The free gift of God is already yours!

If God is already inside of you, the Holy Ghost, and you don't believe it means you are forsaking yourself. Every sin can be forgivin except one.

All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.

The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Yes Jesus died while sin was still apart of mortal lives--that opened the door to them-- Just as Jesus taught--one must enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( in Gods kingdom) FEW are the ones finding it. for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION.

No mistakes in that statement. Few will enter Gods kingdom= be saved--receive grace and salvation=FEW.

Why build an unending Kingdom place and universe , why create billions of humans , only to have a few survive? The JW's teach the survival of the fittest program.

There are requirements on the mortals part--- most are being lied to and do not hold up their own end of the deal.
God desires--ALL-- to repent---most refuse outright.
Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Yes Jesus died while sin was still apart of mortal lives--that opened the door to them-- Just as Jesus taught--one must enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( in Gods kingdom) FEW are the ones finding it. for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION.

No mistakes in that statement. Few will enter Gods kingdom= be saved--receive grace and salvation=FEW.

Why build an unending Kingdom place and universe , why create billions of humans , only to have a few survive? The JW's teach the survival of the fittest program.
Why build a kingdom and then give a whole bunch of people cancer?

I have cancer myself and only so long to live ,I look forward to the Kingdom.
Sorry to hear that, hope you find what you're looking for.

Thank you Mudda.
All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.

The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Yes Jesus died while sin was still apart of mortal lives--that opened the door to them-- Just as Jesus taught--one must enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( in Gods kingdom) FEW are the ones finding it. for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION.

No mistakes in that statement. Few will enter Gods kingdom= be saved--receive grace and salvation=FEW.
Jesus already died for our sins, so that bill is paid. Thanx bro.

If your post is true--then why has every one who lived--died and paid the wages of sin themselves???

The death of humans has not given the world divine pardon, but the death of Jesus has. It is the job of JW's to find humans guilty of sin, it was Jesus job to save them from believers like the JW's ; 1 John 4:14.Jehovah gave Jesus a job to be the Savior of the world , the main people the world needs saving from is condemning Jehovah's witnesses and other self righteous believers in God.
All sin is forgiven, there are no exceptions.

The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Yes Jesus died while sin was still apart of mortal lives--that opened the door to them-- Just as Jesus taught--one must enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( in Gods kingdom) FEW are the ones finding it. for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION.

No mistakes in that statement. Few will enter Gods kingdom= be saved--receive grace and salvation=FEW.
Jesus already died for our sins, so that bill is paid. Thanx bro.

If your post is true--then why has every one who lived--died and paid the wages of sin themselves???
To whom and what?
No matter how religious people try ,they cannot regulate salvation. You can't create a roll call and shut people out.
The wages sin pays is death--if all sin was covered, no one would have to die. As well in Rev it teaches who will be thrown into the lake of fire-- as well 1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--both spots teach--if one does these unacceptable sins--they will NOT enter Gods kingdom.
Heb 10:26--any who practice sin, Jesus sacrifice does not cover them.

Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Yes Jesus died while sin was still apart of mortal lives--that opened the door to them-- Just as Jesus taught--one must enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( in Gods kingdom) FEW are the ones finding it. for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION.

No mistakes in that statement. Few will enter Gods kingdom= be saved--receive grace and salvation=FEW.
Jesus already died for our sins, so that bill is paid. Thanx bro.

If your post is true--then why has every one who lived--died and paid the wages of sin themselves???

The death of humans has not given the world divine pardon, but the death of Jesus has. It is the job of JW's to find humans guilty of sin, it was Jesus job to save them from believers like the JW's ; 1 John 4:14.Jehovah gave Jesus a job to be the Savior of the world , the main people the world needs saving from is condemning Jehovah's witnesses and other self righteous believers in God.

Its always best to believe Jesus---FEW will find the road to life( everlasting)
The bible teach 2 different truths..twisting it does.
Romans 5:8" While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." While we were practicng sin Jesus died for us. JW's cannot change scripture ,they just think they can. All sin is covered.

