The free gift of God is already yours!

The free gift of God is life eternal. No if , ands or buts about it, God is giving us the deal of the century.

He must really love us all.

Wow. To live forever.

That ancient god story is a crock of man made shit! Like I said....with nearly a billion children starving and dying from malnutrition the church is loaded with stained glass, expensive musical instruments etc. Why don't they just feed the children and leave off the high dollar investments? That way the guys who speak for 45 minutes on Sunday can start looking for an honest way to make a living. Show me one mention of a church in the new testament. Let me help's not there.

Your language is man made mouth trash. Not fit for children to read. Nothing you say has any meaning because you use trash.
So you don't know? That's what I thought.
lol, I was making a joke. Take it easy Hillary.
So you still don't know? Got it.
You will never get it until you reach rock bottom and even then it is iffy.
Look, it's simple, either answer the question or else it means you don't know and have no answer. Here goes: If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe?
If God is already inside of you, the Holy Ghost, and you don't believe it means you are forsaking yourself. Every sin can be forgivin except one.

All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.
The free gift of God is life eternal. No if , ands or buts about it, God is giving us the deal of the century.

He must really love us all.

Wow. To live forever.

That ancient god story is a crock of man made shit! Like I said....with nearly a billion children starving and dying from malnutrition the church is loaded with stained glass, expensive musical instruments etc. Why don't they just feed the children and leave off the high dollar investments? That way the guys who speak for 45 minutes on Sunday can start looking for an honest way to make a living. Show me one mention of a church in the new testament. Let me help's not there.

Your language is man made mouth trash. Not fit for children to read. Nothing you say has any meaning because you use trash.

They're called FACTS!!!!

You should try to adapt!
The free gift of God is life eternal. No if , ands or buts about it, God is giving us the deal of the century.

He must really love us all.

Wow. To live forever.

That ancient god story is a crock of man made shit! Like I said....with nearly a billion children starving and dying from malnutrition the church is loaded with stained glass, expensive musical instruments etc. Why don't they just feed the children and leave off the high dollar investments? That way the guys who speak for 45 minutes on Sunday can start looking for an honest way to make a living. Show me one mention of a church in the new testament. Let me help's not there.

Your language is man made mouth trash. Not fit for children to read. Nothing you say has any meaning because you use trash.

They're called FACTS!!!!

You should try to adapt!

Do you think the children who read your trashy cursing should also try to adapt to such a rape of the human language?
I want you to know this , the free gift of salvation is already yours. You need to know this truth , because it will free your mind of all the things that have been weighing you down. All the trapping doubts , all the reasons you have been telling yourself that you won't make it ; John 8:32,"You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

Truth and freedom go hand in hand.
The gift brothers ; the free gift sisters! Enjoy Phil.3:21, This is what God is going to do ; " Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like his glorious body, according to the working where by he is able to subdue all things unto himself." Jesus and God are going to change us, and those of us who are rebels, they will " Subdue" them all and change them too.

Praise God , even unbelievers will be loved.
In Matt.5: 44 Jesus teaches to "Love your enemies", why would he teach that if he did not love his enemies? The free gift of salvation is based on that love;

The Love of God is free
Our lives were freely given
The salvation of God is free
lol, I was making a joke. Take it easy Hillary.
So you still don't know? Got it.
You will never get it until you reach rock bottom and even then it is iffy.
Look, it's simple, either answer the question or else it means you don't know and have no answer. Here goes: If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe?
If God is already inside of you, the Holy Ghost, and you don't believe it means you are forsaking yourself. Every sin can be forgivin except one.

All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.

The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.
So you still don't know? Got it.
You will never get it until you reach rock bottom and even then it is iffy.
Look, it's simple, either answer the question or else it means you don't know and have no answer. Here goes: If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe?
If God is already inside of you, the Holy Ghost, and you don't believe it means you are forsaking yourself. Every sin can be forgivin except one.

All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.

The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.
You will never get it until you reach rock bottom and even then it is iffy.
Look, it's simple, either answer the question or else it means you don't know and have no answer. Here goes: If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe?
If God is already inside of you, the Holy Ghost, and you don't believe it means you are forsaking yourself. Every sin can be forgivin except one.

All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.

The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered In Psalms 85:2 All sin is covered , don't let this JW scare you.
You will never get it until you reach rock bottom and even then it is iffy.
Look, it's simple, either answer the question or else it means you don't know and have no answer. Here goes: If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe?
If God is already inside of you, the Holy Ghost, and you don't believe it means you are forsaking yourself. Every sin can be forgivin except one.

All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.

