinced. If you walk down a street and see a dime on the ground you think nothing of it , you go further and see 3 dimes on the ground, now you suspect something , you go further and see 100 dimes on the ground in rows of ten, and each dime perfectly standing on their edges, now you can " Know" that this was " Deliberately done." I see birds , the earth , the universe, and in my conscious mind I know it was deliberate , it exist because its supposed to exist , and I am comfortable knowing it was deliberately done.

And I am satisfied that I hold no need to convince you of it.

Wow, you're a prophet now. The last guy I knew who thought he was a prophet was a whacko.

You "know" there is a God simply because you have decided this is the case. Maybe you've been made to believe there is a God, just like many women are designed to like small things and like having dolls and stuff. That doesn't mean it's proof there is a God. It's just proof that you can decide things that potentially aren't there.

Yes, you can see something like coins in a row and BELIEVE it was deliberately done. You might be wrong, but the chances of something MAN MADE ending up in nice little patterns isn't likely. I can reason this based on the rules of science.

However your logic doesn't pass over to birds. What we know is that these birds have DEVELOPED. They have changed over millions and millions of years. You don't know it was deliberate. And again, if it were deliberate then the thing that made them had to have been made. But you don't have any argument for how that could have happened. So, you're ignoring the bigger picture and focusing on the smaller things and then trying to tell me you just "know".

The reality is you don't know. You BELIEVE, you want to believe, which is fine, but you're then trying to argue the case with people, and you have nothing other than something you've made up. It's like me coming on here and saying that Margret Thatcher is the President of the USA. I don't know it, there's no evidence for it, I just believe it, and if you argue against me, I'll just say that it is so because I know it is so.

I am not a prophet,; I am just a man who has your attention.

I have it because I am supposed to.
Being for real is this: You don't know, I don't know. You shouldn't pretend you do and I shouldn't either. It's quite simple. How can you say there is a God when you don't know? That's being real.

I can step outside and look at a bird and know there is a God. That I can do, now what I cannot do is show you what I see. We can only be conscious of , those things we are conscious of.

But you don't "know", you've just decided this is the case. It's like me walking out of my door, see a bird and "know" that today is Friday. You said "its called being real" and then you turn around and don't do real.

How are you conscious of there being a god when you see a bird? You're not. It's merely you've decided this is the case and will stick to it no matter what. This isn't real. You're perfectly free to do this, but to then tell me that you're talking about reality... well....

I cannot reason God to a mind that is unreasonable about God. You don't get it , because your not supposed to. I see there being a God because I am supposed to. I am a man because I am supposed to be one. You are not conscious of God because your not supposed to be.

I"Know" there is a God because in my mind I was deliberately convinced. If you walk down a street and see a dime on the ground you think nothing of it , you go further and see 3 dimes on the ground, now you suspect something , you go further and see 100 dimes on the ground in rows of ten, and each dime perfectly standing on their edges, now you can " Know" that this was " Deliberately done." I see birds , the earth , the universe, and in my conscious mind I know it was deliberate , it exist because its supposed to exist , and I am comfortable knowing it was deliberately done.

And I am satisfied that I hold no need to convince you of it.

Wow, you're a prophet now. The last guy I knew who thought he was a prophet was a whacko.

You "know" there is a God simply because you have decided this is the case. Maybe you've been made to believe there is a God, just like many women are designed to like small things and like having dolls and stuff. That doesn't mean it's proof there is a God. It's just proof that you can decide things that potentially aren't there.

Yes, you can see something like coins in a row and BELIEVE it was deliberately done. You might be wrong, but the chances of something MAN MADE ending up in nice little patterns isn't likely. I can reason this based on the rules of science.

However your logic doesn't pass over to birds. What we know is that these birds have DEVELOPED. They have changed over millions and millions of years. You don't know it was deliberate. And again, if it were deliberate then the thing that made them had to have been made. But you don't have any argument for how that could have happened. So, you're ignoring the bigger picture and focusing on the smaller things and then trying to tell me you just "know".

The reality is you don't know. You BELIEVE, you want to believe, which is fine, but you're then trying to argue the case with people, and you have nothing other than something you've made up. It's like me coming on here and saying that Margret Thatcher is the President of the USA. I don't know it, there's no evidence for it, I just believe it, and if you argue against me, I'll just say that it is so because I know it is so.

I am not a prophet,; I am just a man who has your attention.