Yes Jesus died while sin was still apart of mortal lives--that opened the door to them-- Just as Jesus taught--one must enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( in Gods kingdom) FEW are the ones finding it. for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION.

No mistakes in that statement. Few will enter Gods kingdom= be saved--receive grace and salvation=FEW.
Jesus already died for our sins, so that bill is paid. Thanx bro.

If your post is true--then why has every one who lived--died and paid the wages of sin themselves???

The death of humans has not given the world divine pardon, but the death of Jesus has. It is the job of JW's to find humans guilty of sin, it was Jesus job to save them from believers like the JW's ; 1 John 4:14.Jehovah gave Jesus a job to be the Savior of the world , the main people the world needs saving from is condemning Jehovah's witnesses and other self righteous believers in God.

Its always best to believe Jesus---FEW will find the road to life( everlasting)
The bible teach 2 different truths..twisting it does.

You can't shut people out of the Kingdom, that is demonic.
Yes Jesus died while sin was still apart of mortal lives--that opened the door to them-- Just as Jesus taught--one must enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( in Gods kingdom) FEW are the ones finding it. for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION.

No mistakes in that statement. Few will enter Gods kingdom= be saved--receive grace and salvation=FEW.
Jesus already died for our sins, so that bill is paid. Thanx bro.

If your post is true--then why has every one who lived--died and paid the wages of sin themselves???

The death of humans has not given the world divine pardon, but the death of Jesus has. It is the job of JW's to find humans guilty of sin, it was Jesus job to save them from believers like the JW's ; 1 John 4:14.Jehovah gave Jesus a job to be the Savior of the world , the main people the world needs saving from is condemning Jehovah's witnesses and other self righteous believers in God.

Its always best to believe Jesus---FEW will find the road to life( everlasting)
The bible teach 2 different truths..twisting it does.

You can't shut people out of the Kingdom, that is demonic.

God set before all--Deut 30:19-- Life or death--- both are everlasting--Few choose correctly. Actions prove a gazillion x more than ones words do.
Jesus already died for our sins, so that bill is paid. Thanx bro.

If your post is true--then why has every one who lived--died and paid the wages of sin themselves???

The death of humans has not given the world divine pardon, but the death of Jesus has. It is the job of JW's to find humans guilty of sin, it was Jesus job to save them from believers like the JW's ; 1 John 4:14.Jehovah gave Jesus a job to be the Savior of the world , the main people the world needs saving from is condemning Jehovah's witnesses and other self righteous believers in God.

Its always best to believe Jesus---FEW will find the road to life( everlasting)
The bible teach 2 different truths..twisting it does.

You can't shut people out of the Kingdom, that is demonic.

God set before all--Deut 30:19-- Life or death--- both are everlasting--Few choose correctly. Actions prove a gazillion x more than ones words do.

You are being deceptive, that scripture has absolutely nothing to do with the salvation of humanity. That scripture is called "The Palestinian covenant", it was a specific warning to Israel concerning the physical promise land , it was not a salvation verse addressed to humanity.
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We are alive, we exist , we were created to live with God! Life is a gift. I know there are some who actually believe that life is the result of extra ordinary circumstances that literally created themselves. They think every outstanding step in life, took those steps on its own; they think the universe crawled out from nothing and each star and planet decided on its own , to bring itself into existence. Of course then they just had the ability to align themselves in space and mass produce a stunning universe with an invisible mind like purpose. And earth just got beside itself and made itself pregnant with all kinds of self creating life. Well I don't subscribe to such incredible denial!

I view life as a result of life - and that mother source is what I call God. And God created all life freely! And humanity was given life as a gift! We don't have to pay for it. We don't have to go through all those religious obstacle courses. We are not bound by the Christian demands on the unbeliever. In Romans 5:18 , " Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life!"