The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Ps. 85:2 all sin is covered.
You will never get it until you reach rock bottom and even then it is iffy.
Look, it's simple, either answer the question or else it means you don't know and have no answer. Here goes: If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe?
If God is already inside of you, the Holy Ghost, and you don't believe it means you are forsaking yourself. Every sin can be forgivin except one.

All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.

The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Yes Jesus died while sin was still apart of mortal lives--that opened the door to them-- Just as Jesus taught--one must enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( in Gods kingdom) FEW are the ones finding it. for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION.

No mistakes in that statement. Few will enter Gods kingdom= be saved--receive grace and salvation=FEW.
Look, it's simple, either answer the question or else it means you don't know and have no answer. Here goes: If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe?
If God is already inside of you, the Holy Ghost, and you don't believe it means you are forsaking yourself. Every sin can be forgivin except one.

All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.

The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Ps. 85:2 all sin is covered.

That was Pre Jesus--- Paul was clear at Heb 10:26-- no sacrifice left( Jesus sacrifice) for any who practice sin.
Jesus taught the same at Matt 7:21-23--a worker of iniquity = a practicer of sin or willfull sin.
Look, it's simple, either answer the question or else it means you don't know and have no answer. Here goes: If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe?
If God is already inside of you, the Holy Ghost, and you don't believe it means you are forsaking yourself. Every sin can be forgivin except one.

All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.

The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Yes Jesus died while sin was still apart of mortal lives--that opened the door to them-- Just as Jesus taught--one must enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( in Gods kingdom) FEW are the ones finding it. for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION.

No mistakes in that statement. Few will enter Gods kingdom= be saved--receive grace and salvation=FEW.
Jesus already died for our sins, so that bill is paid. Thanx bro.
That would explain why they steal each other's stuff, including spouses.
BUT WAIT, you mean that is when they suddenly reject that already paid nonsense?
Look, it's simple, either answer the question or else it means you don't know and have no answer. Here goes: If god is already inside of me, what difference does it make what I believe?
If God is already inside of you, the Holy Ghost, and you don't believe it means you are forsaking yourself. Every sin can be forgivin except one.

All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.

The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Yes Jesus died while sin was still apart of mortal lives--that opened the door to them-- Just as Jesus taught--one must enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( in Gods kingdom) FEW are the ones finding it. for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION.

No mistakes in that statement. Few will enter Gods kingdom= be saved--receive grace and salvation=FEW.

Why build an unending Kingdom place and universe , why create billions of humans , only to have a few survive? The JW's teach the survival of the fittest program.
If God is already inside of you, the Holy Ghost, and you don't believe it means you are forsaking yourself. Every sin can be forgivin except one.

All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.

The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Yes Jesus died while sin was still apart of mortal lives--that opened the door to them-- Just as Jesus taught--one must enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( in Gods kingdom) FEW are the ones finding it. for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION.

No mistakes in that statement. Few will enter Gods kingdom= be saved--receive grace and salvation=FEW.

Why build an unending Kingdom place and universe , why create billions of humans , only to have a few survive? The JW's teach the survival of the fittest program.
Why build a kingdom and then give a whole bunch of people cancer?
All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.

The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Yes Jesus died while sin was still apart of mortal lives--that opened the door to them-- Just as Jesus taught--one must enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( in Gods kingdom) FEW are the ones finding it. for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION.

No mistakes in that statement. Few will enter Gods kingdom= be saved--receive grace and salvation=FEW.

Why build an unending Kingdom place and universe , why create billions of humans , only to have a few survive? The JW's teach the survival of the fittest program.
Why build a kingdom and then give a whole bunch of people cancer?

I have cancer myself and only so long to live ,I look forward to the Kingdom.
The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Yes Jesus died while sin was still apart of mortal lives--that opened the door to them-- Just as Jesus taught--one must enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( in Gods kingdom) FEW are the ones finding it. for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION.

No mistakes in that statement. Few will enter Gods kingdom= be saved--receive grace and salvation=FEW.

Why build an unending Kingdom place and universe , why create billions of humans , only to have a few survive? The JW's teach the survival of the fittest program.
Why build a kingdom and then give a whole bunch of people cancer?

I have cancer myself and only so long to live ,I look forward to the Kingdom.
Sorry to hear that, hope you find what you're looking for.
If God is already inside of you, the Holy Ghost, and you don't believe it means you are forsaking yourself. Every sin can be forgivin except one.

All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.

The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Yes Jesus died while sin was still apart of mortal lives--that opened the door to them-- Just as Jesus taught--one must enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( in Gods kingdom) FEW are the ones finding it. for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION.

No mistakes in that statement. Few will enter Gods kingdom= be saved--receive grace and salvation=FEW.
Jesus already died for our sins, so that bill is paid. Thanx bro.

If your post is true--then why has every one who lived--died and paid the wages of sin themselves???

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