I have it because I am supposed to.

Oh come on. This is getting more and more surreal every post.

You have my attention because, well, you're not like the majority on this board that merely insult at every chance they get. However you aren't convincing me of anything.
If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe? :dunno:
Hillary? Is that you?
So you don't know? That's what I thought.
lol, I was making a joke. Take it easy Hillary.
So you still don't know? Got it.
You will never get it until you reach rock bottom and even then it is iffy.
Look, it's simple, either answer the question or else it means you don't know and have no answer. Here goes: If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe?
Horse and Bull Shit! Mankind is just a smarter ape. When they die they die. People who fall for that resurrection and meeting in heaven bullshit are perfect game for a carnival barker. Back up a few hundred years and there were dozens of gods who were supposed to provide that nonsense.

Why should I pay attention to someone who can speak a sentence without abusing the human language?

I don't give a rats ass whether you pay attention or not. You believe a fairy tale.......that's all I need to know.

Eh yo, cursing is loss of cool and foolish childish conjecture. Your distasteful language is worse than a fairy tale, and a bad example for children.[/QUOTE

Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Jesus ar

I have three children, eight grandchilden and two great grandchildren. Two were missing when everyone gathered for Christmas this year. None of them thinks their Daddy...granddaddy is anything but the best. By the way....if you believe my name has anything to do with "Campbell" you're not very smart. I've been in online chat rooms, forums and discussion groups since I retired in the spring of 1994 and not once have I ever used my real name. Yeah.....I know about the ISP but so far I've not had any trouble. Are you gonna "Hack" me?
Horse and Bull Shit! Mankind is just a smarter ape. When they die they die. People who fall for that resurrection and meeting in heaven bullshit are perfect game for a carnival barker. Back up a few hundred years and there were dozens of gods who were supposed to provide that nonsense.

Why should I pay attention to someone who can speak a sentence without abusing the human language?

I don't give a rats ass whether you pay attention or not. You believe a fairy tale.......that's all I need to know.

Suggested reading for your fairy tale

Is God Real?

One mans ending is another mans beginning ; one persons fairy tale is another persons fairy truth with saber tooth tact.

You know what you can do with your ancient "God Tale!" Let somebody re-write it again like Constantine did in the fourth century. That tale and others just like it have been around for thousands of years:

10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus - Listverse

Interesting real figures , I wonder why none of them had the real effect on history and reality that Jesus did? Could you explain that?

A bunch of ape like creatures who aren't smart enough to live one lifetime and then die and get out of the way. This "chosen" group has a castle waiting in the sky with golden gates. LMAO!
We are alive, we exist , we were created to live with God! Life is a gift. I know there are some who actually believe that life is the result of extra ordinary circumstances that literally created themselves. They think every outstanding step in life, took those steps on its own; they think the universe crawled out from nothing and each star and planet decided on its own , to bring itself into existence. Of course then they just had the ability to align themselves in space and mass produce a stunning universe with an invisible mind like purpose. And earth just got beside itself and made itself pregnant with all kinds of self creating life. Well I don't subscribe to such incredible denial!

I view life as a result of life - and that mother source is what I call God. And God created all life freely! And humanity was given life as a gift! We don't have to pay for it. We don't have to go through all those religious obstacle courses. We are not bound by the Christian demands on the unbeliever. In Romans 5:18 , " Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life!"

This means because of Adam , we all faced condemnation , because the serpent got the best of humanity ; that one man messed it up for us all! Does not seem fair does it. This one joker messed us all up. But by that same Godly math, one man came along and made ALL this right with God ; one man gave us all the FREE gift of being justified , being totally forgiven, being set free from all the religious requirements , all unbelievers are free from all the Christian teachings that condemn them.

The free Gift of God is already yours!
Life is a torturous existence. Life is hell. Fuck you!

Oh haven't you figured it out? The holy rollers never do anything wrong and if they do all they have to do is ask the master score keeper in the sky to forgive them. They are destined for a set of golden gates and the rest of us can suck wind. It's absolutely amazing what a bunch of otherwise intelligent people will fall for. P T Barnum said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute!" The suckers are the ones who dress in their finest and drive their SUV's to a meeting on Sunday and willingly hand 10% of their wealth to a useless bunch of bastards who should search for a way to make an honest living. Look at a couple of samples of where the country's wealth is!!