This means because of Adam , we all faced condemnation , because the serpent got the best of humanity ; that one man messed it up for us all! Does not seem fair does it. This one joker messed us all up. But by that same Godly math, one man came along and made ALL this right with God ; one man gave us all the FREE gift of being justified , being totally forgiven, being set free from all the religious requirements , all unbelievers are free from all the Christian teachings that condemn them.

The free Gift of God is already yours!
You aren't giving the story of the garden nearly enough juice.

Adam's act of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil is a highly informative (and accurate) allegorical demonstration of human nature - a nature that includes self pride, etc. - characteristics that would cause Adam (and mankind) to lust after the fruit of such a tree. That is, one must ask why Adam lusted after fruit from that tree.

Blaming it on the serpent is a cheap out leaving Adam merely weak and irresponsible - not significant when considering the root motivations of the real problems of mankind as represented in, for example, the seven deadly sins.

And, yes, it is an allegory, or you have to believe that the "Tree of Life" and the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" went extinct!! Do you really think the "Tree of Life" would just die?
If your post is true--then why has every one who lived--died and paid the wages of sin themselves???

The death of humans has not given the world divine pardon, but the death of Jesus has. It is the job of JW's to find humans guilty of sin, it was Jesus job to save them from believers like the JW's ; 1 John 4:14.Jehovah gave Jesus a job to be the Savior of the world , the main people the world needs saving from is condemning Jehovah's witnesses and other self righteous believers in God.

Its always best to believe Jesus---FEW will find the road to life( everlasting)
The bible teach 2 different truths..twisting it does.

You can't shut people out of the Kingdom, that is demonic.

God set before all--Deut 30:19-- Life or death--- both are everlasting--Few choose correctly. Actions prove a gazillion x more than ones words do.

You are being deceptive, that scripture has absolutely nothing to do with the salvation of humanity. That scripture is called "The Palestinian covenant", it was a specific warning to Israel concerning the physical promise land , it was not a salvation verse addressed to humanity.

YHWH(Jehovah) will show all of us soon.
The death of humans has not given the world divine pardon, but the death of Jesus has. It is the job of JW's to find humans guilty of sin, it was Jesus job to save them from believers like the JW's ; 1 John 4:14.Jehovah gave Jesus a job to be the Savior of the world , the main people the world needs saving from is condemning Jehovah's witnesses and other self righteous believers in God.

Its always best to believe Jesus---FEW will find the road to life( everlasting)
The bible teach 2 different truths..twisting it does.

You can't shut people out of the Kingdom, that is demonic.

God set before all--Deut 30:19-- Life or death--- both are everlasting--Few choose correctly. Actions prove a gazillion x more than ones words do.

You are being deceptive, that scripture has absolutely nothing to do with the salvation of humanity. That scripture is called "The Palestinian covenant", it was a specific warning to Israel concerning the physical promise land , it was not a salvation verse addressed to humanity.

YHWH(Jehovah) will show all of us soon.

Duet. 30:19 is a physical promise from God to allow a physical people to live and their children to live, it has absolutely nothing to do with any of us choosing God for salvation , and it is arcane and deceptive to try and teach that it does. Your religion is simply teaching you the wrong thing ,but you can't see it. Because your so dedicated to it.
Its always best to believe Jesus---FEW will find the road to life( everlasting)
The bible teach 2 different truths..twisting it does.

You can't shut people out of the Kingdom, that is demonic.

God set before all--Deut 30:19-- Life or death--- both are everlasting--Few choose correctly. Actions prove a gazillion x more than ones words do.

You are being deceptive, that scripture has absolutely nothing to do with the salvation of humanity. That scripture is called "The Palestinian covenant", it was a specific warning to Israel concerning the physical promise land , it was not a salvation verse addressed to humanity.

YHWH(Jehovah) will show all of us soon.

Duet. 30:19 is a physical promise from God to allow a physical people to live and their children to live, it has absolutely nothing to do with any of us choosing God for salvation , and it is arcane and deceptive to try and teach that it does. Your religion is simply teaching you the wrong thing ,but you can't see it. Because your so dedicated to it.

You are in error.
This Matt 7:21-23--Heb 10:26 proves it so.
The bible not teach 2 different truths.
You can't shut people out of the Kingdom, that is demonic.

God set before all--Deut 30:19-- Life or death--- both are everlasting--Few choose correctly. Actions prove a gazillion x more than ones words do.

You are being deceptive, that scripture has absolutely nothing to do with the salvation of humanity. That scripture is called "The Palestinian covenant", it was a specific warning to Israel concerning the physical promise land , it was not a salvation verse addressed to humanity.

YHWH(Jehovah) will show all of us soon.

Duet. 30:19 is a physical promise from God to allow a physical people to live and their children to live, it has absolutely nothing to do with any of us choosing God for salvation , and it is arcane and deceptive to try and teach that it does. Your religion is simply teaching you the wrong thing ,but you can't see it. Because your so dedicated to it.

You are in error.
This Matt 7:21-23--Heb 10:26 proves it so.
The bible not teach 2 different truths.

You are so blind and hell minded, just like the religions of this world. You can't even see beyond Jesus saying what what he did in Matt;7:21., he has another far more merciful solution in his power; in Phil. 3:21 He has the power to CHANGE people, and his work is to SUBDUE ALL THINGS to himself! To subdue all those people in Matt; 7:21, because he has the grace , love and forgiveness to do it; you and your religion do not have the grace , love and forgiveness to see this great salvation.

All you see is "Get rid of those unbelievers"; place them in an eternal garbage can.
God set before all--Deut 30:19-- Life or death--- both are everlasting--Few choose correctly. Actions prove a gazillion x more than ones words do.

You are being deceptive, that scripture has absolutely nothing to do with the salvation of humanity. That scripture is called "The Palestinian covenant", it was a specific warning to Israel concerning the physical promise land , it was not a salvation verse addressed to humanity.

YHWH(Jehovah) will show all of us soon.

Duet. 30:19 is a physical promise from God to allow a physical people to live and their children to live, it has absolutely nothing to do with any of us choosing God for salvation , and it is arcane and deceptive to try and teach that it does. Your religion is simply teaching you the wrong thing ,but you can't see it. Because your so dedicated to it.

You are in error.
This Matt 7:21-23--Heb 10:26 proves it so.
The bible not teach 2 different truths.

You are so blind and hell minded, just like the religions of this world. You can't even see beyond Jesus saying what what he did in Matt;7:21., he has another far more merciful solution in his power; in Phil. 3:21 He has the power to CHANGE people, and his work is to SUBDUE ALL THINGS to himself! To subdue all those people in Matt; 7:21, because he has the grace , love and forgiveness to do it; you and your religion do not have the grace , love and forgiveness to see this great salvation.

All you see is "Get rid of those unbelievers"; place them in an eternal garbage can.

Jesus does not contradict himself-- The twisting by minds of mortals does that.
The bible is Gods word--not mine. He said those truths I shared with you.
You are being deceptive, that scripture has absolutely nothing to do with the salvation of humanity. That scripture is called "The Palestinian covenant", it was a specific warning to Israel concerning the physical promise land , it was not a salvation verse addressed to humanity.

YHWH(Jehovah) will show all of us soon.

Duet. 30:19 is a physical promise from God to allow a physical people to live and their children to live, it has absolutely nothing to do with any of us choosing God for salvation , and it is arcane and deceptive to try and teach that it does. Your religion is simply teaching you the wrong thing ,but you can't see it. Because your so dedicated to it.

You are in error.
This Matt 7:21-23--Heb 10:26 proves it so.
The bible not teach 2 different truths.

You are so blind and hell minded, just like the religions of this world. You can't even see beyond Jesus saying what what he did in Matt;7:21., he has another far more merciful solution in his power; in Phil. 3:21 He has the power to CHANGE people, and his work is to SUBDUE ALL THINGS to himself! To subdue all those people in Matt; 7:21, because he has the grace , love and forgiveness to do it; you and your religion do not have the grace , love and forgiveness to see this great salvation.