We are alive, we exist , we were created to live with God! Life is a gift. I know there are some who actually believe that life is the result of extra ordinary circumstances that literally created themselves. They think every outstanding step in life, took those steps on its own; they think the universe crawled out from nothing and each star and planet decided on its own , to bring itself into existence. Of course then they just had the ability to align themselves in space and mass produce a stunning universe with an invisible mind like purpose. And earth just got beside itself and made itself pregnant with all kinds of self creating life. Well I don't subscribe to such incredible denial!

I view life as a result of life - and that mother source is what I call God. And God created all life freely! And humanity was given life as a gift! We don't have to pay for it. We don't have to go through all those religious obstacle courses. We are not bound by the Christian demands on the unbeliever. In Romans 5:18 , " Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life!"

This means because of Adam , we all faced condemnation , because the serpent got the best of humanity ; that one man messed it up for us all! Does not seem fair does it. This one joker messed us all up. But by that same Godly math, one man came along and made ALL this right with God ; one man gave us all the FREE gift of being justified , being totally forgiven, being set free from all the religious requirements , all unbelievers are free from all the Christian teachings that condemn them.

The free Gift of God is already yours!
Life is a torturous existence. Life is hell. Fuck you!

Oh haven't you figured it out? The holy rollers never do anything wrong and if they do all they have to do is ask the master score keeper in the sky to forgive them. They are destined for a set of golden gates and the rest of us can suck wind. It's absolutely amazing what a bunch of otherwise intelligent people will fall for. P T Barnum said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute!" The suckers are the ones who dress in their finest and drive their SUV's to a meeting on Sunday and willingly hand 10% of their wealth to a useless bunch of bastards who should search for a way to make an honest living. Look at a couple of samples of where the country's wealth is!!



I like the way the holy rollers have a much better grasp of the human language than you do; they can speak a sentence without cursing ; something simple that you seem to be devoid of. I grow tired of your nasty words.

If your ears are that tender I strongly suspect that like most today you've never been in the United States military. See...they came up with a system and a scheme which requires those who can't afford college to serve in the U S's the only place they can get an education. It began in 1973 when Nixon ended the military draft. Rich folk's kids haven't done their part since.

By the way....tell me what I said that offended you so much and I won't say it again!
Last edited:
If the gift of god is already mine, then why all the preaching to get people to believe? Like, who cares then? :dunno:
Hillary? Is that you?
So you don't know? That's what I thought.
lol, I was making a joke. Take it easy Hillary.
So you still don't know? Got it.
You will never get it until you reach rock bottom and even then it is iffy.
Look, it's simple, either answer the question or else it means you don't know and have no answer. Here goes: If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe?
It will fill the void you are attempting to fill.
If the gift of god is already mine, then why all the preaching to get people to believe? Like, who cares then? :dunno:
There's no one preaching. This is a religious forum. You come here for conflict. That's how you entertain yourself.
So you don't know? That's what I thought.
lol, I was making a joke. Take it easy Hillary.
So you still don't know? Got it.
You will never get it until you reach rock bottom and even then it is iffy.
Look, it's simple, either answer the question or else it means you don't know and have no answer. Here goes: If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe?
It will fill the void you are attempting to fill.
So I have god in me but that can still make me feel empty? So I have to believe in something totally unproven to fill the void? Wow, your standards are really low.
lol, I was making a joke. Take it easy Hillary.
So you still don't know? Got it.
You will never get it until you reach rock bottom and even then it is iffy.
Look, it's simple, either answer the question or else it means you don't know and have no answer. Here goes: If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe?
It will fill the void you are attempting to fill.
So I have god in me but that can still make me feel empty? So I have to believe in something totally unproven to fill the void? Wow, your standards are really low.
No. You do that all your own. That's why you are here. You are filling a hole.
If the gift of god is already mine, then why all the preaching to get people to believe? Like, who cares then? :dunno:
There's no one preaching. This is a religious forum. You come here for conflict. That's how you entertain yourself.
Like the people who come to my door preaching... TV pastors... people who push creationism in schools...
If the gift of god is already mine, then why all the preaching to get people to believe? Like, who cares then? :dunno:
There's no one preaching. This is a religious forum. You come here for conflict. That's how you entertain yourself.
Like the people who come to my door preaching... TV pastors... people who push creationism in schools...
No one is coming to your door now. You come here to fill your void.
I can step outside and look at a bird and know there is a God. That I can do, now what I cannot do is show you what I see. We can only be conscious of , those things we are conscious of.