All you see is "Get rid of those unbelievers"; place them in an eternal garbage can.

Jesus does not contradict himself-- The twisting by minds of mortals does that.
The bible is Gods word--not mine. He said those truths I shared with you.

Oh I am happy with the dialog , so people can see the glaring difference in how scripture can be interpreted. So they can see how the truth can be twisted , and how deadly religion can be , so selfish that a religion can try to hog the salvation of God unto themselves and think nothing of it.
YHWH(Jehovah) will show all of us soon.

Duet. 30:19 is a physical promise from God to allow a physical people to live and their children to live, it has absolutely nothing to do with any of us choosing God for salvation , and it is arcane and deceptive to try and teach that it does. Your religion is simply teaching you the wrong thing ,but you can't see it. Because your so dedicated to it.

You are in error.
This Matt 7:21-23--Heb 10:26 proves it so.
The bible not teach 2 different truths.

You are so blind and hell minded, just like the religions of this world. You can't even see beyond Jesus saying what what he did in Matt;7:21., he has another far more merciful solution in his power; in Phil. 3:21 He has the power to CHANGE people, and his work is to SUBDUE ALL THINGS to himself! To subdue all those people in Matt; 7:21, because he has the grace , love and forgiveness to do it; you and your religion do not have the grace , love and forgiveness to see this great salvation.

All you see is "Get rid of those unbelievers"; place them in an eternal garbage can.

Jesus does not contradict himself-- The twisting by minds of mortals does that.
The bible is Gods word--not mine. He said those truths I shared with you.

Oh I am happy with the dialog , so people can see the glaring difference in how scripture can be interpreted. So they can see how the truth can be twisted , and how deadly religion can be , so selfish that a religion can try to hog the salvation of God unto themselves and think nothing of it.

The bible is clear on who will make it into Gods kingdom--The truth from Jesus--Matt 7:21--Only those living now to do his Fathers( YHWH(Jehovah) will get to enter his kingdom.

How many are serving-YHWH(Jehovah) the way he set forth??
Duet. 30:19 is a physical promise from God to allow a physical people to live and their children to live, it has absolutely nothing to do with any of us choosing God for salvation , and it is arcane and deceptive to try and teach that it does. Your religion is simply teaching you the wrong thing ,but you can't see it. Because your so dedicated to it.

You are in error.
This Matt 7:21-23--Heb 10:26 proves it so.
The bible not teach 2 different truths.

You are so blind and hell minded, just like the religions of this world. You can't even see beyond Jesus saying what what he did in Matt;7:21., he has another far more merciful solution in his power; in Phil. 3:21 He has the power to CHANGE people, and his work is to SUBDUE ALL THINGS to himself! To subdue all those people in Matt; 7:21, because he has the grace , love and forgiveness to do it; you and your religion do not have the grace , love and forgiveness to see this great salvation.

All you see is "Get rid of those unbelievers"; place them in an eternal garbage can.

Jesus does not contradict himself-- The twisting by minds of mortals does that.
The bible is Gods word--not mine. He said those truths I shared with you.

Oh I am happy with the dialog , so people can see the glaring difference in how scripture can be interpreted. So they can see how the truth can be twisted , and how deadly religion can be , so selfish that a religion can try to hog the salvation of God unto themselves and think nothing of it.

The bible is clear on who will make it into Gods kingdom--The truth from Jesus--Matt 7:21--Only those living now to do his Fathers( YHWH(Jehovah) will get to enter his kingdom.

How many are serving-YHWH(Jehovah) the way he set forth??

Your religion cannot read 1John 4:14 the word is bearing witness that the Father sent the Son to be "The Savior of the WORLD!" Your religion is set on a limited number making it , the word here is unlimited; Jesus is charged with saving a WORLD! JWS are charged with Matt. 23:13, to " Shut up the Kingdom from men." You take the kingdom by the violence of limiting it and locking people out.
You are in error.
This Matt 7:21-23--Heb 10:26 proves it so.
The bible not teach 2 different truths.

You are so blind and hell minded, just like the religions of this world. You can't even see beyond Jesus saying what what he did in Matt;7:21., he has another far more merciful solution in his power; in Phil. 3:21 He has the power to CHANGE people, and his work is to SUBDUE ALL THINGS to himself! To subdue all those people in Matt; 7:21, because he has the grace , love and forgiveness to do it; you and your religion do not have the grace , love and forgiveness to see this great salvation.

All you see is "Get rid of those unbelievers"; place them in an eternal garbage can.

Jesus does not contradict himself-- The twisting by minds of mortals does that.
The bible is Gods word--not mine. He said those truths I shared with you.

Oh I am happy with the dialog , so people can see the glaring difference in how scripture can be interpreted. So they can see how the truth can be twisted , and how deadly religion can be , so selfish that a religion can try to hog the salvation of God unto themselves and think nothing of it.

The bible is clear on who will make it into Gods kingdom--The truth from Jesus--Matt 7:21--Only those living now to do his Fathers( YHWH(Jehovah) will get to enter his kingdom.

How many are serving-YHWH(Jehovah) the way he set forth??

Your religion cannot read 1John 4:14 the word is bearing witness that the Father sent the Son to be "The Savior of the WORLD!" Your religion is set on a limited number making it , the word here is unlimited; Jesus is charged with saving a WORLD! JWS are charged with Matt. 23:13, to " Shut up the Kingdom from men." You take the kingdom by the violence of limiting it and locking people out.

Can you understand English??? Jesus said--Enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( salvation) FEW are the ones finding it, For--- MANY--- have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to destruction( lake of fire)

Your way is NOT the way.
You are so blind and hell minded, just like the religions of this world. You can't even see beyond Jesus saying what what he did in Matt;7:21., he has another far more merciful solution in his power; in Phil. 3:21 He has the power to CHANGE people, and his work is to SUBDUE ALL THINGS to himself! To subdue all those people in Matt; 7:21, because he has the grace , love and forgiveness to do it; you and your religion do not have the grace , love and forgiveness to see this great salvation.

All you see is "Get rid of those unbelievers"; place them in an eternal garbage can.

Jesus does not contradict himself-- The twisting by minds of mortals does that.
The bible is Gods word--not mine. He said those truths I shared with you.

Oh I am happy with the dialog , so people can see the glaring difference in how scripture can be interpreted. So they can see how the truth can be twisted , and how deadly religion can be , so selfish that a religion can try to hog the salvation of God unto themselves and think nothing of it.

The bible is clear on who will make it into Gods kingdom--The truth from Jesus--Matt 7:21--Only those living now to do his Fathers( YHWH(Jehovah) will get to enter his kingdom.

How many are serving-YHWH(Jehovah) the way he set forth??

Your religion cannot read 1John 4:14 the word is bearing witness that the Father sent the Son to be "The Savior of the WORLD!" Your religion is set on a limited number making it , the word here is unlimited; Jesus is charged with saving a WORLD! JWS are charged with Matt. 23:13, to " Shut up the Kingdom from men." You take the kingdom by the violence of limiting it and locking people out.

Can you understand English??? Jesus said--Enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( salvation) FEW are the ones finding it, For--- MANY--- have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to destruction( lake of fire)

Your way is NOT the way.

Only "Few" are finding it now, because only few are chosen to find it now. That verse is NOT an unwinding of the future, only the present. You read it so fatalistic , because your religions outlook on salvation is fatalistic.

What about these 600 verses , 600+ Scriptures Confirming Universal Salvation

Can you understand that English? 600 lovely verses that lean toward the salvation of us all. That narrow path that you love so much, is going to be expanded. Your cramped road will look different ; 100 reasons why it will look different ; 100 Scriptural Proofs That Jesus Christ Will Save All Mankind

That's 700 scriptures that changes the doom in that path to destruction scripture you cherish so much. You cherish the doom more than the salvation, because there is no room in your heart to find ways to widen the path.

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