But you don't "know", you've just decided this is the case. It's like me walking out of my door, see a bird and "know" that today is Friday. You said "its called being real" and then you turn around and don't do real.

How are you conscious of there being a god when you see a bird? You're not. It's merely you've decided this is the case and will stick to it no matter what. This isn't real. You're perfectly free to do this, but to then tell me that you're talking about reality... well....

I cannot reason God to a mind that is unreasonable about God. You don't get it , because your not supposed to. I see there being a God because I am supposed to. I am a man because I am supposed to be one. You are not conscious of God because your not supposed to be.

I"Know" there is a God because in my mind I was deliberately convinced. If you walk down a street and see a dime on the ground you think nothing of it , you go further and see 3 dimes on the ground, now you suspect something , you go further and see 100 dimes on the ground in rows of ten, and each dime perfectly standing on their edges, now you can " Know" that this was " Deliberately done." I see birds , the earth , the universe, and in my conscious mind I know it was deliberate , it exist because its supposed to exist , and I am comfortable knowing it was deliberately done.

And I am satisfied that I hold no need to convince you of it.

Wow, you're a prophet now. The last guy I knew who thought he was a prophet was a whacko.

You "know" there is a God simply because you have decided this is the case. Maybe you've been made to believe there is a God, just like many women are designed to like small things and like having dolls and stuff. That doesn't mean it's proof there is a God. It's just proof that you can decide things that potentially aren't there.

Yes, you can see something like coins in a row and BELIEVE it was deliberately done. You might be wrong, but the chances of something MAN MADE ending up in nice little patterns isn't likely. I can reason this based on the rules of science.

However your logic doesn't pass over to birds. What we know is that these birds have DEVELOPED. They have changed over millions and millions of years. You don't know it was deliberate. And again, if it were deliberate then the thing that made them had to have been made. But you don't have any argument for how that could have happened. So, you're ignoring the bigger picture and focusing on the smaller things and then trying to tell me you just "know".

The reality is you don't know. You BELIEVE, you want to believe, which is fine, but you're then trying to argue the case with people, and you have nothing other than something you've made up. It's like me coming on here and saying that Margret Thatcher is the President of the USA. I don't know it, there's no evidence for it, I just believe it, and if you argue against me, I'll just say that it is so because I know it is so.

I am not a prophet,; I am just a man who has your attention.

I have it because I am supposed to.

Oh come on. This is getting more and more surreal every post.

You have my attention because, well, you're not like the majority on this board that merely insult at every chance they get. However you aren't convincing me of anything.

I hold no interest in convincing you of anything. You are where you are , because your supposed to be there in your consciousness.
Why should I pay attention to someone who can speak a sentence without abusing the human language?

I don't give a rats ass whether you pay attention or not. You believe a fairy tale.......that's all I need to know.

Eh yo, cursing is loss of cool and foolish childish conjecture. Your distasteful language is worse than a fairy tale, and a bad example for children.[/QUOTE

Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Jesus ar

I have three children, eight grandchilden and two great grandchildren. Two were missing when everyone gathered for Christmas this year. None of them thinks their Daddy...granddaddy is anything but the best. By the way....if you believe my name has anything to do with "Campbell" you're not very smart. I've been in online chat rooms, forums and discussion groups since I retired in the spring of 1994 and not once have I ever used my real name. Yeah.....I know about the ISP but so far I've not had any trouble. Are you gonna "Hack" me?
Why should I pay attention to someone who can speak a sentence without abusing the human language?

I don't give a rats ass whether you pay attention or not. You believe a fairy tale.......that's all I need to know.

Suggested reading for your fairy tale

Is God Real?

One mans ending is another mans beginning ; one persons fairy tale is another persons fairy truth with saber tooth tact.

You know what you can do with your ancient "God Tale!" Let somebody re-write it again like Constantine did in the fourth century. That tale and others just like it have been around for thousands of years:

10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus - Listverse

Interesting real figures , I wonder why none of them had the real effect on history and reality that Jesus did? Could you explain that?

A bunch of ape like creatures who aren't smart enough to live one lifetime and then die and get out of the way. This "chosen" group has a castle waiting in the sky with golden gates. LMAO!

My consciousness is not trapped into believing that we came from the hierarchy of the idiotic bloodline of speechless apes. Such nonsense has never taken residence in my mind.

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